Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #NftFi

Most recents (24)

#Blend 是“Blur Lending”的简称,#Blur 旗下的借贷平台。由白皮书可知,该协议主打“无需预言机、无期限、可清算、支持任意抵押品(包括 #NFT)的点对点借贷”,用户可以将手中的NFT抵押换取加密货币,也可以低首付(BNPL)购买NFT。目前只支持三个系列: #Cryptopunks#Azuki#MiladiesImageImage
对于贷款人来说,在创建贷款报价时需要确定两件事:贷款量(“我想借出多少 ETH?”)和 APY 利率(“我想获得多少利率?”)。所有贷款都是无限期的,因此无需设置到期时间。
贷款人可以随时收回借出款项,借款人有 30 小时的时间直接偿还,或接受新贷款偿还第一笔贷款。如果借款人既不偿还贷款也不接受再融资,贷款人将在 30 小时期限结束后收到 #NFT,即便它的价值远高于贷款金额。当贷方触发再融资拍卖并且没有人愿意以任何利率接管债务时,NFT 可能会被清算。
Read 15 tweets

「NFT 0首付先买后付危险吗」

@blur_io 上线借贷功能衍生了一个新产品 BNPL - Buy Now Pay Later,可以用低至0首付购买NFT。

这个功能 @ParaSpace_NFT 已经上线运营很久了,我试着从两者差异入手,汇总下这个模式,尤其是blur模式的一些隐患,供参考。

#NFTFi #Blur #ParaSpace

🧵 Image

BNPL 是一种融资租赁手段,低首付购入NFT资产作为抵押物,在还完贷款前只拥有使用权,通常以衍生品形式存在。


- 借贷模式
- 年化利息
- 清算规则

Blur 和 ParaSpace存在明显差异,先上结论

- 安全和权益 ParaSpace占优
- 灵活和精细 Blur占优


- Blur / Peer to Peer 点对点
- ParaSpace / Peer to Poll 点对池


Read 9 tweets

Series 10: Real Builder in Winter | @JPEGd_69 – Tham Vọng Quá Lớn Liệu Có Thành Công?

Thread bao gồm:
1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd
2⃣ Hành trình & Thành tựu đầu tiên
3⃣ Vì sao JPEG'd khiến mình ấn tượng

Retweet để ủng hộ @HakResearch nhen mọi người ơi! Image

1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd

🧙‍♂️ Định nghĩa về @JPEGd_69

JPEG'd là một nền tảng CDP là viết tắt của Collateralized Debt Position tương tự như Maker DAO đã quá nổi tiếng với DAI trên Ethereum, tương tự vậy JPEG'd chấp nhận các tài sản thế chấp là những bộ

sưu tập NFT Blue-chip như #CryptoPunks, #EtherRocks, #BAYC, #MAYC, #Doodles, #Azuki, Pudgy Penguins, CloneX hay Autoglyphs để phát hành ra #pUSD (stablecoin) hoặc #pETH.

Có thể hiểu rằng pUSD và pETH sẽ là trọng tâm trong việc phát triển của JPEG'd bao gồm xây
Read 40 tweets


@blur_io 正式上线了借贷功能,一个线程总结下变化和影响,先上结论:

/ 继续围绕流动性强攻
/ 有利于整个NFTFi赛道
/ 小图片市场或迎来反弹

#nftfi #Blur

🧵 Image


/ 推出P2P lending 借贷
/ 推出 BNPL 首付购买蓝筹
/ 新增挖矿借贷积分


没钱怎么买?答案是:借贷 + 分期 (还送积分)


P2P Lending


/ 任意资产(含)NFT做抵押物
/ 无预言机
/ 无到期日(有call)
/ 0 市场费用
/ 借贷利率协商

@NFTfi@x2y2 采用这种借贷模式,@BendDAO@ParaSpace_NFT 则采取 「点对池」 模式。

所以直观来看前2者受冲击,NFTfi上线积分空投,算一种防御 Image
Read 10 tweets

NFTfi 空投及激励细则

NFT借贷平台 @NFTfi 针对老用户进行回溯空投积分

- 快照 4月13日(区块高度 17039465)
- 3247借贷者、1603提供贷款者
- 空投 OG 积分

- 积分可在未来兑换成代币
- 需在5月15日再完成一次借/贷激活积分




积分已经明盘了发币计划,又一个刷分平台出现,目标直指另外一个即将开启积分激励平台 @ParaSpace_NFT

- 5月15日 开启 earn points
- 基本规则:更多存款+更低利息=更多积分
- 激活og积分的贷款计入Season 1
- 积分激励会是长期计划,参与机会还很多
- 活跃社区可单独联络获得og积分 Image

