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This year marks the 20th anniversary of Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”, based on the 3rd book of Tolkien’s fantasy epic. I consider it the greatest film ever, and have seen it 60 times. In tribute, I collated these quotes and pics from the film.
Nothing comes close to the sheer scale of this magnificently powerful epic. It shares the achievement with Titanic, as the only films to have won both 11 Oscars and earnt over $1billion at the box office.
The Lord of the Rings is the ultimate hero’s journey for Frodo, and the powerful and corrupting Ring is the ultimate movie MacGuffin. In Return of the King, Jackson sustains emotions until all threads are tied.
Read 9 tweets
Ce qui m'amène à une réflexion sur la pertinence de la représentation de la guerre dans #LOTR par rapport à des réflexions d'ordre doctrinales, stratégiques ou opératives réelles.
J'ai écrit plus haut qu'il n'y avait aucune leçon à tirer de #LOTR
quant à conduire des opérations.
Ce n'est pas tout à fait vrai.
On ne peut analyser la Guerre de l'Anneau à l'aune de tactiques antiques ou médiévales, pas plus que l'on ne peut la réduire à une allégorie de la Grande Guerre.
Ce que Tolkien décrit, c'est la matrice d'une nouvelle ère.
Et cette matrice est un affrontement symbolique entre l'imaginaire romantique dont il s'est nourri, et qui est lui-même inspiré de mythes du haut moyen-âge (Beowulf, légendes galloises) et du moyen-âge classique (matière de Bretagne, Eddas, chanson des Nibelungen), et…
Read 27 tweets
O Christopher Lee είναι ένας από τους Istari, Sith Lord, Ιππότης, Κόμης, ήρωας πολέμου, απόγονος Ρωμαίου Αυτοκράτορα και τραγουδιστής σε heavy metal μπάντα.

Τα περισσότερα από αυτά στην πραγματικότητα.

Γενικά τα fun facts της ζωής του Christopher Lee είναι τόσα που από ένα σημείο και μετά νομίζεις ότι σου κάνουν πλάκα.

Βασικά το πιο πληκτικό από αυτά, σχεδόν ανάξιο αναφοράς, είναι ότι πολέμησε στον Β' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο.

Βέβαια προφανώς δεν πολέμησε απλά.

Πρώτα πήγε εθελοντής στη RAF αλλά επειδή δεν του επέτρεψαν να πετάει λόγω ενός θέματος στα μάτια έγινε κατάσκοπος στις Ειδικές Δυνάμεις της Αγγλίας.

Read 25 tweets
The same racist nazi fuckers who complained about a black elf in the Rings of Power and a black mermaid in the new Little Mermaid are now throwing a fit because there's a black Aaragorn in the new #lotr mtg set

I fucking hate how many racists there are in the #boardgames space Image
Racist nazis losing their mind over a black Aragorn

#boardgames #lotr ImageImageImageImage
Read 46 tweets
Я обожаю «Властелина Колец». Регулярно пересматриваю, прочитал и послушал про трилогию почти всё.

Поэтому решил написать мега-тред фактов о лучшей кинотрилогии и её съёмках, которые вы могли не знать, чтобы вы тоже прониклись её величием.

Лайк, репост, поехали!

#LOTR Image
Сцены, где Гэндальф ударяется об балку, не было в сценарии

В начале съёмок Питер Джексон и Иэн Маккеллен сильно поссорились и ненавидели друг друга, отчего режиссёр приказал поставить эту доску в съёмочной сцене, чтобы ненавистный ему дед разбил себе голову

