Kudos on this multi-sectoral collaboration @THF_INDIA - looking forward to reading the experiences of some of our peer long-stay residents in #mental hospitals.
But crushed to find report about disabled Indians isn't accessible to print disabled.
Plain text version pls!

#MentalHealth #Disability #Deinstitutionalisation #RPWD #MHCA #CRPD #CommunityLiving #Stigma #Inclusion
Also, when and how will this report's findings be shared with the residents of mental hospitals who are the primary stakeholders here?
The national survey was directed by @MOHFW_India @MSJEGOI via @THF_India in partnership with NIMHANS, TISS, CSOs.
Mental hospitals are not welcoming to the lay public. And if info is sought, remember; even with NHRC some skipped giving info!