#Zionists #ApartheidIsrael #Apartheid #IsraelCrimes #PalestinianGenocide #WorldConspiracy #IsraeliCrimes #israeliterrorism #IsraelZionism #DeepState #DeepStateCorruption #IsraelInterferenceInUSPolicy #IsraelLobbyGroup
Israel is conducting experiments on kids they’ve taken prisoner. Dr. Mengele proteges. israelpalestinenews.org/israel-weapons…
Heavily-armed #Israeli death squad guns down unarmed #Palestinian girl, Samah Mubarek(16 yrs).
Watch them plant a knife near her body, to try to justify their war crime.
#BoycottEurovision2019 #USPolitics #auspol @IntlCrimCourt
Israel’s Chief Rabbi, David Lau, has openly admitted to the use of DNA tests to determine a person’s “Jewish ancestry” before allowing them to marry in Israel and be granted Jewish status.
Netanyahu, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) display racist views
600,000🇮🇱settlers, 250 dead unarmed Gazan protesters, three one-sided “wars” in which 3,500 Palestinians in Gaza (& about 150 🇮🇱) have been killed–that’s not a big enough deal for israelpalestinenews.org/netanyahu-anti…
Some powerful persons,long time ago lost their mind..!!
R we going to wait until they finished with every single citizen in our Planet?
Some1 has 2 do something,Bfore is 2 late
Underground_Israel has 400 nuclear warheads
Netanyahu does what ever he wants with ONU

🇮🇱has exerted great pressure on🇺🇳to keep its army off a “shame list” of serious violators of children’s rights.🇮🇱even avoided a listing in 2015 following its 50-day attack on Gaza in 2014, which left more than 500 Palestinian children dead.
According to Israeli media report, the Israeli government has completed work on a massive, far-reaching plan that would expel an estimated 36,000 Palestinians from “unrecognized” villages in the Negev.
I visited the most notorious of the unrecognized villages, al-Araqib.This village, which was once home to 600 🇵🇸has been demolished 119 times. Now, only 5 tents and a tribal cemetery remain. There are more graves than villagers. CAN U HELP?
Israel is killing unarmed Palestinians protesters for a 51st consecutive Friday for the crime of not being Jewish.
The Jewish Bolsheviks murdered millions same as the Zionists are now doing in Palestine …
TRUMP HAS TO STOP THE SUPPORT OF A GENOCIDAL ISRAEL. Netanyahu is basically encouraging his people to attack the Palestinians, which conforms to the definition of "genocide".
Mar 22
The day the UK abstains from acknowledging israel's war crimes, israel kills 2 Palestinians with precise shots to the chest & head — 30 injured haaretz.com/middle-east-ne…
The UK's abstention over israel's war crimes at the UN represents a dereliction of its responsibility to uphold int'l law and human rights waronwant.org/media/statemen…
Mar 22
Israel has been holding dozens of bodies of Palestinian martyrs in “cemeteries of numbers” for a long time and refused to hand them over to their families to get prayers and be buried in their home cities and towns. Via @QudsNen

Mar 22
Telesur: US Furious Over Another Scathing UN Report on Israeli Abuses. Read: bit.ly/2upuZep

Mar 22
And a big shoutout to you two as well. true legends for justice & calling out the apartheid state. 👍👏
Am watching Norman Finklestein on @jimmy_dore right now.
Mar 17
Re-upping my 2017 piece on how an Israeli funded conference in 1979 launched what has now been a 40 year effort to tie Islam to terrorism in public discourse.
Mar 17
In 2014, I wrote about the cadre of pro-Israel millionaires who fund the Islamophobia Industry.
Mar 17
🇮🇱weaponized Islamophobia to give its illegal and brutal occupation of the 🇵🇸ian territories diplomatic cover.
By portraying Muslims as unruly, backward savages, it was able to con West into thinking its repressive measures are reasonable and necessary.
Mar 15
Amnesty writes to companies to warn them: if you do business with israel's illegal settlements, you are involved in committing war crimes amnesty.org.uk/press-releases…
Mar 16
Why are the Israeli’s allowed to murder Palestinian’s Daily Without a Comment, In The Western Media , ? aml.ink/2c2IY
By @intifada
Mueller may have found no Trump-Russia conspiracy, but there is foreign interference in the US. However, media won't talk about it because the state doing it is not Russia, but Israel bit.ly/2JNPEDM
Mr. Almagro this:
“The independent Commission of Inquiry, set up last year by the UN’s human rights council, said🇮🇱forces killed 189 people & shot more than 6,100 others with live ammunition..” those “people” were🇵🇸
That's exactly why outside #AIPAC2019 hundreds of people were protesting today:
"From the river to the sea, #Palestine will be free!"