Потом они помирились Image
На актёра, игравшего горы в этой сцене в «Братстве Кольца», каждый день накладывали грим в течение 7 часов Image
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世界上第一个人造子宫设施 EctoLife 每年可以孵化多达 30,000 个婴儿。 (假的)
共享: @Shetteemah
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I'm interested at the idea of Shelob being introduced before Adar's defeat.
As a reader, there are certain themes when she was introduced in The Two Towers that stuck out to me.
In the show we are introduced through Adar of the idea of the Orcs in a #RingsOfPower #LotR #RoP ImageImage
different light. Adar, with his corrupt but still distinguishably elvish appearence, speaks of how the orcs were treated of Sauron and basically perceives them and himself as beings in shackles who didn't choose how to be and are living with what they were given.
While arguably
the Orcs ARE written as bad by Tolkien, I first remember perceiving the Orcs thus when Shelob had been introduced. Unlike them, Shelob did not answer to Sauron and, because of her power and unique utility, she was valued. She was both a guard and provided Sauron with spectacle
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Dr who tardis basic lands 🧐 Image
I do enjoy planechase though Image
Read 4 tweets
we still love @JRRTolkien, which is why we detest Peter Jackson so very much—we think he turned one our favorite childhood works of art into coarse crass (and racist) action trash, and for some reason hardly anyone's noticed. I suppose it's a sign we're in the Bad Place™.

it's one of the ill-kept secrets of the modern-day fascıst movement, by the way, that they *adore* the Peter Jackson #LOTR films—people like @MattWalshBlog and @Timcast and @benshapiro have probably watched those trashy movies a thousand times. they're big hits, after all.

and if someone like @benshapiro adores your movie, then you've done something dreadfully wrong—and I earnestly hope that Peter Jackson's treatment of #Tolkien one day gets a very thorough critical laceration. Jackson's a hacky director, and he made polished hackwork.

Read 14 tweets
Chara, at @KrisAtLarge, has been talking about @mtaibbi's #marketing and #branding; I'd like to talk about a *specific* aspect of Western society's obsession with "personal brands".

it's simply this: in marketing, _censorship is the norm_.

censorship is *expected*.

it's fully expected; #capitalism depends upon #marketing to censor the truth.

they've normalized the practice: corporations (and @elonmusk and @mtaibbi) never tell the truth about themselves, nor do they feel the slightest need for it—they need to maintain the *brand*.

the trivial nature of #marketing culture dictates that people like @elonmusk and @mtaibbi (and @pmarca and @ID_AA_Carmack and literally everyone else who has *marinated* in this culture) think of their own crimes and sins as trivial. "bad publicity", at worst.

Read 14 tweets
On this day, 3019 T. A., the Fellowship of the Ring reached the Chamber of Mazarbul in Moria, where they found the Book of Mazarbul, which consisted of the final records of Ori as Orcs stormed Moria and killed Balin, Lord of Moria. How did #Tolkien create this page? 1/7

#LotR The scanned image of the final page of Book of Mazarbul. The
Tolkien used his knowledge of Medieval manuscripts to create three facsimile pages from the book. He burnt the edges with his pipe, pierced holes where the pages would have been stitched to the binding, and washed the paper with red and brown paint to make dried bloodstains. 2/7
The scanned picture above, owned by Tolkien Estate, is the final page of the book, where Ori wrote desperately in the book as the Orcs were gaining victories. Look at the Elvish script at the bottom; it was the final ominous words of Ori: "they are coming." 3/7
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Family Tree of #Rohan, House of Eorl, Complete Ancestry & Genealogy of #Éowyn, #Éomer & #Théoden. #LOTR

This is my 10th Chart in Middle-earth series based on J.R.R. #Tolkien's works.

A detailed thread on the #Genealogy of the House of #Eorl
#LordOfTheRings #LOTR Image

Companion Youtube Video for this Chart

#LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Tolkien
Read 32 tweets
Amazon's debacle known as #TheRingsofPower has a lot of bad writing. And while I am not a #Tolkien purist by any stretch of the imagination, willful violations of continuity & lore for no reason other than flexing is inexcusable. What follows is an example. Spoilers ahead...
🧵 - Case in point - "Dead" or "Missing" Celeborn. There was just no reason to mention him at all - but when Galadriel name drops him, it unravels her whole motivation for pursuing Sauron - namely that her brother died while fighting Morgoth's forces...
🧵- We are beaten over the head constantly with her brother's death. Now, we know that Celeborn isn't dead. They are at least careful to write that he wasn't "seen again." Because if he's dead, it screws over a lot of lore, least of which is that he is in #LotR.
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S1.E7 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower 🧵

Galadriel's eyes have opened to a new reality: Udûn ("Hell"). A "red" horse races past her revealing the aftermath of an apocalypse.


