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Feb 20th 2021
1/ This thread reflects on a recurring problem in discussing the history of #animalstudies, critical animal studies, & human-animal studies. It’s #misogyny. Here’s the jist: feminists & feminist ideas are devalued or ignored only to see our ideas appropriated while we disappear.
2/ This reflects on a recurring problem in animal studies. I will try later to add another thread w/ many citations of impt writings. So this is the first of more to come
3/ In Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth, @last1000chimps & I described how reflections on the development of the animal protection movement usually tell the story of its beginning w/ the publication of @PeterSinger’s Animal Liberation in 1975
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Aug 5th 2020
The podcast @NewBooksAfroAm is a great podcast. Today I learned about a new book, "The Smell of Slavery: #Olfactory #Racism and the Atlantic World," by Andrew Kettler, a new book from #CambridgeUniversityPress.… /1
"Western European defined the #African subject as a scented object, appropriated as filthy to create levels of ownership through discourse that marked African peoples as unable to access spaces of Western modernity." #whitesupremacy… /2
African Americans used smell as #resistance during the centuries of their being held as property in the United States: for instance, putting cayenne on their feet so that dogs could not track them when they set out to claim their freedom./3
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Mar 18th 2020
[THREAD] Les prochaines publications (dates de sortie sous réserve bien évidemment) #veganisme #antispecisme #AnimalStudies ⬇️
Repenser la relation homme-animal : généalogie et perspectives / Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Iribarren, Marie Pelé, Catherine Repussard, Cédric Sueur, L’Harmattan, 2020… ImageImage
Les études animales sont-elles bonnes à penser ? Repenser les sciences, reconfigurer les disciplines / Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Iribarren, Marie Pelé, Catherine Repussard, Cédric Sueur, L’Harmattan, 2020… ImageImage
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