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Dec 5th 2021
Hey #MJFAM, I just want to say that I had the absolute privilege of getting to see the very first full performance of the #MJtheMusical in NYC on Sat Dec 4th for the scheduled dress rehearsal before opening for previews on Mon Dec 6th. I know so many of you are beyond excited…
…to learn about every single detail of the play & whilst I would love nothing more than to share that with you, I just feel that it wouldn’t be right & I do not want to spoil the overall magic for those not wanting to know or for the artists & crew who have worked so hard…
…to keep it all a big secret. Initially, when I learnt this whole event was going to be a thing, I thought to myself, how on earth are the writers & creators going to encapsulate everything that #MichaelJackson was about to an world audience already so saturated by the…
Read 13 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
It is with immense sadness that I write that Jess Garcia (aged 36) @hatethejess is no more 😥. In my MJFam circle, she played the role of a protective big sister for me . In her honour, let me tell you some of the things that she did since I got to know her.
Jess was one of the most active MJ advocates I've ever seen. She had a will of iron and worked on so many projects, getting no recognition for most of what she did but it didn't matter to her.
Her involvement in Square One as well as Square One 2.0 as the marketing director is known. For the first release, she along with Shania handled coordinating the immense amount of messages and submissions for subtitles. For 2.0 and the Amazon release she did even more
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May 2nd 2021
#MJFam Court on Monday was interesting.We are happy with the outcome .Dan Reed was in court filming. So both sides go their chance to film. This was a very short hearing lasting about 6 minutes.
The judge makes a tentative ruling but gives the other side a chance to explain why the court made a mistake. If the arguments are valid then the court could change their ruling .The Judge asked if everyone had read the tentative.
The estate said they agreed with the tentative. Finaldi then says that everything we have to say regarding motion for summary judgement has been briefed. The morning papers contain the facts and evidence needed to make a forest decision and read the tentative
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Feb 19th 2021
Been going through eBay and saw these old tabloid covers and articles.....bruh..... (a thread)


@andjustice4some @asap__rickey @ithl123 @blkjackestate @JuliaBerkowitz1 @MJJRepository @RobLives4Love @thewayuloveme90 @NoNotNowRose ImageImageImageImage
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Jan 10th 2021
Uneducated guiltiers (such as this one) are quick enough to bark "Michael Jackson didn't have lupus) blah blah blah

Below is Michaels discharge summary from his scalp burn (Pepsi Commercial) accident in 1984.

Under "hospital course" you will see Dr. Hoefflin had a verbal consultation with Dr Klein & it was revealed that Michael had recently been diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus
Prednisone is listed in Michael Jacksons autopsy…

Prednisone is a corticosteroid that is used to treat inflammation on the skin for people with Lupus, it is also FDA approved.

This drug was found in the house that Michael died.
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Nov 7th 2020
#MJFam #MJInnocent #LeavingNeverland #LiesOfLeavingNeverland
Let us address how certain uneducated guiltiers love to claim that Joy Robson stuck to her story regarding her "family" going to the Grand Canyon in order to not perjure herself. ⤵️
Joy does NOT qualify by law to be charged with perjury, reason being Joy was not a material witness, if she was, then she would have been subpoenaed by the prosecution to insure that she testified ⤵️
Material witnesses are incredibly important to prosecuting the accused & by law they can legally detain that person to ensure they testify & to try ensure a conviction. So many witnesses lie on the witness stand, it was given the nickname of “testilying” ⤵️
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Nov 2nd 2020
#MJFam #MJInnocent #SquareOneMJ #1993ChandlerCase #Facts
#DianeDimond has made a career out of lying on #MichaelJackson. The 1993 settlement with the Chandlers being one of the main ones.
Here is why #DianeDimond is lying⤵️
#DianeDimond has always claimed that Michael Jackson paid $15,331,250 to Jordan plus a $2million signing bonus, $1.5million for June, $1.5million for Evan & between $3 & $5million ⤵️
for Larry Feldman, depending on what version you go with!

