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Mar 27th 2023
1/7 Impermanent loss 💰is a common term in DeFi (decentralized finance) that refers to the temporary loss of funds that liquidity providers (LPs) may experience when they provide liquidity to a liquidity pool. 👇🧵 Image
2/7 When LPs provide liquidity to a pool, they contribute funds to 🔁buy and sell two different tokens in a fixed ratio.

As the prices of these tokens fluctuate, the ratio of their values in the pool may change, resulting in a shift in the LP's portfolio composition.
3/7 This change in portfolio composition can lead to impermanent loss, which is the temporary reduction in the LP's portfolio value compared to if they had just held the tokens outside the pool. 💸.

For example:
Read 7 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
關於 $GMX 和 $GLP 的「非主流」意見。

GMX/GLP機制的說明,以及跟其他perp dex的比較,網上已經有很多,不必重覆。然而95%的內容,都是水過鴨背,沒有把真正重要的演示出來。


#GMX #GLP Image

第1章:GLP並非Delta Neutral,但在某種時空中是優勢、不是劣勢

第2章:Andrew Kang出現,GLP嚴重虧損?


第4章:比較交易量、TVL vs 市值的誤區

第5章:估值昂貴 = 即將下跌?


先說在前。但凡看到有推主聲稱GLP會「進入 death spiral」、「資不抵債」、或「被trader虧死了」的,
* 在惡意fud,或
* 知識水平有限

Read 24 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
1/11 You don't like IMPERMANENT LOSS, here are some Yield Farming Strategy on stable assets on @0xconcentrator during their #IFO, i.e earning their brand new token $CTR. First, TVL has gone +66% since IFO launches on 14/07. APY are subject to $CTR price and LP prices. 🧵👇💪
2/11 Token from @CurveFinance : $cvxCRV is pegged to $CRV. LP cvxCRV/CRV, 59% APY
3/11 Token from @MIM_Spell : LP $MIM / $3CRV, 51% APY
Read 13 tweets
Mar 12th 2022
You've asked for it and here it is:

The COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to @prism_protocol 📚📚📚

Every single functionality on explained in detail, enabling YOU to make the most of your $LUNA 👀

A thread 🧵.
1/ The overview

This guide will be structured like @prism_protocol's functionality tabs:

1. Refract 🪞 (tweet no. 2)
2. Stake 🥩(tweet no. 9)
3. Swap💱(tweet no. 13)
4. Pools🏊 (tweet no. 15)
5. Govern🏛️(tweet no. 18)
2/ Refract 🪞

Refracting is without doubt @prism_protocol's main functionality.

Within the "Refract" tab, you have the ability to:

a) Split
b) Merge
c) Bond
d) Redeem

Let's have a look!
Read 25 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Hey @milesdeutscher, great write-up on the $LUNA #yield opportunities on @prism_protocol! 🥳

We missed some more information on the capabilities of $pLUNA, though! No problem - that's what we are here for 🤝

A quick 🧵 on what you can currently (& soon!) do with $pLUNA!
1/ $pLUNA represents the principal token of $LUNA.

In theory, you should be able to do everything with $pLUNA, that can be done with $LUNA, except of course, earn staking yield (as that's what $pLUNA's counterpart $yLUNA is for!)
2/ Since @prism_protocol just recently launched, in practice things are looking a bit different though.

Naturally, you can #hodl your $pLUNA. Besides that, you can...
Read 8 tweets
Dec 2nd 2021
1/ Provide liquidity for stablecoin pairs and earn 60% APR with low risk?! Here's how it works, and the risks you should be aware of 👇🏴‍☠️

#DeFi #LiquidityPools #YieldFarming #StableCoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #stablecoins $USDC $UST $USDT $DAI $MIM $LUNA $BTC $ETH ImageImage
2/ In the 2021 cryptocurrency space, there are many different stablecoins:

Some like @Tether_to's $USDT or $USDC are centralized and (supposedly) backed by assets. 🏦

Others like #Terra $UST are #algorithmic, relying on #arbitrage to bring the value back to peg. 🌕
3/ These stablecoins might only exist on a specific chain like #ethereum, #avalanche, #terraluna, #fantom, #solana or they may have contracts on many different chains. 🎁
Read 12 tweets
Dec 2nd 2021
Some great tools and essential resources for getting started with #DeFi and #Crypto
A thread 🧵 👇 1/8

#Cryptocurrency $BTC $ETH $SOL $ADA $AVAX $LUNA $FTM $DEFI $ALTS #CryptoTokens #YieldFarmers #DeFiTools
2/8 ⚡️ (@zapper_fi) helps you keep track of your DeFi portfolio across many chains and protocols. It's great as an overall dashboard to manage your tokens, pools, #staking and farming positions.
#Zerion (@zerion_io) is similar but I prefer #Zapper.
3/8 🏦 DeBank (DeBankDeFi) is another great tool similar to Zapper, with very similar features. I like using #DeBank to snoop around whale wallets. For example:…
Always fun seeing what projects #cryptowhales are investing in 🐳 Zapper allows this too.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
(1/10) I created a 6 Part Video Series discussing #ImpermanentLoss #DivergenceLoss as it relates to $EGLD/ $MEX pair & $EGLD/ $BUSD pair on #MaiarExchange & Video of Farming $EGLD/ $MEX (Walkthrough) #Crypto w/Cheat Sheets @SeverMM @beniaminmincu @iamdanvoicu
Video (1/6) + Bonus
(2/10) Video (2/6) + Bonus*
(3/10) Video (3/6) + Bonus*
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
(1/10) Here is a Step by Step Video explaining how to participate in the #MaiarExchange as it pertains to the FARM ( $eGLD/ $MEX ) 🧑‍🌾 for highest APR % even if you have never downloaded the World Class Intuitive @getMaiar APP. Reference Sheet:🖼️ below & other resources #StudyHard
(2/10) Step-By-Step Flow Chart of FARM: $eGLD & $MEX Pair.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
1/ Thank you Zarrin @ineffable500 I wanted to give you some of the resources you had asked about for the #MaiarExchange This will be the steps to participate $MEX visually Then I will list below some additional elements to help: 👇🏼 $eGLD
2/ Here is a deeper discussion on Why & some details of what one can do: $eGLD ⚡️ $MEX #MaiarExchange
3/ Also: A visual of understanding of what type of VALUE portion you are possibly choosing to participate in: $eGLD $MEX
Read 5 tweets

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