1. Four LED lighting tubes were strapped to a horse running at Galadriel. Flames were added in post-VFX.

Flames on structures, floating cinders, and swirling ash were also added in post. Wet paper was used for ash on set.… Image
2. Galadriel finds an unscathed Theo. Isildur and Míriel rescue Valandil.

Míriel is hurt by flaming embers while rescuing survivors. Isildur sacrifices himself to save his Queen before the structure collapses on him.… Image
Read 42 tweets
S1.E6 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower 🧵

This episode was very explosive. Not much #Tolkien to breakdown but very fun all the same.

Theory: This is Sauron's gauntlet. Adar claimed it as a trophy.

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

Adar plants some alfirin seeds and says a prayer before battle.

Quenya: `Vinya coivië... na vírië...`
English: "New awakening... To life..."
1. `My children, we have endured much...`

Adar's plans laid bare:

S1.E4— `That [the Southlanders] may live if [they] forsake all claim to these lands and swear fealty to him.`

S1.E5— `And soon [the sun] will be gone. And with it, the part of me that knew its warmth as well.` Image
Read 53 tweets
S1.E5 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower 🧵

Nori (Markella Kavenagh) and The Stranger (Daniel Weyman) are eating walnuts on a plateau in Central Otago, South Island, NZ.

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

1. `Perils`

Nori first taught the Stranger to speak using sign language (E2).

Weeks later he speaks in the same dialect as Nori. Not surprising as he patterns his speech after her. He's also learning new words & with that a sense of right vs wrong as Nori sees it.


Nori's explanation of perils and death pushes the Stranger to consider that he has the capacity to cause death (`fireflies` in S1.E2).

He recognizes that death (or destruction) is not a desirable outcome. Image
Read 94 tweets
Do you love 3D maps, worlds & visualisations? Here are 24 world creators, mapmakers, or visuals I've come across recently. Brilliant and creative minds using many different tools! PART 1 #dataviz #GISchat #3dmaps #map #gis #3d 1/🧵
Steven Kay | @stevefaeembra creates many original and cool #3dmaps such as this great visualisation of Windturbines in the British Isles. Follow him! #Blender3D and #QGis are his tools. #SDGs #Wind #b3d 2/🧵
Neil Southall | @neilcfd1 creates fantastic #3dmaps such as this hypnotising animation of #LiDAR data of Copenhagen. He uses #rstats and #rayshader in wonderful ways. #rspatial 3/🧵
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Dear #Tolkien Fans,

It's hard to see the vision with which #TheRingsofPower is using the source material (#LOTR/#Silmarillion) to make visual/dramatic art.

But I say we ought to treat the source text with some skepticism as well. (1/5)

In the words of the late #HilaryMantelImage
Tolkien was brilliant at writing Epics. It's why we love his works!

However, you are not giving Tolkien enough credit (as a global thinker) if you don't see that he wrote his works from the pov of certain characters that carry implicit biases; him included.
#LOTR— Written from the pov of Hobbits. Hobbits who were considered the least of the races of Middle-earth; they also saw themselves as less compared to others.

