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Jalal Mansur Nuriddin was a poet & musician.
He was one of the founding members of The Last Poets. A group that evolved in the 1960s out of the Harlem Writers Workshop in NYC.

His word is bond...
Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk
Jalal Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

đŸŽ¶â€Hyped up fantasizing, theorizing, idolizing en masse. Circumscribing and depriving ‘cause of money and classâ€đŸŽ¶

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk
Jalal Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

“Killing every kind of man, you control and grab a hold of everybody’s land”

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk
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Time for some “American Dynamism” #realtalk:

Lobbying firms.

If you’re operating in this space, you’ve undoubtedly been contacted by them.

Business suits. Fancy titles. Lots of acronyms. War stories.

And a $20k month MINIMUM.

Is it worth it?

Too many startups paying TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A MONTH for what ends up being MINIMAL ASSISTANCE.

Sure, Lobbying firms have their place, but for many early-stage CEO’s, that money is better used on engineering talent.

What’s the solution?

For most startups, national-level “Government Affairs” (GA) means helping with:

- Meetings in Washington (Congress and at the Executive Branch, 1-4 times/yr)
- Help w/policy, incl submitting “comments” to Agencies
- Applying for grants, etc.
- Congressional visits & press

Read 7 tweets
Ketogenic diets have neurotransmitter-balancing effects. Let's do a short thread on one of my fav NTs called GABA. đŸ§”
GABA makes you chill out. It relaxes your mind and reduces your sense of being overwhelmed. It reduces anxiety. It helps you digest your food and actually improves gut motility and, thus, gut health because it's used to keep your parasympathetic nervous system humming along.
It also helps reduce a little something called #neuroinflammation, which, if you have any kind of mood disorder, might very likely be an issue for you.
Read 6 tweets
@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
Read 17 tweets
I don't know who needs to hear this, but the restriction of carbohydrates does not = an eating disorder (1/6) #realtalk #therapist #mentalhealthcounselor
It is an evidence-based and strategic nutritional intervention to rescue mood, cognitive functioning, and basically all-around metabolic function. (2/6)
Some people will need to restrict carbohydrates to treat chronic illnesses of the brain and the body. And they don't need misinformed mental health counselors scaring them and telling them they are going to develop an eating disorder. (3/6)
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1/ A few months ago I was convinced that #StepN was going change the 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃!

Today...I've all but given up on it.

Here's why I've lost faith in @Stepnofficial đŸ§”đŸ‘‡

#MoveToEarn #RealTalk
2/ First let me say I'm not here to make enemies.

I love the #StepN community and I've met some incredible people both online and offline.

I've even met some of the team and they were amazing too.
3/ A lot of you are following me because of a thread I wrote 2 months ago that went a little viral about why I still believed in #StepN.

I'm not here to talk shit. I WANT StepN to be successful.
Read 30 tweets
The people who worked in my dept with me experienced second-hand trauma from my work experience.

Let me explain.

They saw the resistance to my leadership. They heard people undermining me and lying on me. Because the system was so punitive and hierarchical, they watched me get lynched every day. They were expected to do their jobs as their supervisor was attacked and abused daily.

Many of them couldn’t help me bc they didn’t have the power to help me. Like me, I believe people were trying to process what was happening.

How were such behaviors allowed in the workplace?
Was someone, anyone going to address it directly so it could stop?

Read 6 tweets
WOKE DIPLOMACY ALERT: We took a look at Congress’ proposed 2023 budget for the (deep) State Dept.

Here are some of the terrible items included in the bill: #ampFW Image
$250M to prevent and respond to gender-based violence around the world.