Diane also confirmed via her source that no payments were made prior to the settlement being signed, therefor all the payments Michael Jackson made (Evan, June, Jordan & Larry) were all listed in the settlement.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
Pellicano contradicts the sodium amytal story told by Marie Fischer

Credit : u/unhearme

#SquareOneMJ #LeavingNeverland #MichaelJacksonVindicated #MJFam #MichaelJackson

Ironically, the person who best refutes Fischer's drug fairytale is none other than Anthony Pellicano. In December of 1993 Pellicano described Jordie's behavior at the August 4 Westwood Marquis meeting as follows: 1/
The father began to read the psychiatrists letter, which cited the criminal statutes that applied to child abuse. "Jordie was looking down," [Pellicano said] "and he pops his head up and looks at Michael like, 'I didn't say that.'" 2/
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Jun 17th 2020
Again. Since my timeline is again full of completely useless focus on known haters by MJ fans. Please #MJfam, if y'all are bored, try to put your energy into something more productive. Arguing with hard core haters is not that, IMO. Or at least stop tagging me in these. Thanks.
Y'all are giving haters the attention they are craving. If you're bored there's so much more to talk about re. MJ than going around in circles with haters. HIStory25, for example. He's so much more than those damn allegations!
Don't get me wrong. Advocacy for his innocence is important and I'll keep doing it. But arguing with known hard core haters as a hobby? Such waste of time. Talk to those who are open minded. Trying to convince these unhinged people of anything doesn't interest me.
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Jan 25th 2020
MEGA-THREAD 100 reasons why I believe Leaving Neverland is a fraud and #michaeljackson was the real victim #MJInnocent #MJFAM :

1 Train Station didn’t exist until 94 yet James claimed to be abused there from 88-92. Plus MJ lived in NYC in 94 and only returned to NL in 95.
2 Grand Canyon - Wade was there with his family. He was not left at NL.
3 MJs niece, Brandy, dated Wade during and after the time he claimed to be abused. MJ got them together. But didn’t he want Wade to stay away from women?
4 Subpoena Wade never got. He was more than happy to testify on MJs behalf.
5 Juliens Auctions selling Wades MJs collection which he wanted kept quiet. Burning items in LN was just a stunt.
6 $100m lawsuit but it’s not about money.
7 Wade and James Past testimony.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
Some people seem to be unaware, ignorant to, or unable to accept the fact that #MichaelJackson was a black man who suffered from a skin disease called vitiligo that destroyed the pigmentation of his skin. I made a video for #MJFam to share to help educate those uninformed or rude
For those who act like MJ should have let it be & not even it out w/ makeup, can you imagine how much worse his treatment by the media would have been if he did? Today, those who suffer from vitiligo are praised for being brave but do u rly think MJ would have the same treatment?
Michael also suffered 2nd degree burns to his scalp from his Pepsi commercial shoot, which caused him to bald & forced him to wear wigs for the rest of his life. Put yourself in his shoes & act like what you would have done. A performer with lupus, vitiligo, burned scalp... 🤷‍♂️
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Oct 3rd 2019
Read 507 tweets
Aug 1st 2019
Thread/ I wanted to vent a little about something I've been running into a lot ever since I jumped into this LN rabbit hole & it's this projection of pedophilic fantasies from MJHaters they put onto MJ. (Video created under Fair Use & no Copyright Infringement intended)
I made this vid to explain what I'm referring to but I will also talk about it. So for my "The Truth About Stephanie Safechuck's Loan" video on YT someone commented asking questions & whatnot, I responded in a civil manner but it eventually
devolved into this person insulting & belittling me. They began bringing in other topics completely unrelated to the video & comparing me to other people they've had discussions with, but this is where my biggest issue came up. After a certain point they called me strange
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Jul 29th 2019