作为行业先驱,@NFTfi 从2022年6月开始:

- 累计用户 27,316;
- 总 出借 $402,826,652
- 总 归还 $334,579,112
- 总 清算NFT 13,602

@BendDAO 对比(占总市场比):

- 周 借贷额 30.6% v 7.7%
- 周 还贷额 29.2% v 7.5%
- 日 活跃用户 22.2% v 14.2%…
Read 4 tweets
#NFTfi is opening new doors of opportunity!

Traders are earn over $100K a month.

After analyzing 500+ NFT deals, here's what I've uncovered
🧵 ⬇️
It's important to remember that NFTs are also assets that can generate income if used correctly.

Last night presented an excellent opportunity to earn anywhere from 1-5 ETH with zero risk in just 5-15 minutes!

Let's take a closer look at how it was done.

@GatheringGwei recently tweeted about @dropsnft, a platform that allows you to use your NFT as collateral as for ETH loans to increase liquidity.

That's what we're going to need.

Read 14 tweets
👀Ready to make some serious cash with airdrops?

I've done the research so you don't have to.

In this mega-thread, I'll show you 25 undervalued projects and how to earn life-changing money.

Don't miss out on these opportunities 🚀 #airdrop

2/ In this thread I'll cover:
• BeraDex
• StarkDefi
• bestLSD
• Valorem
• 5ireChain
• Whitehole Finance
• Tribe3
• Fetα
• Alongside
• Prime Protocol
• 0xdx
and more
Why should you waste your time doing these stuff? Because it is, in essence, free money. You spend a small amount of time for a potential life-changing money. That seems reasonable, doesn't it?

The bull market will eventually arrive and shower you with airdrops.
Read 21 tweets
1/ General landscape of #NFTFi

#NFT is gaining popularity and is simple for users to understand. I believe #NFTFi will be a major trend, similar to #DeFi summer.

A deep-dive thread about #NFTFi👇🧵
2/ What's #NFTFi

#NFT Finance is the involvement of #NFT in activities such as lending/borrowing, AMM, derivatives and staking,,. #NFT are similar to tokens, but the difference is that #NFT are one-of-a-kind images.
3/ #NFT marketplace

#NFT marketplace is also comparable to #Binance. The NFT marketplace is a place where liquidity is fiercely competitive. The leading exchanges will be #NFT marketplaces that provide numerous benefits to users and creators.
Read 21 tweets
#NFT 交易之后,盘点 #NFT借贷 细分领域的潜在变化。
2⃣️#BAYC 及其直系NFT开启挖矿( $APE )功能;

当前NFT以 #PFP 类为主,缺乏借NFT的需求,导致NFT借贷行为只发生在单边,即抵押 #NFT 借 $ETH 等币种,没有抵押ETH等币种借NFT的。

NFT借贷分为 #点对点#点对池 两种模式,两种模式的代表项目及其优缺点如下
#BendDAO #ParaSpace #NFTfi #X2Y2 #JPEG'd Image
其中点对池模式的效率要高于点对点模式,从币币借贷龙头 #AAVE 发展也可以看出,其借贷模式从早期的(ETHLend)点对点转变为现在的点对池模式。

因NFT具有的唯一性,似乎点对点模式更适合,但从当前各方面(#借贷规模#用户#TVL)数据来看,点对池模式逐渐占优。 ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
I used min pay 3Eth to purchase the 15Eth MAYC on @ParaSpace_NFT and that MAYC can still be staking in the share pool on Para Space. Cool af? I will show you how to do it. #bayc #mayc #NFTFi…
First of all, I staked MAYC on ParaSpace and borrow 2042 apes for staking. Liquidation free. And I got extra credit for the borrowing limit.