Israeli PM currently facing an indictment over bribery and corruption ordered to attack #Gaza ahead of elections in April.
1. One of the most important speeches regarding Israel Ever - please watch/listen to alison weir
2. No 1 cause of death bullet to the head. How many IDF war criminals prosecuted? Zero

3. The first🇵🇸rocket ever fired was sep 2001. Look at that chart again for 2000-2001.The 1948 ethnic cleansing operation main cause of death was bullet to head.Often back of head.Means they were fleeing. Children. 30+ towns emptied bulldozed renamed with Jew names.
❝#Jerusalem is #Palestinian longer than #London is #English❞
- Historian Salman Abu Sitta
Did the IOF say they were going to bomb Hamas targets in Gaza? Civilians are Israel's bank of target! #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني @jamalrayyan @RoyaTV @MustafAbuZir @VipWafaa @UNNewsArabic

Part of the damage at a driving school that was bombed by the Israeli warplanes in central Gaza Strip last night. #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني

#Israel said it would only respect a ceasefire if the weekly Friday protest known as the #GreatReturnMarch was cancelled.
Death toll from Saudi airstrike on hospital in Yemen’s Sa’ada province rises to seven
Israeli shelling destroyed a mosque in the northern Gaza Strip. Imagine the outcry if Palestinians had destroyed a synagogue.
By @RondaLH26
Excellent THREAD. The #foreign #influence or hijacking of America politics & policies! #Washington warned us about this threat! Will #Maga #TrumpTrain #Republican #Democrat #Liberals & US citizens allow our country to be completel lost?
🇵🇸scholar @jehadibnsaleem says the violence in Gaza can't be disconnected from🇵🇸struggles in the West Bank, inside 🇮🇱& in the diaspora. "When we talk about violence, we're talking about decades and decades of violence ... inflicted on🇵🇸."
As Israel begins bombing Gaza, keep in mind that Israel uses each new war as an opportunity to test and advertise its weapons.
War is always a racket
After🇮🇱's bombardment of #Gaza🇵🇸 last night, remember:
☑️70% of the people of Gaza are refugees 👨👩👧👦
☑️+ than half are CHILDREN🧒
☑️95% of the water in Gaza is unfit for human consumption 🚰
#UN Security Council discusses the ongoing situation in Middle East following exchanges of fire between #IDF and #Hamas
By @palestine_event
🇵🇸 #Gaza under attack... And #ArabLeague #Palestine #Zionism #Drawing #humanitarian

The #UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Nickolay Mladenov, demanded maximum restraint to avoid an escalation in the #GazaStrip that would lead to catastrophic consequences.

The Top Human destruction equipments are made in🇺🇸the Top Terror sponsor State in the World is🇺🇸. The Top Terror Planning Terrorist Making department of a state in the world is US Pentagon. The Top Terror & war criminal state of Israel 🇮🇱 is sponsored by 🇺🇸!!!

Israeli occupation army kills Palestinian youth medical volunteer Sajed Munjed with gunshot to stomach haaretz.com/israel-news/.p… …

Israel gives safe haven to al-Qaeda-linked “White Helmets” PR operation while murdering Palestinian medical volunteers in cold blood. How does the pro-Palestine/“free Syria” crowd explain that contradiction?
WHO strongly condemns the killing of Sajed Mazher, a first responder working with PMRS in the #WestBank.
The protection of health workers, patients and health facilities must be respected at all times.
Health care is #NotATarget.

LISTEN! In our latest podcast, we talk to @HatemBazian -- who was attacked by Psy-Group, a now dissolved front for the Mossad (which seems to have been set up to help Israel skirt laws against spying on US citizens) electronicintifada.net/blogs/nora-bar…
Palestinian volunteer medic killed by Israeli forces in Bethlehem
@AJENews aje.io/479y5
Fares explained, the minors are subjected to severe torture by Israeli occupation forces & interrogators.They are completely cut off from the outside world, have no family visitation, no social workers and detained with old prisoners.
#Israel killed 40 Palestinian children in year of #Gaza fence protests: #UNICEF

Shooting at medical staff is a war crime, Israel just killed a volunteer medic in Palestine.
Gaza is surrounded by israel's tanks — if that's not perceived by the int'l community as a threat of genocide, then what else is it?
Watch as those "big tough guys" of the IDF murder a young🇵🇸girl in cold blood. HER CRIME WAS...simply being a Palestinian.
@IntlCrimCourt @theICTJ @ngos4justice Will the Int. Court prosecute Israel for this cold-blooded murder and others?
A total of 500 houses in the Gaza Strip were damaged by the latest🇮🇱airstrikes, 🇵🇸’s public works minister said late Tuesday
500 families, who probably live in poverty & now without homes. Israel has to be held responsible for their crimes.

