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Aug 4th 2022
On Wednesday, reporter Firas Hatoum revealed that the Rhosus, which carried the #AmmoniumNitrate from Georgia to the #BeirutPort, was only one of several similar ships.
After tracing the journey of all the ships that left Georgia between 2012 and 2014, four were found to have already docked in #Beirut, #Tripoli and #Tartus.

According to Hatoum's investigative report aired on Al-Jadeed, the four ships are part of the #Odessa Network,
a group of businessmen, companies and ships accused of transporting arms and war cargo from #Russia and Ukraine to the #AssadRegime in Syria since 2011.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
#Nasrallah’s speech has started.
He is praising his own party for calling for blood donation.
How cute!
*Saint* #Nasrallah offers shelter to the homeless in Dahyia district.
#Nasrallah describes #Lebanon as a country under “American siege”
Read 14 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
The plot thicken
According to some reports, this guy was the Captain of the doomed ship that stopped in #Beirut.
He claims “owner” [still no name], told him to make unscheduled stop in Lebanon.
“order came to divert to Beirut on its way through the Mediterranean.”

How convenient Image
More of the Ammonium nitrate puzzle:
A Lebanese official who died under suspicious circumstances in 2017 had called for the removal of the 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate which arrived at the Port of #Beirut
H/T @BaxtiyarGoran…
Whatever way you look at #BeirutExplosions, it is clear how it linked to the shady business of explosive trade.
Assuming that the storage of #AmmoniumNitrate was just a mere case of innocent neglect is beyond naivity!
Read 3 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
Appears Beirut explosion is validated by various sources now as originating in the port area.…
Read 45 tweets

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