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Feb 1st 2023
#covid19 : les #illusions qu'emportent le #vivreavec
"Au niveau individuel, les personnes vaccinées qui ne prennent pas de mesures pour [↘️ les risques d'infection/] peuvent s'attendre à passer en moyenne 6 jours / an en maladie aiguë et encourent 1 risque de 12 % de #covidlong."
Donc puisqu'il faut chaque jour #enfoncerleclou :
🔹le 💉 ↘️ la gravité des symptômes & le risque de ⚰️ mais n'empêche pas d'être infecté et donc contagieux
🔹les #gestesprotecteurs doivent donc être appliqués de façon coordonnée ➡️ en milieu intérieur clos non ventilé 😷 #FFP2 Le modèle de l'emmental illustre pourquoi combiner les mesu
🔹nous sommes #tousàrisques de #séquelles du #covidlong et ces dernières peuvent invalider durablement
🔹Le #covidlong n'est pas une maladie unique mais il permet de nommer tous les patients présentant des atteintes post infectieuses quel que soit leur profil, leurs handicaps
3/ Visuels sur les effets neuropathologiques du SARS-CoV-2 et lLe covidlong affecte 🔹la santé mentale 🔹le système cGrands symptômes rassemblés par systèmes 🔹 problèmes
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
(1\49) A Personal Memoir Perspective on my path and what I see for #Blockchain & #Crypto for the People?

I grew up in a cult religion. First exposure to mind-control & understanding of how profound belief structures were, due to the intensity of such an environment. $EGLD $CEL
(2\49) Upon reflection, while the magnitude was different much of the belief structures of the world were equally as harmful & deceiving. They could create a social construct that to everyone inside it felt like the most ideal way to live. They could make everyone stop
(3\49) questioning things. None of this felt right to me though. Even at a young age I had a skeptical mind, in part because my body was already sick and I hadn’t been on this earth very long, more on this in a future date but just understand the medical industry is full of
Read 49 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
(1\13) The next time someone says #crypto is the one with #leverage tell them they have ZERO understanding of the existing legacy banking & financial system. Historically banks were required to hold 10-13% in reserves. Federal Reserve moved it to 0% on March 15, 2020 $EGLD $CEL Image
(2\13)… When I used to teach banking I would have my students perform #UBPR which are essentially an analytical tool for assessing banks health & performance. NEVER has the banking system allowed 0% reserve. Let me
(3\13) give you a mathematical example of how #FractionalReserves are essentially implicit leverage. If banks historically had to hold say 10% than the way you would understand how much leverage is by 1*1/R. You deposit $100 *(1/R) R=10% = $1,000, so they can lend out $900 for
Read 13 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/02/2021…
25 Days That Changed the World: How Covid-19 Slipped China’s Grasp…

#COVID19 #pandemic #science #China
Andy Slavitt on Twitter and ThreadReader…

#COVID19 #report
Read 8 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/10/2020…
Family Wealth and the Class Ceiling: The Propulsive Power of The Bank of Mum and Dad - Maren Toft, Sam Friedman, 2020…

#mum #class #ceiling #family #wealth #dad #power
This Contact Tracer Is Fighting Two Contagions: The Virus and Fear…

#tracer #COVID19 #epidemic
Read 6 tweets

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