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Jun 13th 2023


Chandu Sarwate


#INDvsAUS #WorldCup2023 #TeamIndia #ViratKohli #RohitSharma #MSDhoni #CountyChampionship #Gujaratcyclone #WTCFinals Image
He was an Indian cricketer and fingerprint expert. He was an all-rounder who played 9 Test for India with no success. his Test batting average was only 13.

#INDvsAUS #WorldCup2023 #TeamIndia #ViratKohli #RohitSharma #CountyChampionship #Gujaratcyclone #WTCFinals #AsiaCup2023
Although his Test career was short-lived and unsuccessful, Sarwate left an indelible mark on the world of cricket through his extraordinary performances in first-class matches.

#INDvsAUS #WorldCup2023 #ViratKohli #RohitSharma #CountyChampionship #Gujaratcyclone #WTCFinals #gill
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Jul 15th 2022
पालघर(महाराष्ट्र) के गोर्वधन इको विलेज में जनजातीय कार्य मंत्रालय द्वारा आयोजित दो दिवसीय #मंथन_शिविर_2022 में देश भर के जनजाति समाज के जन प्रतिनिधि व मंत्रालय से जुड़े अधिकारियों ने भाग लिया।इस शिविर में कई स्तर पर चर्चा हुई।खासकर जनजाति समाज के शिक्षा,आजीविका और स्वास्थ्य पर
विशेष रूप से चर्चा हुई।इस चर्चा में नीति आयोग के सलाहकार डॉ वी के पॉल भी ऑनलाइन जुड़े।कई राज्यों ने एफ आर ए पर अपनी प्रस्तुति दी।इस अवसर पर मैंने यह आग्रह किया कि capacity building के साथ मंत्रालय जनजातीय समाज के अंतिम पायदान तक आम आदमी के लिए काम करें। यह मंत्रालय सिर्फ योजना
और लक्ष्य के लिए नहीं बल्कि जनजाति व्यक्ति और समुदाय के लिए है।नई शिक्षा नीति के तहत क्षेत्रीय भाषा में पढ़ाई कैसे हो ,इस पर चिंता करने की आवश्यकता है।जनजाति समाज के लिए विकास के साथ साथ उनके संरक्षण और संवर्धन के लिए भी काम करने की आवश्यकता है।इस शिविर में मेरे मंत्रालय के
Read 5 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
PM security breach in Punjab – why did this happen?

My analysis.

First, I don’t think this was an assassination plot. If it were, some attempt would have been made. There is no motive to assassinate @narendramodi just before the state elections.

I think this is caused by
Modi’s surprise act of repealing Farm Laws.

We know this is signature Congress move. They are desperate too.

Punjab is their last standing bastion. With elections round the corner, its position is very weak.

On one side they don’t know the impact of Captain’s departure
and the rifts in the remaining faction with and without Sidhu factor.

On the other, there is an undercurrent of anti-incumbency with many protests surfacing over the past few months.

Farmers are not as united behind the protest as the Congress and AAP would have hoped.
Read 23 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
#SupremeCourt to shortly hear plea seeking probe into PM @narendramodi ’s security lapse in #Punjab . The plea was mentioned yesterday by Senior Advocate Maninder Singh, CJI agreed to list it today. @PMOIndia @CHARANJITCHANNI
Maninder Singh, Sr.ADV: I have 2 submissions. It is not merely a law and order problem. It is squarely falling in the Special Protection Group Act #PMOIndia . Section 14 says “assistance to the group shall be the duty of every ministry of central or State Government”
Singh: This fell for your lordships consideration with regard to a former PM who was under trial for corruption and the place of the trial had to be shifted. Even if the PM wants to wave the protection, he cannot do that. He does not have the right #PMOIndia
Read 25 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Gm! Once again glad that our Hon'ble PM is always safe but as a nation can a few questions be answered.

