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Apr 29th 2023
Kim #Jongun’s sister says;
#Biden appears to be old man with no future | Apr 29
- "It may be taken as a nonsensical remark from the person in his dotage who is not at all capable of taking the responsibility for security and the future of the US, Image
#NorthKorea responds to #Biden's 'end of regime' #threat | Apr 29
- NKhas accused Joe of "senility" after the US leader threatened to annihilate the #DPRK in the event of a #nuclearattack, denouncing the #US for "extreme" and "#hostile" policies.…
#NorthKorea warns of more provocative military displays after US-Seoul deal | -33min
- Kim Yojong said the deal reflected a “hostile and aggressive will of action” against North Korea and will put peace in the region in “more serious danger”.… Image
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Mar 23rd 2021
Join our WEBINAR on 25th March 2021 w/t @slatter_alexis @jamildhanji & @saraanzani as they explore new post-Brexit imm rules surrounding the handling of non-EU asylum claims under 3rd country inadmissibility principles.
⏰12 pm
See👇 Image
Senior practitioners @slatter_alexis @jamildhanji & @saraanzani are live now with their webinar exploring the new post-Brexit immigration rules on non-EU asylum asylum claims under the new “Third Country Rules”
@saraanzani is starting off by looking at the Secretary of State's stated rationale for the changes which includes the intention to treat certain asylum claims as inadmissible
Read 20 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity in the age of #globalization, #information & #connectivity has now become an all-encompassing notion. Surely it is not solely a function of the #ArmedForces anymore.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity also includes providing a conducive environment in which aspirations of human #security, national #progress & #development could be realized.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity has now become an all-encompassing notion, wherein besides various elements of national power, #global & #regional environments also play a profound role.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
Read 56 tweets
Jan 4th 2020

So if it comes to a invasion of #Iran there are several things to see and know. The #Geography is on the side of Iran. The #West is protected by a massiv #Chain of #mountains wich would be easy to #defend even with a weaker #army they could try to keep there a defend line
The north is not able to reach for the #US troops and the #caspiansee is #landlocked by many #nations. A inportant @NATO allie if the defens act works would be #Turkey wich would be forced to send troops against #Iran and a area mainly owned by #Kurds in #Iran.
the east has a little lower mountain chain and a bigger desert in the south west the #Dasht-e #Lut and is coverd by huge #rocks and the area of #Namak-#Zar inside Dasht-e Lut is the #hotest place on #earth actual. And the border area to #Pakistan is also coverd by a dry #desert
Read 11 tweets
Aug 27th 2019
1. He lacks compassion.
The Bible says: “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with #compassion, #kindness, #humility, #meekness, & #patience.” (Colossians 3:12)
2. He appeals to fear and anger- “But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; if you say ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.” (Matthew 5: 22)
3. enamored with “greatness” & ego not goodness
“Blessed are meek, they will inherit earth. Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness, they will be filled. Blessed are merciful, they will receive mercy. Blessed are pure in heart, they will see God” (Matthew 5: 5-8)
Read 13 tweets
May 21st 2019
The Prime Minister’s speech is all the more painful today because she has literally done or pledged the exact opposite of so many of these messages over her Brexit premiership. She has wasted time & goodwill.…
Take this early passage of her speech today.

It is literally the opposite of “Brexit means Brexit”.

It’s a tanker-sized reverse gear on that “red, white, blue Brexit”.

Every time she said she wanted to “deliver Brexit”, she failed to add these important qualifiers.
Today’s speech still features the “over 80% of the electorate backed parties which stood to deliver Brexit by leaving with a deal.”

She knows that, whatever the technical reality of that statement, it’s not a real or substantive reflection.

Why does she persist, knowing this?
Read 10 tweets
Jul 4th 2018
@PaulOnBooks Ester McVey was a co-presenter on Children’s BBC TV and has subsequently presented and produced, BBC1’s science entertainment series How Do They Do That?, 5’s Company, The Heaven and Earth Show, Shopping City, BBC2’s youth current affairs programme Reportage, and Channel 4's
@PaulOnBooks legal series Nothing But The Truth with Ann Widdecombe. Ester McVey debated @the Oxford Union & took part in Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues @the Empire Theatre, Liverpool.[citation needed].
Ester McVey returned to Liverpool and set up her own business, Making It (UK) Ltd ....
@PaulOnBooks @the Making It (UK) Ltd founded by Ester McVey provides training for small & medium enterprises, as well as providing office space for new startup businesses which led to her [ Ester McVey] founding “Winning Women”, supported by funding from the North West Regional Development Agency
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Feb 8th 2018
#38 #TheFloridaProject 3,5/5 30 menit berlalu gue hanya melihat penggambaran kenakalan anak-anak, namun kebelakang makin intens menyentuh sisi lain kehidupan single parent, Ekonomi dan krama keluarga Amerika. Tapi best supporting role untuk Willem Dafoe kok agak berlebihan yah?
#39 #JusticeLeague 3/5 jadi ini cuman buat ngelawan Steppenwolf, Batman dkk bakar dupa dan melakukan ritual klenik untuk membangkitkan Superman dari kuburan? ..... hhhmmmm. Beklah.
#40 #TheSquare 3/5 Perwakilan Swedia untuk Oscar 2018 ini agak membosankan, 2 masalah utama disajikan, pekerjaan di museum seni dan hp yang hilang berbuntut masalah panjang, yg menarik tampilan Terry Notary sbg Apes di gala dinner dan anak kecil yg dituduh mencuri hp. Sisanya meh
Read 130 tweets

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