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Nov 3rd 2022
It's a girl's night...
They were going to a hen party. Just as your wife got into the car, she flashed you, to show you she wasn't wearing panties. #medium #shortstory #steamy #romance #erotica #indieauthor #flashfiction #getmeoff Your cock got so hard... 🧡
But she has messed with you before. She's been a good sport about teasing you since you came out with it that you wanted her to cuckold you.
The last party she went to had a stripper. He was hung like a god, his dark skin in contrast to your wifes would have been hot. She took a picture and sent it. She had it in her hand and let you smell it when she came home.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
You know you can....
When you see my video's the ones I post. Does it make you hard? Do you jerk off? I know you're my stepdad, but, do I turn you on? #medium #shortstory #steamy #erotica #indieauthor #flashfiction #getmeoff You know you don't have to just jerk off. 🧡 Image
"You know I'll pose for you. That you can even touch me Daddy," I said wathcing the sweat form on his brow.
"Are you hard right now? Take it out, let me see."
He's conflicted, but obeys.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
He rocked her back, an open mouth kiss. Nothing had ever seemed so sensual to me than this. Watching my wife succumb to the young man's touch. His kiss... #medium #shortstory #steamy #romance #erotica #indieauthor #flashfiction #getmeoff The kiss of her stepson 🧡 Image
We met my son at the restaurant, he slipped into the booth next to her. She blushed as he gave her a full kiss. Then looked at me and smiled.
We had discussed another child, but I'm snipped. We went to doctors, but we needed a donor. My son volunteered.
"It would be part of our family that way," he suggested.

She didn't take much convincing, I thought it was because we had also considered swinging at one time.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
I agreed to free use Friday because I thought it was just a way for my husband and I to fool around. But when he started having guys over on Fridays, I figured he had forgotten about it. #medium #shortstory #steamy #erotica #indieauthor #flashfiction #getmeoff. Or did he? Image
Then one Friday in the pool, David, his coworker untied my top, kissed my neck, and grabbed, well, everything...
"Oh, god, what are you doing?" My skin was on fire wherever he touched.
"Just what your husband said. Using you. Freeuse Friday, right?" Image
"Oh, ok. Yes, please. So, he knows?"
"I didn't ask," he said, and pulled down my bottoms. Then he was inside me. Deep. I loved every inch. The new cock feel, I came within a few strokes.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
We love to hate each other. #medium #shortstory #steamy #romance #erotica #indieauthor #flashfiction #getmeoff but I can't help notice my stepbrother is a hung hunk when we share the bathroom. It was just a matter of time... (Can you imagine? Keep reading) Image
It's been a long time coming. We are too old to share the shower. It's too tempting, both married. Our spouses in the house. It's complicated. But he came in, rock hard, and we kissed. Image
I sank to my knees. I had to taste his cock, but he pulled me back up and turned me around. Getting me ready. Ready to take to only safe hole we have. I want his cum, deep. God this is so good. Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
β€œMy feet are cold,” she declared as they lay in bed together caressing each other.
β€œWhat do you want me to do about it?” Her boyfriend, Hank sounded slightly annoyed.
β€œGet me my socks?” Kim asked with a slight pout.
Hank perked up. β€œWhich socks?” 1/
#FlashFiction #Erotica
β€œYou know, my sexy socks.”
β€œI was hoping you’d say that!”
Hank walked across the room naked in the cool fall air. Reaching the dresser, he pulled out a pair of long wool socks. He quickly returned to bed with a huge smile. Kim took the socks and gave Hank a quick kiss. 2/
She giggled as she briefly disappeared under the covers with the socks. Hank’s dick grew firm as he watched her curvy form wiggle under the covers putting on the socks. He expected her to emerge any moment. But instead the lump under the covers moved in his direction. 3/
Read 26 tweets
Jul 24th 2021
#FlashFiction by Thaddeus Howze

Every seven days they evolved, passing through us, a liminal fire.

#amwriting #VirusBedTimeStories #SciFiFri
By the time we understood, they drank us, a thousand lives a month, nonstop; by the time they achieved perfection at their apotheosis, we died in the millions.

The recombinations continued. New keys into newer locks.

(Art by Nathan Wyburn)
We could do nothing but watch. We had the knowledge. The Apple had given us everything. What we lacked was time.

We weren't ready.

