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Equador: Swedish national #OlaBini arrested for connections to #wikileaks.

Johannes Wahlstrรถm:

#JulianAssange's "human rights are violated on a daily basis"

"#JulianAssange is imprisoned for #journalism."

#MikePompeo on lying:

"When I was a cadet, what was the cadet motto at West Point? 'You will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do'? I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like - we had entire training courses!"
Read 311 tweets
#hoax #FakeNews #Assangearrest #LouisianaChurchFires #gemtaria #wtf #qanon

Major fake news the numbers
Today is the 101st day of the year
Julian assange was arrested for hacking
His hacker name was "mendax" wich=101
Julian assange also=101
Then the church burnings..
#JulianAssange #mendax #lousiana #church 101 #gematria for the 101st day of the year
Read 11 tweets

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