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Oct 25th 2022
Victims buried in a mass grave after #Myanmar #military launched air strikes on a #Kachin Independence Organization #KIO anniversary celebration Oct 23. At least 80 people said to be killed, 100s more injured. Fatalities may rise over hindered medical aid #whatshappeninginmyanmar ImageImageImageImage
Despite atrocities committed, #Myanmar #military remains defiant by calling air strikes & killings of civilians in #Hpakant #Kachin "fabricated" & "rumours". They've now cited own "sources" saying only ethnic #Kachin Independence Army #KIA personnel & resistance fighters killed ImageImageImageImage
#Myanmar #military again takes issue with foreign embassy/UN statements condemning air attacks, insisting comments made "without proper verification" & can be seen as "intentional dissemination of rumours" & "meddling of the internal affairs" of Myanmar. #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 25th 2022
THREAD: 1 of #Myanmar's most powerful #ethnic army #Kachin Independence Army #KIA/political wing #KIO has refuted #Myanmar #military's claim that their air strikes were aimed at a KIA base camp. KIA said the attacked site was a marketplace with civilians. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#Myanmar #military's air attacks on #Hpakant #Kachin during a Kachin Independence Organization #KIO concert Oct 23 killed at least 80 people & 100s more injured. #KIA says the army carried out a "mass killing" which is "1 of the most cruel & deplorable action" against civilians.
#Myanmar's #ethnic armed group #KIA/#Kachin Independence Organization #KIO adds that the #military regime's latest attack only "encourages stronger revolution against" the Myanmar army. KIA has been clashing with the military for over 60 years. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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Oct 24th 2022
#Myanmar #military air strikes on #Hpakant northern #Kachin said to have killed/injured over 50 people. Victims were in an #ethnic armed group #KIO #Kachin Independence Organization music celebration. Its army #KIA has clashed with #military for 70 years #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Some prominent singers/artists said to have been killed/injured in #Myanmar #military air attacks aimed at #Hpakant, Kachin. #Kachin Independence Army has upped its clashes with military since Feb 2021 #coup. #KIA had rejected army's offer of peace talks #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Videos of aftermath of #Myanmar #military air strikes on #Hpakant #Kachin sent to me for use. Increasingly, Myanmar military has been/will be using air attacks to target #ethnic territories controlled by ethnic armed groups/civilian resistance forces #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
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Jul 22nd 2022
How does @Hyundai cope with labor shortages?

It hires children at high hazard manufacturing plants.

@Reuters finds immigrant children employed at Alabama metal stamping parts manufacturing plant. Safety is a problem at these plant too. @jschney
🧵 1/
In 2015, when I was #OSHA Administrator, I visited Korea and met with #Hyundai and #Kia top management, to warn them of the poor safety management and the risk to workers in their supplier manufacturing facilities in Georgia and Alabama. 2/
Some background: It is cheaper to manufacture automobiles in the southern US than in South Korea.
As labor and other costs rose in South Korea, #Hyundai & #Kia opened assembly plants in Alabama & Georgia, bringing their suppliers and subsidiaries to open plants nearby. 3/
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Sep 22nd 2021
1. On 19 September, following weeks of inactivity, #ISKP once again started reporting attacks from #Afghanistan.

That day alone, it claimed seven operations—this is the largest number of attacks reported by #ISKP in a single day in years.
2. This spate of attacks has so far focused on what #IS is calling the ‘apostate #Taliban militia.’

It appears to signal the start of the new, reinvigorated #Afghanistan campaign that #IS first said was on the horizon back in August.
3. Notably, aside from #ISKP’s two attacks on #KIA at the end of August, it had been entirely inactive in #Afghanistan until this week.

The last time it went dark for that long was in June/July 2020.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 24th 2019
1/9 I have purchased a car very recently. So, I went through the usual motions of a large and involved purchase at the time of my decision. This might also give you an insight into the auto sector slowdown #AutoSector #SlowDown #Economyslowdown #economy
2/9 Clean fuel vehicles are coming: Hydrogen fuel cell, & #ElectricVehicles (#BEV & #PHEV) are coming sooner than we thought. Govt envisions an electric mobility future for us & is taking a lot of steps to push EVs under #FAME2 scheme. To reduce pollution & fuel import bill.
3/9 If I buy a regular petrol/diesel car, it may get obsolete sooner than I imagined. Eg: NCR banned 10yr old #diesel vehicles to improve air quality, push towards electric. All this affects resale value of the #cars. Hence, I considered pushing the life of my current car
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Jun 7th 2019
#TwitterPoll. So, am headed to #Macao for #BlackPink. @ygofficialblink

#블랙핑크: #Jisoo #Jennie #Rosé #Lisa. #Blinks, you might love them all but if you’ve a favorite to send best wishes to, just let me know with a vote below…

#BlackPink, #BTS, #EXO
Catch the wave. The Korean Wave. #hallyu. Some background here, in an #AsiaMinute. Watch. Like. Subscribe.

And see you in #Macao: #BLACKPINKinMACAO @ygent_official @ygofficialblink #KPOPTwitter @macaousa @USAinHKMacau
#Blinks. Where is 🙋🏻‍♂️?!
From LA to here in #Macao, see ya! #BlackPink

A shoutout to @koreatourism for all their support at my recent #Kpop table at @MilkenInstitute #MIGlobal. >US$6m raised for @fastercures #GlobalGourmetGames…
Read 24 tweets
Feb 3rd 2018
Definitely an #RuAF SU25 over #Saraqeb Image
Contacts near #Saraqeb hearing '#RuAF pilot is 'KIA'.
Footage allegedly showing the downed #RuAF pilot, #KIA, near #Saraqeb
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