Israel has killed more than 3,000 children since 28 September 2000 when the Second Intifada began until the end of April 2017, a new report has found.
Israeli settlers cut down dozens of olive trees in #Nablus - english.palinfo.com/39779 via @palinfoen #Palestine #SquatterTerrorism

… Political Zionism in Palestine & creation of the murderous State of Israel. #AlysonWeir 15 min. Alyson mentioned that The USS Liberty didn't get coverage. Well, I dedicated a poem. tatianyc.com/WebPages/poemp…
While standing in the middle of a crowd of women & children with her younger brother Mohammed, Wassal(14 years old) was shot in the head by🇮🇱sniper. Another demonstrator was filming when she was hit, her body slumping forward to the ground.
Mohammed was shot dead in the head by🇮🇱today morning, holding a"Lift the Siege on Gaza" poster during a previous participation in the #GreatReturnMarch protests on Gaza borders.What unarmed boy with his injured could do to shout him in head!

Gaza Health Ministry: Two Palestinians killed, 59 injured by Israeli forces pscp.tv/w/b29uNTF6dkVO…
“When the🇮🇱RACIST law says self-determination is only for Jews..when 50.9% of the population is Palestinian Christian or Muslim..the result will be widening the cycle of violence!”😨
PLO🇵🇸Chief Negotiator @ErakatSaeb
What better than a"false flag"to have Netanyahu return"promptly"to🇮🇱.No evidence Hamas fired bomb, none required to start a war.
🇮🇱have also informed Hamas, through🇪🇬that“any retaliation to our attack on Gaza will result in full scale war”.
Interfering with the work of medical crews or causing them harm is absolutely prohibited. There were no grounds for threatening detaining or endangering the EMTs. These actions by🇮🇱 army are another example of their disregard for lives of🇵🇸 btselem.org/video/20190302…
Israeli authorities detained 102 Palestinians... go.shr.lc/2SBBAkp
19-year-old Hero of Salfit operation executed
🇵🇸protesters, including children, have taken part in civilian protests along the 🇮🇱-installed perimeter fence in Gaza Strip.🇮🇱’s excessive force, including live ammunition on unarmed protesters has killed/maimed a high number of children
Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

🔴LIVE: This edition of #PressTVDebate discusses Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands pscp.tv/w/b2-t_zF6dkVO…
In March it emerged that prisoners were suffering from depression,headaches & fainting as a result of the radiation from devices that produce powerful radiation & which experts saying can lead to“genetic deformities of human cells & cancer”
THE DONMEH: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part I)
The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part II)
Zionist settlers watching from hills overlooking Gaza and cheering bomb being dropped by IOF.
Majority of settlers want blood and annihilation of Palestinians.

LOST CHILDHOOD➤ Oppression Under #Israel's Occupation
#Palestinian children go through grave violations of international law as #Israeli occupation army goons systematically assault #Palestinian children in the most inhumane manner
"Under no circumstances should Israel be killing children. We as Jews must reckon with you".
Bizarre! @nytimes calls #Gaza protests “mostly calm.” But🇮🇱snipers shot dead 4 🇵🇸s & shot & wounded 64 others. It’s not “calm” for them or their families. If 4 Israelis were shot dead would you call that “mostly calm.” #Palestinians matter. nytimes.com/2019/03/30/wor…
.@jehadibnsaleem says violence in Gaza can't be disconnected from🇵🇸struggles in the West Bank, inside🇮🇱 & in the diaspora. "When we talk about violence, we're talking about decades and decades of violence ... inflicted on Palestinians." democracynow.org/2019/3/26/fear…
#Zionists #ApartheidIsrael #Apartheid #IsraelCrimes #PalestinianGenocide #WorldConspiracy #IsraeliCrimes #israeliterrorism #IsraelZionism #DeepState #DeepStateCorruption #IsraelInterferenceInUSPolicy #IsraelLobbyGroup