# Dear #MJFAM - where do I start with this article? Please can you take the time to contact the DJ's beginning with this white dude (I just knew he was white before seeing him) - DJ
...and educate them around the one sided hit-piece propaganda film 'Leaving Neverland' - It's because of people like this, too lazy to do their research, that others are being prevented from celebrating @michaeljackson at their own weddings or nightclubs in Philadelphia. WTF?!
This is the nonsense we have to deal with. Kindly let me know if you get a response from any of the DJ's. Article here: "Since R. Kelly and Michael Jackson docs, couples and DJs are banning their music at weddings"…
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Jul 20th 2019
1/ Time 4 some more #IKnewLeavingNeverlandWasBS videos from urs truly. Trust me, u'll want to see these, no wonder we dont see them anymore, it was like a comedy roadshow. This 1st vid is a look at body language of Wade. Created under Fair Use & no Copyright Infringement intended
2/ This vid examines the nervous, sweating, blinkerific behavior of James which I attribute to him being afraid of saying something off-script or upsetting the one watching him like a hawk anytime he speaks, Wade Robson. Created under Fair Use & no Copyright Infringement intended
3/ This vid looks at how scripted & clueless James comes off as wen it comes to telling his story. Especially noticeable in TV interviews, where he feels the need to repeat almost irrelevant details "On tour, taught him" Created under Fair Use & no Copyright Infringement intended
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Jun 23rd 2019
1/ #IKnewLeavingNeverlandWasBS when Stephanie Safechuck gave a Razzie worthy performance during LN & only showed actual emotion in her joy-filled stories of spending time w/ Michael Jackson, the man, to her, abused her son for years. Oddly she
2/ doesn't show any actual emotion other than a couple reshot scenes of her speaking of MJ negatively. So some LN defenders have tried to justify WR/JS's stoic, emotionless, (& at the same time) amused/chuckling behavior as ranging from embarrassment to
3/ restrained emotions. Never mind that these are 2 different ppl showing the exact same symptoms of emotionless/stoic/smiling/laughing/totally cool talking about their abuse & MJ. If you want to give me one of these guys, sure I'll take one but not both.
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Jun 18th 2019
11/18/1987 #MichaelJackson visits the children’s Hospital in Randwick, Sydney, Australia. #HonorMJ #MJHumanitarian #MJFam
Natasha Lang, mother of the child in the photo with Michael remembers that moment:

“I will never forget that day as long as I live ⬇️
when Michael came to the hospital with an abundance of stuffed animal toys, so generously given, to all the children in the children’s ward. He went around the ward and visited each child personally and quietly spoke words of comfort to them ⬇️
and I will never forget the delight of these children, the medical staff and the parents who visited on that day.

My son now is a grown man and I wish to share this photograph with the whole world because it shows Michael’s selfless and generous nature.⬇️
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May 19th 2019
DAVID NORDAHL and MICHAEL JACKSON. Friendship & Paintbrush. By Deborah L. Kunesh. A THREAD.…
“All of the time I knew Michael, almost 20 years, I never ever heard him raise his voice at anybody.He was such a good person.” #MJFam
“I’ve never met anybody who was more well-adjusted or more normal. He was just such a normal guy. So intellectual and so bright and so normal. He was just so genuine and so warm and so caring...
He was a fabulous father. I've never met a parent as good or better than Michael. Those kids were an absolute delight! I've never met kids in my life that were like them. I spent a lot of extended time around them. I never heard them cry or beg for anything.
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Mar 31st 2019
Big Al Scanlan worked at Neverland Ranch, 1990-2005, as Director of Maintenance. He was responsible for overseeing the attractions, the theater, rides and trains. He became a close friend of Michael. #MJFam #MJINNOCENT #MJFamLatino #MJInocente
"Neverland gave Mr. Jackson and his guests a chance to relax, to escape the stress everyday. life gives us. Even if he wasn't there, he would want to hear all about the day that the guests had at Neverland. It was important to him that they had great time"
"I had several long conversations with Mr. Jackson about Neverland. Looking into his eyes and hearing his voice, there is no doubt that the charity work done at #Neverland was one of the most important things in his life."
Read 10 tweets

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