Why wouldn't they write Elrond as one of the most flawless/most wise/most honest Elf they've ever met?
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#LoTR #taktyka Przy niedzieli kilka uwag na temat jednostek i dzowodzenia we "Władcy Pierścieni", z odnośnikami do obecnej sytuacji militarnej, choć mogłoby się zdawać że nic takiego nie ma. Tak więc dowódcy i jednostki, warto spojrzeć, kto czym dysponuje 1/34
Przede wszystkim od razu rzuca się w oczy jedno: masowość jednostek, z wyrównanym mniej więcej poziomem żołnierzy (w dół lub w górę) i niewielka ilość doskonale wyszkolonych specjalsów nazwę ich niemieckim określeniem "Experten", dobrze tu pasującym 2/34
Hobbici- to przede wszystkim dobrzy łucznicy. Wspomniane jest, że najlepsi z nich dorównują nawet elfom. Poza tym lekka piechota, jak się wydaje wyszkolona średnio, nadrabia bojowościa. Tacy Experten jak Pippin czy Merry są niesłychaną rzadkością. 3/34
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My 5th Poster of Middle-earth
11,500 Years of Elven Genealogy - Royal Houses of Elves - From Ingwë, Finwë & Elwë till Aragorn & Arwen - Brief guide to elven history & chronology spanning all 4 ages.
Included is brief timeline of Elven History
#LOTR #LordOfTheRings #LOTRonPrime
Now if you are viewing this on your mobile, please don't even try. This poster is size A1 and if you want to know what size A1 is here is a size comparison with an average joe.
Your 6inch mobile display won't justify the details on this poster.
You can still view this poster on your mobile browser with a relative good quality - use this link - you don't need to have a reddit account.…
Read 18 tweets
So, on this day in 1937 The #Hobbit (see #Tolkien cover below👇) was published. To mark this auspicious occasion, I present an old thread newly entitled 'My Top 10 (Not Quite Definitive) Favourite (Mostly Published) Illustrations of Hobbits (And Not Just Bilbo) Ever (Almost)'... Image
First up and holding fast at No.10 is the #Hobbit that inspired my first ever oil painting - Michael Hague's Bilbo from Riddles in the Dark (1984). My own version featured the same red waistcoat, the same green cloak, but, sadly, not the same artistic skill #Tolkien (1/10) Image
And jumping two places to No.9 we have not one #Hobbit but a whole Shire-full of them in Lidia Postma's subtle exploration of light and mood - No Admittance Except on Party Business (1997). A bonus point for spotting Bilbo's guest Dwarves in their white party hats #Tolkien (2/10) Image
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S1.E4 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower 🧵

I’ve watched E4 5x now. Still like it but can’t shake the feeling that it could've been better. Feeling a bit nervous about the Númenor storyline now that S1 is finally taking off.

The gorgeous sail-master tho 😍

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

`We gather daily to hammer out our island's the Blessing of the Children, we gather to welcome those who will live that future. One as boundless as a sunrise over the rolling sea.`

1. Is Númenor's future as 'boundless' as Míriel dreams it might be?

(1/4) Image

The 23 kings Númenor following in the footsteps of Eärendil & his wife Elwing [the bird]

[There should be 23 kings but I only see 21 excluding Eärendil...] Image
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S1.E3 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower 🧵& the current state of my hair as illustrated by hull Galadriel.

#TheOneRingQuisition Image

1. Orcs

In the time of the coming of Elves, Morgoth ensnared many. By slow arts of cruelty, he corrupted & ensalved them. Thus, Morgoth 'breed the race of Orcs in envy and mockery of Elves'.

The Orcs multiplied; they became the bitterest foes of Elves. #TheSilmarillion Image
2. `Anchor him.`

As the Orcs multiplied, they grew strong and fell where 'their dark lord filled them with a lust of ruin and death.' (chp 3, Sil)

Of all races, they know enslavement. Yet they are so corrupted, they exact the same cruelty on the other races. ImageImage
Read 100 tweets
Six years ago, when TV viewers were captivated with White Walkers, dragons and the fate of Westeros in #GameOfThrones, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made it clear he wanted a blockbuster franchise for his streaming service.

Enter: “Lord of the Rings.”
Amazon’s Culver City studio has spent more than $700 million so far, including the cost of TV rights, according insiders. That makes #TheRingsOfPower the most expensive television show ever.

In taking such a colossal swing, there are inherent risks:
“This was not for the fainthearted,” Amazon Studios Chief Jennifer Salke told The Times.

“Of course you [have] nervous excitement about being able to deliver on such a major commitment and passion on behalf of the entire company.”
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