Carbon Tracker Profile picture
Financial specialists making climate risk visible to financial markets. #EnergyTransition #Renewables #FossilFuels #StrandedAssets
Mary Waggener Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 27, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Our new report: 'Loading the DICE Against Pension Funds' finds investment consultants inc. @Aon, @hymansrobertson & @mercer rely upon flawed economic research to advise pension funds on the impacts of #ClimateChange on members’ portfolios🧵 #ClimateRisk…
Image Author of 'Loading the Dice Against Pension Funds' @ProfSteveKeen warns of an unpleasant, abrupt & wealth destroying “Climate Minsky moment” with a sudden collapse in asset values as markets realise the gap between mainstream economist forecasts & the reality of climate impacts⚠️ Image
Dec 8, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
Our new report 'Paris Maligned' finds #oil & #gas🛢️companies are spending vast sums on new #FossilFuel production that will tip the world past #ParisAgreement goals & towards climate catastrophe… 'Paris Maligned' finds #Exxon, #Shell, Total, #Equinor & other companies approved $58bn in investment that is only needed if #oil & #gas demand reaches the point to push global 🌍 temperatures above 2.5°C🌡️…
Jun 23, 2022 13 tweets 16 min read
Our new report: 'Unburnable #Carbon - 10 Years On' finds global stock markets 🏦 are financing energy companies which are sitting on 3x more #coal, #oil & #gas reserves than can be burned without breaking the 1.5°C Paris climate target… #CarbonBubble 🧵Despite growing urgency to tackle #ClimateChange, 'Unburnable #Carbon' reveals “embedded #emissions” in the #FossilFuel🛢️reserves of companies listed on stock exchanges – the CO2 released if they’re extracted & burned – has grown by nearly 40% since 2012…
Jun 22, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
🧵In 2011, our 1st report: 'Unburnable Carbon: Are the World’s Financial Markets Carrying a #CarbonBubble?' found ~80% of declared reserves of listed #FossilFuel companies were at risk of stranding, if the world stayed below 2˚C temp rise...… Image Since 2011, both #emissions & #FossilFuel🛢️reserves with listed ownership have increased 📈, while the world’s climate policy ambition has strengthened post #ParisAgreement to not exceed 1.5˚C temp🌡️rise🛑… #CarbonBubble
Jan 12, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
Between June 2021 & January 2022, the price of “nature based” #offsets — such as those from tree-planting schemes 🌳🌳 — increased more than 3-fold from around $4.65 per tonne of #carbon to around $14.40, according to S&P Global Platts… #CCUS #NetZero Interest in unregulated #offsets market, has grown with proliferation of #NetZero emission pledges since the #COP26 summit + rising pressure on curbing global warming. Expectations are the voluntary carbon market will grow this yr into a space worth $ Bn's…
Apr 23, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
New report: ‘The Sky’s The Limit’ finds huge falls in the cost of #solar & #wind power have unlocked an energy reserve that can meet world demand 100x over! Most is already economic compared with #FossilFuels… At current growth rates, #renewables will push #FossilFuels out of the electricity sector by 2035, & 2050 could see a world powered entirely by electricity. Author @KingsmillBond says: “we're entering a new era, comparable to the industrial revolution”…
Sep 18, 2019 8 tweets 10 min read
Thread: @BillGates claims fossil fuel #divestment has 'zero' climate impact, and #climatechange activists are 'wasting their time' lobbying investors to ditch #fossilfuel stocks… @BillGates Gates: “#Divestment, to date, probably has reduced about zero tonnes of emissions. It’s not like you’ve capital-starved [the] people making steel and gasoline”…