Then, I go to NFT Shop on ParaSpace and start Shopping! I just need Min Pay of 3E and I got my second MAYC (15E). Now, I have a debt of 12E with APY 25-29% (approx 3.5E/Year, 0.01E/day)

然後我到ParaSpace上面的NFT Shop上面開始Shopping!我只用了3E買了第二隻M……
Read 7 tweets
#Claudia‘s Notes


昨晚的Space回放已经超过了5000人,结束后还有很多人在回味。后台有很多人在DM我出一期回顾,今天我整理了前半段(没被炸前)的Quick Notes,供大家参考。

1. 投研先分板块,看技术路线进展,按价值轮动规律做。板块重要性高于alpha。从正确的板块里找alpha。大资管,不在乎小容量的alpha,要赚到的是行业以年为单位的beta。最难的是分配板块资金、完成板块切换。
2. 公链主要价值:#稳定币#借贷#DEX#NFTFi。因为最重要的杠杆就是稳定币、权益代币、LP pair。

3. 团队:路径依赖不好,赛道三天不看就很难跟上了。跟踪某个赛道每天的变化,知道这个赛道要起来了。团队每个人负责跟踪一个角落,这是团队的意义。
Read 10 tweets
Tired of missing out on the money-making moves with NFTs?

Discover the secret to unlocking profits in #NFTfi space with @nftperp on @arbitrum.

Let's see how it works.
Last time I wrote about the market fall and last night we got a correction, maybe that's not the worst thing that awaits us yet.

But even on this move we could make some profit on NFTs short.

@nftperp perpetual futures on @arbitrum:

• Open long and short positions with any amount in $ETH on NFT collections
• Hedging
• Profit from price movements

Read 19 tweets
1/14 How could you be eligible to @berachain #Airdrop?

How @BongBearsNFT mixed #Gamification and #NFTfi ?

Before you start playing this game, let's dig into the rules so that you don't get rugged!
2/14 In this thread i will summarize:

- Bong Bear NFT collection & rebase mechanism

- Speculative #Airdrop assumptions

- On-Chain analysis of Most interesting Collection using @bubblemaps

- Metrics of the whole NFT collection
3/14 If you want to know more about the BONG BEAR NFT Collection, one deep dive article i can recommend is the one released by @0xhoneyjar :…
Read 14 tweets
⚡The next $10.000 airdrop is closer than you think🧐

Сollected all the hot projects such as $Blur, @aztecnetwork, @layer3xyz, @LensProtocol and more so you don't miss anything.

It's a possible LIFE-CHANGING opportunities 👇

An airdrops MEGA Thread 🧵
1/30 Image
I couldn't possibly process so much information in such a short period of time, so I'll rely on materials from my colleagues and myself.

The airdrop by #blur was the most audible and surprising event of the year. Let's see where else you may get involved for a chance to change your life.

@rektfencer's a good thread 👇
Read 26 tweets
Our new ⚖️ Leverage Round has started!!

Here's How To Open A Position 👇

🏛️ Select a stablecoin and type in the deposit amount.

🏛️ An estimation of the user's $OUSD collateral will then populate the bottom field and the page's data menu.

👉 Image
🏛️ Some users may want to use $ARCH tokens held in their wallet to pay the ARCH fee.

🥚 This checkbox only displays for ARCH token holders

Once you've successfully opened your position you'll be sent an NFT which represents your position.

The position can only be closed by the NFT holder.

Closing the position also burns the NFT. Though it may still be visible on Opensea closed positions can not be traded.

#NFTFi Image
Read 3 tweets
Guess Who am I?

1- A #NFT collection on #Optimism

2- Access to the Largest Private Club

3- Special Privileges on @berachain

If you follow #Optimism as deep as me, then don't read this thread!

For the others: I've digged hours for you! Image
What is this #NFT collection from @0xhoneyjar ranking top 2 on @opensea trading volume on @optimismFND ? Image
@0xhoneyjar is built on the Berachain as you can see from the twitter account. And as stated by @CryptoSnooper_ :

"@0xhoneyjar is a gateway to the @berachain ecosystem.

Its goal is to put airdrops 🪂, WL, token discounts & early access for 30+ projects into the right hands" Image
Read 15 tweets
👀 NFT-Fi on @SuiNetwork

Recently #NFTFi has sparked much attention in crypto spaces.

With the rapid growth of the NFT market, NFTFi will indeed become big and bring many opportunities for users.

🧵 So can NFTFi grow on #SuiNetwork? Let's take a look

$SUI #NFT #Suistation Image
What is NFT-Fi?

In short, #NFTFi is the combination of #NFT and #DeFi

The projects within the NFTFi space are designed to increase liquidity for NFTs - an asset that has always been considered illiquid due to the volatility of the market and also due to their unique nature. Image
These projects will also help increase cash flow optimization for NFT collectors, thus creating more incentives for them to buy and hold NFTs as a long-term asset rather than a speculative instrument as it is now.
Read 9 tweets
With the markets roaring back to life after a wild 2022, retail interest is slowly seeping back into the space.

