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Oct 20th 2021
BASIL-C19 Trial. Targeting social isolation, loneliness & depression in older people. đŸ§”on our #UrgentPublicHealth trial during COVID. just published in @PLOSMedicine!

TL:DR COVID has increased social isolation, & risk of depression & toxic loneliness. A behavioural intervention helped older ppl maintain social interaction & networks. strong signal of effect in reducing loneliness. bigger trial underway. NHS is amazing. Image
Our #COVID19 trials programme is called Behavioural Activation in Social Isolation (BASIL), and here is a dodgy video of me:
Read 20 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
2020 has been extraordinary.

But we wanted to share the 10 reasons we are proud of 2020 by the S-Lab research group of @PICU_BCH & @BacrUob @unibirmingham

AND to say a HUGE 'thank you' to everyone who has made this possible #teamscience #PedsICU #2020
1)In the last 12 months we have built up a team of Neuro-critical care, resuscitation science, early rehabilitation and COVID19/PIMS-TS researchers for in Birmingham to improve the lives of critically unwell children. Currently called the S(cholefield)-Lab pending a better name!
2)In 2020 we watched our early career researchers shine

Hussin Albargi @AlBaRqi14 (PhD student: paediatric prehospital cardiac arrest)
Mirjam Kool @mirjam_kool (ACF – post-arrest #TTM Intra-arrest physiological monitoring @ILCOR) & 1st publication!
Read 24 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
Good morning everyone, it’s @SDonatta on the account today, talking all things #research and #researchnurses alongside @HeatherB18 and @Sammycad77 join us @WeStudentNurse @WeNurses @UHBResearch #HCPnetwork #whywedoresearch
But first #tea . What’s your brew of choice?
My first job in #research was as a #clinicaltrialsassistant during my uni years and I quickly learnt it was different from the research taught at university as part of #nursing curriculum #HCPnetwork
Read 11 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
1/3 The UK Oxford COVID-19 serology study now available here
 - 9 serology tests assessed in 31-40 COVID-19 patients and 60-142 controls. Well done study to the research team BUT (sorry ... ) ... #COVIDăƒŒ19 #nihr @NDMOxford
2/3 ... the authors can’t tell us what the 9 tests were as manufacturers insisted on anonymity. How should we interpret the results? What about the other 100+ tests?

Study was funded by NIHR, MRC and UK Government.

When are such corporate anonymity restrictions unethical?
3/3 Anonymity agreements can only create publication bias, and reduce the value of the study.

The COVID-19 epidemic must be the time to stop tolerating such corporate protectionism. Lives are at stake.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
"The Lancet‘s fraudulent concealment of genetics, and its own conflicting interests, while condemning #coronavirus conspiracy theorists, gives the appearance of “crisis capitalism,” and complicity in the COVID-19-SARS/HIV-1 #Wuhan ‘Event 201‘ biocrime." Image
The 'Scientific' arguments going on behind the scenes on #Covid_19 should be a wake-up call to the 'TRUE' dangers the world is being exposed to! 'BOTH' sides of the argument are labelling the other 'Conspiracy Theorists'. Only one of them can be! Image
The Lancet writes that "Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice...." #Covid_19 Image
Read 52 tweets

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