#Klim activates #Desire, #Love and #Attraction
In #VedicAstrology #Klim is used to invoke #Venus and sometimes #moon. (3/21)

..we would like to invite to fill our lives
..with wish fulfillment and devotion (4/21)

#Strim is a #Beautiful #Bija #Mantra
It is the #Seed #Mantra of #Goddess #Tara.
In the #Vedic #Tradition - #Tara is the #Wife or the #Feminine aspect of #Jupiter of #Brihaspati. (5/21)

..the #Goddess will attune you to the #Benefic powers of the Stars –
..particularly the #Nakshatra she rules! (8/21)

..and can invoke the #Transformative aspect of the #Solar #Energy ruled by #Shiva. (12/21)

It is pronounced as #Rahm
It invokes #Lord #Rama and Rama comes running to you in his #Protective and #Compassionate #Avatara! (13/21)

Consider this – Om Aim Hrim Shrim
It means – Om, I honour and invoke Aim, open my heart (Hrim) and take refuge in Shrim (16/21)

Om Krim Hum Hrim which means –
Om, I energize (Krim), enkindle (Hum) and open my heart to (Hrim) (17/21)

..which one can’t handle without practice, Guru’s blessings and the Grace of Gods (19/21)

@ijyotish @shashankupadhy_ @AnjynaSsharma @vedvyazz @pankajsksharma @ModernVedic @asha_astrology -
..would be happy to receive your #Perspectives and #Experiences.
Om Tat Sat! (21/21)