Biden can’t even keep America’s communities safe, what makes these bureaucrats think that they can prevent, let alone respond, to gender-based violence. #ampFW Image
$200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund #ampFW Image
Read 10 tweets
#realtalk : Sentiment mitigé aprÚs ces oraux de spé LLCER. J'ai vu peu de candidats qui donnaient l'impression de maßtriser leur dossier, les enjeux de leurs documents et le contexte dans lequel ils s'inscrivaient. Peu de curiosité>
mĂȘme de la part de certains bons Ă©lĂšves qui se contentent de rĂ©citer un dossier clĂ© en main entendu 20 fois. Un des (nombreux) problĂšmes du barĂšme Ă©tant qu'il ne permet pas de valoriser l'originalitĂ© d'un dossier personnel.
Beaucoup des dossiers n'étaient pas problématisés et >
ne respectaient pas la consigne de l'aller-retour entre les docs. Trop de candidats, enfin atteignaient péniblement le niveau B1 en expression orale avec (6+2) 8 h d'anglais par semaine. Alors bien sûr, j'ai entendu d'excellentes prestations avec des candidats enthousiastes et >
Read 4 tweets
This is what I'm gonna saying these expose threads that be popping up on my tl every year since being army. Take everything you see with a grain of Salt, do your own research, arm yourself with critical thinking and dont just blindly do what idiots with out of context+
Screenshots tell you. Some of these people are intentionally obtuse and propagate misinformation with the goal of ruining big accounts that they don't like for any number of reason that has nothing to do with whatever they'd like you to believe. I've seen so many good+
Translation and organizing accounts just decide to close down after being attacked over the years by antis and solo stans disguising themselves as army. And entirely too many of you let yourselves get fooled. These people have even tricked fans into turning their backs on the +
Read 24 tweets
Can we please stop this #NowPlaying long drawn out past decade of pushing #BlackPeople out there as if #BlackLivesMatter @ukblm now have the #Blackpower who will make that change who are listening to their own @Blackbirds to #Brainwashing you into thinking,
well if #BlackWomen #blackmen #LeadersDebate are seen to be in talking #StopRacism in the @churchofengland @ECB_cricket that must put an end to #PoliceBrutality #policecorruption #RacismReckoningMed22 as the rest of those like @mjtward19 who loves #football along with
the rest of @GREATBritain as @wabbey @UNESCO ?refuse to see the real reasons #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #BorisJohnsonMustGo, being the very same reasons @Keir_Starmer #StarmerOut who should never ever have been the #LeadershipDevelopment for @UKLabour
Read 6 tweets

Next week I am stepping foot in the building where I was dept chair for the first time since I left that position in 2020.

I am connecting to the postdocs in the program I direct. Seeing them will bring me such joy after the darkness & hurt of that environment. 1/
I have avoided physically being around people who caused harm for as long as I could.

Next week is the week to confront this.
To look in the eyes of people who did nothing.
I may even see an oppressor or two.

I am preparing myself for this moment. It is so real.

I think about how I will experience these moments.
Will I be sad? Angry? Will a smell or sound trigger me?
Will I see a picture that reminds me of the past?

I don’t know, friends.
That place was my life for so long.

Read 4 tweets
What you mean you need support from ARMY. ARMY is here for BTS not for other groups. Let their fandoms support them we will support BTS point blank periodt. I will never forget the ridicule and bullying that went and still goes on today when it comes to us and the boys+
But you want us to leave our priorities behind and support your favorites when you don't even respect us and our favorites?! Like make it make sense! The math is not mathing! I can guarandamntee you nobody was telling Groups like Eggso and b*g b*ang to give other groups a chance+
When they were dominating all the charts in korea and Japan. No one asked eggsols and vipers to vote for and push other groups. Nobody was policing yall activities even when they were harmful af to other fandoms and groups but now you wanna police ours?! Like what?!+
Read 9 tweets
I want yall to understand something real quick ARMY is literally the most amazing thing to have happened to to fandom and pop culture in the longest time imo. Do you realize that we literally tell entertainment industry to f*ck themselves all the time?! We singlehandedly fought+
For BTS recognition and for them to be able to have enough space to show their talent and largely managed to bypass xenophobia and racism (although we are still fighting against a lot of this sh*t) we carved out enough breathing room so that the boys and many others like them+
Do not get suffocated by the industry. Whether other kpop fandoms or other stars who benefit from our fight admit it or not we really established lots of precedents and I can't help but applaud for that. I will fight anyone who dares to refute this! Years from now we will go+
Read 8 tweets
Speak out!!! Who knows someone who’s had side effects from the V

Serious or mild.. Tell us!!!

