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Feb 23rd 2020
We want all young voters to evaluate the candidates for themselves, and we love that some of our members & founders have chosen to endorse in their personal capacity. March For Our Lives, as an organization, has not and does not have plans to endorse any candidate. (thread 1/3)
We’re a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused on harnessing the power of young people to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives. Any donations are spent to that end and are not used to support any one candidate or political party.
Final thought: We believe America needs a #PeacePlan. All candidates should have a bold, comprehensive agenda to end our nation’s gun violence epidemic. We encourage you to compare their plans against ours:
Read 3 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
1)The #PeacePlan unveiled yesterday by #Trump & #Netanyahu is absurd. Nearly all key elements presented as measures of stability are actually antagonistic to #Palestinians. Cont’d settlements will further incite more extreme contingents to carry out attacks on Jewish Israeli soil
2)A peace deal, ANY deal, requires a DIALOGUE between involved parties, in this case Palestinian & Israeli leadership- not a list of orders penned by the US. Not to mention, Trump's son-in-law goes on TV expressing hope that Palestinians weren't "screwing up another opportunity"
3)Palestinian leadership not consulted in this "deal," showing fractured relationship #PresidentTrump has dev'd with its peoples. As concession for all territorial disputes going Israel's way, Trump offers $50b in unsourced funds. Someone tell him this is not a real estate deal.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
Our favorite part of 2019? Watching the @NRA’s meltdown 😎

Check out our top 5 favorite fails from the past year👇
1️⃣ NRA-funded politicians got voted out on their home turf! For the first time in a generation, we flipped the VA legislature and elected a gun sense majority after *20 years* of NRA control.… Image
2️⃣ The Senate released a report outlining how the NRA coordinated with Russian spies (yes, really!) to interfere in the 2016 election. Pro tip: it’s tough to claim to be patriots if you help a foreign country manipulate our democracy.… Image
Read 7 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
Wanna know what NRA talking points sound like? Cue Lawrence VanDyke!!
🚨ICYMI: Yesterday @SenateGOP voted to confirm Lawrence VanDyke to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Throughout his decade long career in law, VanDyke has proven time and time again that he will prioritize the interests of the gun lobby over the lives of our nation's youth.
Yesterday the Senate voted but come November 3, 2020 we'll be the ones voting🗳

These Senators who voted for VanDyke are up for re-election👀👇
Read 4 tweets
Oct 23rd 2019
1/ THREAD: I know I’m a little late on this one, but I was busy earlier & have some things to say about the thread @germanrlopez, a @voxdotcom senior correspondent, wrote about @BetoORourke today.

Let me help clear things up with some FACTS & RECEIPTS.
2/ First of all, Beto didn’t just suddenly start caring about gun violence after the shooting in El Paso on August 3rd.

One of many examples: @BetoORourke in 2016, on the House floor, during the sit-in, speaking truth.

3/ And when @BetoORourke wasn’t speaking he was live-streaming on FB so we could see democracy in action after Paul Ryan cut the CSPAN feed.

Read 23 tweets
Oct 12th 2019
19 months ago, we were just teens on a living room floor who wanted to change our country for the better.

A week ago we had our first presidential forum with @GiffordsCourage to elect a president will do just that.

Check out the highlights:

In the past year @AMarch4OurLives

-Voted out more NRA backed politicians then ever before
-Doubled the youth voter turnout
-Registered 50,000 voters
-Gotten over 75 new gun laws passed
-Written a comprehensive #PeacePlan to reduce gun violence by 50% over 10 years
If you would like to join or support us you can do so by

-Starting a chapter and/or donating at

-Following @AMarch4OurLives

-Texting VOTE to 954-954 for updates from MFOL
Read 3 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
We’re on the hill all day fighting for #GunViolencePrevention!

First up: the @HouseJudiciary Committee Hearing on the #AssualtWeaponsBan

Then we’ll join @MichaelPfleger @stsabinachurch @BeBraveChicago and dozens of partners for a national rally to #EndGunViolence! Image
You can watch @HouseJudiciary Committee Hearing on assault weapons from home!

#BanAssaultWeapons #BanWeaponsOfWar…
At the @HouseJudiciary Committee hearing:

@davidchipman, Former ATF Agent and @GiffordsCourage Senior Policy Advisor explaining why the #AssaultWeaponsBan is needed and ways in which we should improve upon the 1994 version of the ban
Read 7 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
Like the #PeacePlan or not – it’s a plan that is sparking a much-needed conversation from the halls of Congress to our living rooms at home.
Even if you NEVER agree with me… please read the plan. Think about what parts you could support, if any, and if you don’t agree then at least you now know what we are talking about.
If you do support the #PeacePlan, sign the petition on our website. Call your reps to demand they look for solutions as big as the problem.

Ask the presidential candidates what they think about it. Most importantly, talk to your friends & family.

Help us spread the word.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
Gun violence is an epidemic that claims nearly 40,000 lives every year. For a problem as big as this, we need big solutions.

We have to seismically shift how we respond to gun violence – from inaction to action. We need a Peace Plan for Safer America.
We believe in C.H.A.N.G.E. –  six bold steps that the next Presidential Administration and Congress must take to address this national gun violence epidemic:
We know this seems ambitious given Washington’s apathy to decades of bloodshed in our schools, neighborhoods, and even our houses of worship.

It’s okay to disagree with us – but we know video games aren't to blame.

So I ask you @GOP @DNC what are your plans to end this?
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2019
1. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world🤨👇🏼
2. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world🤨👇🏼…
Read 152 tweets

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