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Feb 22nd 2018
1 of 80) Please bear with me, because the following is filled with plenty of foul language & I'm taking off the professional mask to speak with you as a human being. I've had enough & I've hit my limit, putting up with all the #MeToo bullshit in #CDNpoli, #ONpoli, & #CDNmedia
2) For the past 2 years, you've been ruining my #FamilyDay because the lot of you picked this holiday to shove an alleged child molester down my throat. It's the ultimate in sick behaviour & your choice of holiday is astounding, to champion the cause of #ChildPorn in #CDNpoli
3) What's worse is that forcing me to say those words actually makes me appear like I'm out-to-lunch. Your outrageous acts of gaslighting, censorship, & obstruction, have made it impossible for anyone to tell the most important #MeToo story in #CDNpoli currently
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