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Feb 13th 2023
🚨:: Does Google use Bounce Back Rate? ::🚨

It's not even 2 years since I last covered this!


#SEO #BounceRate #BounceBackRate #BounceBackToSERP Image

Here's the thread I did at the end of 2021...

But if you don't want to read through that,
I'll do a quick summary here...


Bounce Rate (BR) is an "Analytics" metric.
Dwell Time is a made up metric.
Click Through Rate (CTR) is a SERP metric.

G have stated none are used for Rankings.

But they "do" use user-behaviour in the SERP,
for various things (such as gauging algo performance etc.).

Read 13 tweets
Nov 22nd 2018
Checkout flow have 5-7 screens starting from Cart to Payment Gateway. Imagine the first screen as a Card. These Cards slide down as we press Next. A new card adds at the top with the next set of info. Next & Back arrow at the top of the new card. That way all the information
will be on one page at all point of time throughout the process. Slide down & Review any info at any point of time just before moving into Payment Gateway.

#Quantitative #Analytics #DigitalMarketing #Digital #CreativeCommon #patent #DesignPatent #Wallmart #Mart #Shopify #Magento
Read 4 tweets

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