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@0LNetwork's strategy is to stay as close as possible to the #Libra/#Diem code base, rather than fragmenting #technology products. This approach is more efficient on resources and best for the wider open-source #ecosystem these #tools extend and depend upon
#0LNetwork #Move Image
The #forking strategy is simple in concept: take the unmodified #Diem code, import it into the 0L, and add layers of features. But it's not that simple in execution
They has to insert many changes in main places of the diem-core code for the #0L layers and side-cars to work
What they inherited from #Libra/#Diem is a spaceship on all accounts. There are #engineering breakthroughs #throughout the project, and the #architecture is sensibly designed and expertly assembled
#0L #0LNetwork #move #code #coding #crypto
Read 9 tweets

- When I say zero cost it means the amount of money you still need to pay for the fees is less than 1% of the #airdrop you might get

- You probably have done these tasks before but its still gd idea to be a repeat user
#Alpha 🧵🕵️‍♂️⚡️🪂 Image
- I strongly recommend not going for airdrop #farming and staying a genuine user, you don't wanna lose #airdrops for being flagged as a #hunter
- I suggest doing at least 2-3 #transactions on each product and keeping it +1K dollars, repeat the steps till you reach that amount
- Most tasks are #Swaps and #Bridges so always changes the #network and even the #tokens you swap or bridge / The more network you do #transactions the better

- You can go from A to B then B to C .. C to D to the end OR A to C - C to F - F to B .... do it in random order✅
Read 14 tweets
228/sc #Supply #Chain #Diversification: #USA needs to urgently shift the labor intensive & medium tech parts of its defence supply chains from 🇨🇳 to 🇮🇳 with the collateral benefit of getting more defence orders under #Atman #Nirbhar production; #GOI must ensure #EODB/#EORC
230/sc #Supply #Chain #Diversification . Note that Vietnam is a competitor in location of consumer digital products supply chains. (Reason & solution in next tweet)
Read 28 tweets

When #cryptocurrency projects distribute their native #tokens straight to their customers' wallets.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Important or insider knowledge, notably about the value of #digital assets such as #cryptocurrencies and #NFTs; a measure of an investment's return over and above that of the market or other benchmark.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Formerly used to describe any #cryptocurrency that wasn't #Bitcoin; however, #altcoin is now used to describe any new cryptocurrency with a low market valuation.

[#web3 glossary thread]
Read 102 tweets
What is #Tokenmint ?
Where to get #ZEN $ZEN
#Youtube #Zendoo #sidechains
timestamped here without intro: @horizenglobal $ZEN 🎬📽️🎞️🫡
What is $ZEN @horizenglobal @HorizenClips #ZEN #ZendooShorts #HODL attention👀

The only real $ZEN in #cryptocurrency
The mainnet currency and native asset of the #Horizen #blockchain
There is no token contracts for native main chain $ZEN
#Zendoo IT
Read 22 tweets
Supply chain management entails a number of critical tasks and processes that must be executed in a timely and efficient manner includes conserving fuel and reducing cost.

#supply #chain
It includes conserving fuel and reducing cost. Otherwise, consumers like you will be unable to obtain the product when needed.

The capacity to meet customer demands is predicated on the assumption that everything in the supply chain is done correctly.
Read 3 tweets
Supply chain management is a key aspect of a successful business as it can help your company grow and do the opposite if you are not that aware of this particular type of management.

#supply #chain #management…
For those who are in charge of a company or are just starting to learn about a business, it is important to know what supply chain management is due to its importance.
So what is supply chain?

Supply chain is a network between a company and their suppliers that helps to distribute their products to customers.
Read 6 tweets
With @StateBank_Pak releasing dissaggregated #trade data for December, we have a picture of the full 2021, which, despite #supply #chain disruptions worldwide, was 'good' for #Pakistan. Short thread below:
1\ #exports grew by 30.1% in 2021 w.r.t. 2020, with a strong pick up in merchandise, but also substantive in services.

#trade #Pakistan
2\ To be sure, in #real terms, #Pakistan's #exports remain below its local max in 2011. So, no 'record exports' if we talk real terms and not values.
Read 9 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets

So if it comes to a invasion of #Iran there are several things to see and know. The #Geography is on the side of Iran. The #West is protected by a massiv #Chain of #mountains wich would be easy to #defend even with a weaker #army they could try to keep there a defend line
The north is not able to reach for the #US troops and the #caspiansee is #landlocked by many #nations. A inportant @NATO allie if the defens act works would be #Turkey wich would be forced to send troops against #Iran and a area mainly owned by #Kurds in #Iran.
the east has a little lower mountain chain and a bigger desert in the south west the #Dasht-e #Lut and is coverd by huge #rocks and the area of #Namak-#Zar inside Dasht-e Lut is the #hotest place on #earth actual. And the border area to #Pakistan is also coverd by a dry #desert
Read 11 tweets
muallim bey biliyordur lakin, muhabbet acmak icin alıntılayayım :)

beş madde önemli;

☝️anlamlandırılamayan dil görece hızlı gelir.

✌🏻hece başına düşen ortalama information density (bilgi yoğunluğu) arttıkça sesletim hızı “azalıyor”.

✋bazı diller bazılarına göre hızlı

“ne ya-pı-yor-sun lan man-yak-mı-sın”
bu heceler tek tek incelendiğinde hecebaşına düşen anlam yoğunluğu pek kayda değer değil. türkçe nispeten hızlı bir dil.
linguistlere göre, hece/anlam yoğunluğu en sağlam dil vietnamca. vietnamca’yı referans olarak 1,0 kabul ediyorlar...
ingilizce mesela bu referansa göre 0,91 anlam yoğunluğuna sahip. saniyede 6,19 hece ile fena bir hıza sahip değil. (hece=sesli harf😢)
çince misal hecebaşı anlamca yoğun bir dil (0,94) böyle olunca daha yavaş. ortalama saniyede 5,18 hece söyleniyor. yavaş @Tuweier ☝️
Read 5 tweets
hearing—"#China's Worldwide #Military Expansion" is a dramatic bellwether of growing concerns in Washington & beyond.

Now online—hard-hitting arguments + many data points, some deeply-analyzed yet hard to find elsewhere in public domain:
CAPT Jim Fanell, USN Ret, former @USPacificFleet N2:

"today, the PLA Navy consists of over 330 surface ships & 66 submarines, nearly 400 combatants. As of 4 May 2018, the @USNavy consists of 283 battle force ships: 211 surface ships and 72 submarines."
"By 2030, it is estimated [by Fanell & @SCheneyPeters in their chapter in @NavalWarCollege @ChinaMaritime Studies Institute's Chinese Naval Shipbuilding volume… @USNIBooks that] the PLANavy will consist of some 550 ships: 450 surface ships & 99 submarines."
Read 71 tweets

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