Stick with me here for the thread...because I'm not going to advocate to take your guns unless you are the bad guy.
However, we need to start talking about this. It's way past time.
I certainly don't want to be hanging out when some nut decides to go Dr. Evil's version of Rambo, do you?
Clearly not as much of the last as I'd wish since it's 130 am and I'm up worried about a letter I got from my health insurance.
They do a good job. I am at least cordial with all of the men and women I see regularly and I would hope I haven't told enough bad jokes they would use me as a barrier.
Can you say you do?
For the vast majority of us the answer is "I'd really rather not be in a place where I get to be the duck in a live action game of duck hunter, even if I'm an armed duck"
That's the conversation.
It's at least 2 general sets of solutions, we almost all agree on both - hooray!
We have a real mental health issue in this country.
We don't know how to handle it.
Right now our solutions have been to mostly ignore it, self-medicate, and criminalize it.
Those totally don't work. At all. Not even a bit.
Good news! We have a lot we can throw at this one.
Expand healthcare access
Remove barriers to treatment
Add universal prek
Increase IEP funding
Examine how, why, and for how long we jail
*insert literally at least dozens of other options here*
We have some laws about this. We need to be examining them and figuring out where the cracks are and how to fill those cracks.
We also need to have a long, hard conversation with ourselves about the people we cover for.
Covered for someone when you knew you shouldn't because you like them and/or need them.
We don't need to become a society that taddles on everyone for everything, but we do *need* to stop covering for people we know will hurt others on purpose.
Who hasn't had a moment with a friend at some point in our lives where we realized that needed WAY MORE than an ear and a hug?
It's time to stop that.
Some people should not have butter knives.
Rights are balanced with responsibilities.
We need to be able to talk, not yell or threaten, about those rights, responsibilities and how they intersect.
We need healthcare, particularly mental healthcare.
People who hurt others on purpose probably have some mental health issues.
Most people aren't the bad guys.
Let's do something different. Let's work together on this.
We can save money and lives.
We can all stop the bad guys *before* they get the guns and go back to being fine with good guys having guns if that works for them.