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Aug 21st 2020
I'm not American and I've NEVER VOTED in my own country's Elections (as a matter of principle - because there never has been anyone I would have voted for)! But, listening to @JoeBiden as a fully trained and qualified Virologist ../2..
2) who has spent time as Guest Researcher at both Globally Renowned US Biomedical Institutions: #NCID, #NIH, Bethesda, where I had personally seen #DrAnthonyFauci, visiting LID, during the Laboratory (I was attached to)'s analysis of the Desert Shield Virus plus @CDCgov, Atlanta
..3) whilst on both Research Leave (Spring/Summer 1990-1992) & Sabbatical (1995 & 2008), resp. (from the Malaysian University where I was an Academic, teaching Virology to B.Sc. (Microbiology) undergraduates at the Faculty of Science for 30 years!
Read 5 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
@CNN #DNC2020convention
I'm not even American but I broke down into inconsolable tears and a broken heart when #GabriellGiffords (former #USCongressWoman for Arizona, a victim of #USGunViolence) spoke at the podium, at the end of her video clip! 😭 💔
That @realDonaldTrump is called: #EMPATHY!! Something you don't have an iota or ounce of!! 😣
Read 9 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
Former Deputy AG Sally Yates kicked off her #DNC2020Convention speech by noting that “speaking at a political convention is something I never expected to be doing,” but she argued that the stakes of the election are too high not to
Yates, who served at DOJ under both GOP and Democratic presidents for nearly 30 years, stepped in as the acting chief for 10 days — before Trump fired her for “refusing to defend President Trump's shameful and unlawful Muslim travel ban,” she said…
“From the moment President Trump took office, he's used his position to benefit himself rather than our country,” Yates said, accusing President Trump of attempting to “weaponize” the DOJ.

“Put simply, he treats our country like it's his family business"…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Week 7: Day 1 - Back at it! Another +500 kettlebell swings for a total of 5k for August. On schedule for 10k. #YangGangFitness Make it a great week! 👍 ImageImage
Week 7: Day 2 - Feeling #Yangry after watching Andrew on CNN, I did extra KB swings, +750 for total of 5,750. Great workout for #YangGangFitness. Keep pushing yourselves! 🔥 ImageImage
Week 7: Day 3 - Less energy today, but still progressing. I did +500 kettlebell swings for a total of 6,250. In other news, I’m losing weight! Not my intention. Oh well. I feel great! #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Sure, "polls aren't votes", but 15 pts down means Trump's (ym"sh) vulnerable, dries up fundraising, allows GOP electeds to contradict him publicly, allows reporters to treat him normally & not as the magician of 2016 who commands a cult of violent kooks.
To combat the complacency that the polling imbalance could bring, I suggest telling fellow anti-Trumpites that no matter how much DJT is down in November, when you vote, it will feel as good as punching him in the face with all of your strength

Read 483 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
WTF? @CIA Bryan Dean Wright fearmongering against #Progressives - "Who is attacking us? Its #Antifa... These are ppl that we faced back in 60's, 70's & early 80's. These are ppl who are far Leftists... took many yrs to finally put it down. Now this same group who's allied.. "
...w/ a #DemocraticSocialist, we're talking the #BernieBros...they're back w/ bricks & firebombs..."

He then talks of arming themselves against this "BernieBros threat" - vigilante justice - "It's you & me & everyone watching this program arming OURselves."
Bernie's #NotMeUs #Revolution addressed #RacialInequality #SystemicRacism #CriminalJusticeReform.

#GeorgeFloydProtests are addressing a part of this, yet vocal rightwing ppl are calling protests riots, ignoring our own American #Revolution protests.

Read 40 tweets

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