1) Was the route the Hon'ble PM would take decided as per ASL?
Was the SPG okay that the Hon'ble PM would drive 111 km in 2 hours on road! 1n
2) even if the SPG was fine how did the did the SPG allow the Hon'ble PM to travel on an unsanitised route for two hours without security clearance? Is it the claim of the SPG that the Punjab Police mislead them? Is it even conceivable that DGP Punjab would do that? 2n
3) even if you assume Punjab Police mislead the SPG, the PMs cavalcade has warning cars & pilot cars (SPG does not trust local police & goes a published ASL) how did they not warn the Hon'ble PMs cavalcade behind of an unsanitised route! SPG communicates on a secure channel! 3n
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Nov 20th 2021
Have you heard, under Cong laws were made with cabinet approval & then unmade without cabinet approval. Sadly @PChidambaram_IN has his memory short with age catching up ! Recall an ordinance passed by MMS Cabinet torn by RahulG in 2013 as he ambushed a AjayMaken PC.
Have all the sympathies with Mr Chidambaram who was our Home Minister too under UPA regime, coining #HinduTerror & who could not recollect signing changed affidavit of Terrorist Ishrat Jahan ! But can he forget RahulG rebuking PM MM Singh by tearing ordinance copy ?
Did Chidambaram not feel ashamed to learn Dynasty Scion RahulG insulting Manmohan Singh, prior to his meet with Obama, by uncalled & unwarranted act, while then PM Manmohan Singh was on a visit to United States ? What kind of sycophancy is this, fail to understand?
Read 8 tweets
May 27th 2021
Treatment of #COVID19 gets a Boost; Lab produced Monoclonal Antibody cocktail drug (Casirivimab and Imdevimab), similar to human antibodies and prevent Corona virus infecting human cells, launched in India for use from today
Given as IV infusion, Useful in mild to moderate CoVID immediately after diagnosis in the first week, decreases chances of progression to hospitalisation, severe disease or death by 70%. Though expensive at Rs 60,000, could be life saving for those at highest risk of severe CoVID
elderly or those with multiple chronic diseases. Not useful once patient is admitted to hospital with moderate to severe disease needing oxygen and the protection is temporary. More information as we use it...
#COVID19 #coronavirus #StaySafe #GetVaccinated #MoHFW_INDIA #PMOIndia
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Apr 27th 2021
This is shailesh kumar yadav DM agartala, he misused his power ,he is a IAS officer,he should not pronounce slang languages with public, he cannot touch any public body ,he even cannot order police to beat public, he have no right to insult people,he is mentally ill, #pmoindia Image
He apologized to the people of agartala, he should be suspended immediately, and teken action by the state government.
Thousands of chairs are holding by uneducated goats,thats why india is backyards then others countries, governments should terminate all this uneducated goats, Image
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Apr 25th 2021
Our PM Narendra Modi is dealing with an exceptional crisis. *No PM has had to face such a situation that has impacted every part of India and every aspect of our lives*. If a family member is seriously ill we get shaken.
Here,130 crore people are at risk. Some say lockdown should’ve been earlier. Some say Army should’ve been called. Some are saying intelligence failure while still others say that he is trying to appease by announcing certain measures.
*Everyone has retrospective opinions but NONE are ready to bear the responsibility of 130 cr people. Only he has to*.

If the lockdown doesn’t succeed then he gets targeted. If it does, still he gets targeted because the economy is hit.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
PMO Narendra Modi begins his address to the nation

@PMOIndia @narendramodi #NarendraModi
Compared to January, production of pharmaceuticals has increased now: PMO Modi

50 percent of all vaccines manufactured in India will be sent to States directly : @PMOIndia #NarendraModi
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Jun 16th 2020
So here’s a classic example of Monkeys winning the cake in the battle of cats! A moral story #righttolearn will impart!

Parents opting for sessions in other states as a solution to Karnataka’s ban!
Follow the thread 1/7
Online overtakes geographical boundaries, parents opt for sessions offered by other states.

Gainers - Schools outside Karnataka
Giants like BYJUS, Hobby classes

Losers - Kids put through re-settling & Karnataka registered schools
#righttolearn 2/7
Multiplying Parents Loss:
- Paid school fee
- Paying whopping subscription fee to online learning giants
- Resettling Children to new curriculum and Teachers
- Will have to resettle Kids back in Karnataka school
- Kids being dodged
#righttolearn 3/7
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Mar 24th 2020
@anandmahindra , We are a task force of about 100 people consisting of some graduates from IISc, tech startups in BLR, and employees from TI India. We are among the brightest tech minds in India and we have the ability to hack together hardware+software with very little effort.
We have designed the following -
Low cost ventilators - These are extremely critical for saving lives.
Pulsoximeters - For measuring blood oxygen content in hospitals
UV LED based disinfection devices.
Large boxes for hospitals.s
Small boxes for home use
@anandmahindra , @kiranshaw , #pmoindia, @PMOIndia We need help in manufacturing the same. Many factories that we are talking to are being shut-down. We need help either to keep some of these factories open or to find factories which have the permit to remain open.
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Aug 27th 2018
@bmkavalrwa @DrParameshwara @PMOIndia Dear Sir, I have my hard earned money used for buying a flat in Mangalore 10 years back. The builder took us for granted and violated @5% on construction and now can not get us completion certificate. I am personally suffering due to this issue as can not sell the flat.
@bmkavalrwa @DrParameshwara @PMOIndia @5 Apeksha apartment owners had gone to consumer forum at all levels and got the judgment in owners favor. Builder wants to get the certificate through Akrama Sakrama and which is pending in Supreme court. There is no way I can get relief from this as entire ecosystem not supporting
@bmkavalrwa @DrParameshwara @PMOIndia @5 Buyers are not ready as banks will not give one seems to be bothered by the plight that we are going through. I have paid(after paying IT) for my dwelling and not asking for free, why all these barriers? I request the issue to be taken at highest place and resolve soon!
Read 46 tweets

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