Spamming sex workers.
Why it’s NEVER a good idea
Nope...not ever. Nope not even then. Nope. No. NO!
Even worse, many of these emails have been sent through adverting contact pages.
So basically I’m paying to be spammed.
But please, please, please, please don’t send as unsolicited emails, direct messages or texts.
Don’t. No DON’T!
You don’t have a lot of advertising dollars
You want to directly hit your target audience
Everyone gets spam, you get spam. Why should it bug sex workers so much?
Everyone advertisers like that...
Well we don’t. For one
Imagine of you got a mass text or email from a sex worker you’d never met or intearracted with announcing her product and encouraging you to book!
Likely you’d be mortified, or turned off.
It’s just not appropriate right?
Yes it’s stupid.
A sex workers entire business is the phone and email.
That’s how our clients contact us.
Emails from our clients.
Bills regarding our escort business
That’s it.
It’s not going to be from you spammer.
Not. Ever.
But not through spam.
Get one worker REALLY HAPPY with your work, and I guarantee that’s better than 1000 unsolicited emails.
I know you feel challenged marketing it, but if you follow my suggestions it should go swimmingly.
I look forward to hopefully working with you in the future.
Charlotte x