In 2021, NFTs were responsible for onboarding huge waves of retail into crypto.

In 2023, as retail interest returns, an emerging sector, #NFTFi, could benefit.
1/ If NFTs and DeFi had a child, it would be NFTFi

NFTFi is essentially the intersection of DeFi and NFTs, bringing functions that are traditionally rooted in finance to the NFT space.

Think: borrowing, lending, derivatives, all with your NFTs.
2/ With NFTFi, you can take a loan on your NFT exposing you to upside on both your coins and NFT.

Protocols such as @BendDAO, @the_x2y2, @JPEGd69 and many more have long provided such services.

In fact, there are currently 428 Bored Apes being lent out right now, on BendDAO!
Read 14 tweets
If you own crypto or NFTs and don’t sell options, you might be leaving money on the table 💵

Decentralized Speculation is arriving on Feb 6th 2023👀

Below are 4 ways you can utilize selling NFT options to help you realize profitability

#Options #NFTFi #NFTcommunity

💎Options Can Generate Passive Income💎

Selling options contracts can be a great way to generate income for your portfolio.

By selling or creating options, you collect a premium when someone purchases your options contract.
💎Reduce Risk in Your Portfolio💎

Selling options can also help to reduce risk in your portfolio. When you sell an option, you're taking on the obligation to sell (or buy) an underlying asset at a specified price.

This can help to offset potential losses in other investments🧠
Read 7 tweets
0xdx: Gamified - A gamified options trading platform... FOR NFTs?

Let's cover 3 features:

🟢XP & $0xdx
🟡Items & Consumables


#NFTFi #DeSpec #Arbitrum
🟢 XP & $0xdx 🟢

Both can be earned through platform actions and leveling your Battle Pass.

- Mint an Option Contract
- Buy an Option Contract
- Request an Option Contract
- Receive a Payout After an Option has Expired
- Daily Free Claim - 24H reset
- Quests
How much XP and $0xdx do I get for any of the above actions?

A full breakdown can be found here:…
Read 7 tweets
The fact that you aren’t considering options to generate income especially if you own NFTs is a testament to the huge miss in financial education they provide in schools.

Your new 0xdx cheat sheet is below.

Profit with us...

#NFTFi #Threaducation #Arbitrum

In this thread, we'll be covering some basic topics:

🧾Options - Sellers & Buyers
🪙Option Premiums
🧠Use Cases
💎What is an Options Contract?💎

An options contract is a financial agreement that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset (like a stock) at a specified price (strike price) on or before a certain date (expiration date).
Read 12 tweets
1) #NFTFi  -  A New Catalyst For NFTs? 

NFTs have been in existence since 2018, initially utilized for a niche purpose within a niche group. One of the biggest questions surrounding NFTs is whether they should be considered an investment or a digital collectible...🧵
2) As slowly but steady an actively and innovative submarket called NFTFi is growing, this question becomes more and more irrelevant. With this article we want to guide you through the combination of #NFTs and #DeFi and present you interesting projects we're excited about.
3) What's NFTFi?

The NFT market, tend to have lower liquidity than other types of assets such as crypto coins or stocks.

Why? It is still relatively new and much of the activity in this market is based on speculation.

NFTFi was created with the goal of addressing this issue.
Read 20 tweets
$ETV #nftfi 🧵

@EnterTheVoidNFT Non-Fungible Gadget Protocol (NFGP) provides an infrastructure solution for advanced NFT-based applications and offers a number of features that can be used to enable NFT Finance (NFTfi) projects. Image
I'll cover each of the following:


2) Lending / Borrowing NFTs

3) NFT derivatives

4) NFT fractionalization

and how/why #NFGP is the perfect platform for each of these.

Let's dive in 👇
1) NFT AMMs: NFGP's ability to quickly process and validate complex logic and off-chain data sources without any fees opens the door for new NFT Automated Market Maker (AMM) use cases.
Read 10 tweets
Want to lend money to #NFT for the High APY without the stress of management + taking on the whole loan & risk alone?

@spice_finance New #NFTfi lending strategy vault gotcha

In this thread
2) How does it work
3) Why is it useful?
4) Opportunity and challenges
5) Summary
Heres the unroll verison and SUB MEEEEEEEEE…

Spice finance provides vaults for users to deposit ETH/DAI to different NFT lending strategies.

This allows users to have exposure to peer2peer nft loans without having to commit to the full loan amount & stress about the management.
Read 18 tweets

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