We had been warned. We ignored the legends, the visceral loathing built into our very genome. We feared them, intuitively.
Read 23 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
Stormy Night: 1/20
Thunder cracks to the east. Local cops are streamin' in and out of the peep show here on 57th. Beat guys, not CSI. Just as likely to screw up my crime scene as not. But they've got a job to do. I'm sure they'll do their best.
#20TweetTales #Noir #Fiction
Stormy Night: 2/20
I've got a job to do too, to bad I have to wait for my new partner. Already ten minutes late. Haven't heard much about Agent Lance Popescu, but if this is how he does things... Let's just say I'm not sure how well we'll get along.
#20TweetTales #Noir #Fiction
Stormy Night: 3/20
The moon pokes out from behind the cloud cover, bright and silvery, but my eyes are still pulled to that corner window on the third floor. Splattered red, and enough of it to make things pretty clear. Someone died, horribly.
#20TweetTales #Noir #Fiction
Read 21 tweets
May 24th 2019
Clarice: 1/20
The woman stared at the lights emblazoned on the building. It was just a name, but somehow it wasn't fair a building could have a name and she didn't. But then, she thought a lot of things weren't fair.
#Scifi #Noir #Microfiction #TwitFic #20TweetTales #Flashfiction
Clarice: 2/20
Smoke wafted from the cigarette, creating a pale wisp of white in the dark night. She exhaled, dispersing the wisp in a balloon of gray. Again, she tried to think back, to remember the day before. And again, there was nothing.
#20TweetTales #Scifi #Fiction
Clarice: 3/20
Carlo had told her that there was no record of her, that her DNA was not in the planetary registry, nor fingerprints or photos or anything else. For all intents and purposes, she really didn't exist. She was a non-person, a ghost.
#20TweetTales #Scifi #Fiction
Read 21 tweets
May 9th 2019
Courier: 0/20
Like #FlashFiction? Check out this #SciFi story told across 20 tweets!
I have a particular love for dark and gritty art with rough strokes. Ivan Khotenov's Sk_15 fits that perfectly.
#20TweetTales #SciFi #Fiction
Courier: 1/20
Over Talis' shoulder, the storm spanned the horizon. Thick, dark clouds of sand reached up to blot the searing sun from the sky. This wall of death stretched up more than a mile. Her death, if she didn't get out of the Razorsand Sea.
#20TweetTales #SciFi #Fiction
Courier: 2/20
Jefa's dying screams echoed in her head, even as she gunned the runnerbike and took off. On Toxous' order, she'd been fed to an acidworm for some perceived slight on his part. Seeing her lover's flesh disolve made Talis want to vomit.
#20TweetTales #SciFi #Fiction
Read 22 tweets
May 1st 2019
Runner: 0/20
It's time for another #20TweetTales. Started on this story a while ago, and finally finished it. This is inspired by Alex Ichim's military piece, Runner.
#Scifi #Fiction #Microfiction #TwitFic #flashfiction
Runner: 1/20
The creak echoed through the clearing as Private Tull shoved open the engine access hatch. A blast of steam washed over him and he cursed. The hydrocapacitor was shot. That meant that runner wasn't going anywhere until he fixed it.
#20TweetTales #Scifi #Fiction
Runner: 2/20
"Whassa matter, Private NULL? That big-ass head ain't got enough brains t'fix a little runner?" Corporal Daught strolled by chuckling, an armload of comm-cable in hand. Tull bit his tongue to keep from spitting back a snarky comment.
#20TweetTales #Scifi #Fiction
Read 22 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
In an ordinary town, on an ordinary street, there is an ordinary house. A little older than any other house, but ordinary, nonetheless. If you passed this house you wouldn’t think twice about it. In fact, you wouldn’t think about it all.


Unless she wanted you to think about it.
If she wanted you to see the house, you would. You would want to go to this house and you would want to walk up to the door.

Read 15 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
A story written with no plan or script through nano-chapters using the prompts from #vss365 #AmWriting #SunScribbles #SunWIP #SciFi #Satsplat #BadWordSat
β€œ#Swim steady and firm”, 15 yr old David told the others. They had been prepared. Their go-bags had the clothes approved by Deplorables and they had a small list of safe-houses in the mainland. All the adults in the island died do make their escape possible. #vss365 #AmWriting
In the mainland, it was safer to marry the kids to each other. They would live with their assigned parents according to the fake identity genealogy. What used to be known as the #cycle of abuse had been normalized. They had to blend in and hide in plain sight. #vss365 #AmWriting
Read 50 tweets
May 7th 2018
There were five
of us in that
that dropped
It was
an everyday day
good weather
high hopes
We all ended our day
at the same time
which was why
five strangers
were in
that elevator
that #Monday
The doors closed
that #Monday
but nothing happened
He jammed the close button
The other grumbled,
some version
"Always when
your trying to
get home"
The doors
the elevator jumped
we froze
a collective intake
then we fell
we braced ourselves
and each other
one screamed
another managed
to hit the alarm
but it keep going
alarm screaming
us screaming
twenty stories
an impossibly
fast drop in
slow motion
three of us
on the floor
the handrail
then it was
Read 5 tweets

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