Read 3 tweets
Let's have a #RealTalk moment. In recent years there has been a degeneration of the software bounty industry. Focussing on MSFT here (but it's not exclusive to their program). We had a lot of, "not a boundary", "that thing is not in scope", nerfing the payouts into the ground 1/n
, one of my favourites, "this app has live updates so we don't assign CVE's" and finally on-prem critical infra like Exchange and Sharepoint aren't eligible at all (lol wut, come again?)
I'm honestly baffled by this, for example look at this RCE for teams =>
 marked as "Important/Spoofing" (maybe like 3k bounty?) but at the same time p2o paying out 200k there was a similar story for Slack RCE
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What can we do to help stop child marriages? #RealTalk
P. S You can share your contributions in the comments section or anonymously via the link below👇
Response #1
Response # 2
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Sometimes I ask myself if I have become that bitter Full Professor. Stupid academic crap gets on my nerves and my tolerance for games is gone.

I think I came into academia kind and trusting, and I have gotten beat up. 1/
If academia was my spouse, I would have kicked that joker to the curb YEARS ago. No person should be in a relationship with someone who says one thing and does another. Academia has been a gaslighter. 2/
Academia attracts some really unethical folks. I wasn’t ready for that. I’m talking about folks who profess morals and values as they practice racism, sexism, and ageism.

Guess what though? Nobody calls it out. Academia is a place where there aren’t always real rules. 3/
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Today I will tell you how POC/WOC leaders can be harmed in a system even if they are in charge. 1/
The Withholders

People who work around and for you can keep information from you that you need to do your job well. They make you have to learn info from scratch. It wastes your time and increases the likelihood you won’t succeed. 2/
Two-faced allies

People say one thing to you because you are the boss and another behind your back. They don’t know which way the culture is moving so they stay in the middle. They hurt and help at the same time. 3/
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Just a few thoughts on all the folks & corps that want to start new scholarships for URVM DVM students...

Scholarships are great; yes, they increase access.

The rub is that *everyone* seems to want their *own* scholarship program rather than pooling resources.
Hardly anyone of y'all have deep enough pockets to play this money game in a manner that really, substantially reduces $$ burden for a critical mass of URVM students. #realtalk

All these individual prgms do is nickle & dime the problem while we all sit back & pat ourselves...
We all justify this by saying things like, "I know this $5-10K isn't much, but every little bit helps."

Yeah, ok, but let's talk about the wasted resources on overlapping administrative burdens.
Read 8 tweets
@flawlessflop @SeanLindo @mrsakwood @danyatma They're biologically adults, & legal adults. Biological adulthood is defined basically by having passed puberty, esp. postpubertal ( able to fertilize or conceive, & generally finished major growth spurts ). Legal adulthood is more arbitrarily defined & variable. What you are
@flawlessflop @SeanLindo @mrsakwood @danyatma focusing on, flawlessflop/marie, is mental/brain maturity, but, forget Google's overly generic bullshit, the prefrontal cortex of the human brain develops well into the 40s, by which time most women are on the threshold of menopause.

@flawlessflop @SeanLindo @mrsakwood @danyatma obviously, raising consent age to damned near menopause would be ludicrous from a biological & reproductive normalcy standpoint. What is more, mental maturity, even brain maturity, can vary greatly from person to person, including age of maturation, ranging anywhere from 15 to 25
Read 20 tweets
So before we get into the fun stuff, we need to have some #realtalk. As you know GC is in the midst of significant change. It’s a big reason why I was MIA for Zozo - the 1st time in years TW teed it up and I wasn’t there. Not my intention, but it happened.
To those that reached out in recent weeks with messages, concerns for my whereabouts or questions about the status of my liver: thanks. I read them all, and they meant a ton.
Where things go from here remains to be seen. There’s a strong chance the future involves a hiatus for me and this account. But for now, we’re here. No matter how things play out, know that there was no chance I was going to miss Tiger Bleeping Woods defending the green jacket.
Read 4 tweets

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