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Mar 5th 2023
How indoor air quality in schools affects student learning and health…
COVID-19: Experts said #Canada’s #schools need better #ventilation in 2020.
Experts agree #indoorairquality in schools affects student learning and health.
Experts also agree that ventilation is key to helping quell the risk of COVID-19 indoors.
Have the Provinces acted?
Ontario announced ventilation units for all classrooms without mechanical systems in 2021.…
Read 18 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
Odzew był spory, więc nitka o #K9 i o tym, o czym szumią wierzby. Co prawda @goltarr @mswierczynski1 @PEmeryt coś tam wspominali, ale chyba warto usystematyzować. Dla koneserów - więcej było na #OPro, tu będzie skrócik, bo i rzecz jest krótka.
O tym, jak siÄ™ robi biznes. 1/X
Tu podejdziemy historycznie, inaczej, niż na OPro. W 2014 MON postanowił przerwać impas w sprawie podwozi do #Krab (przy czym to nie całkiem było tak, jak chodzi "po necie", ale to pominiemy), co oznaczało zakup licencji dla HSW na 120 podwozi K9P (…). 2/X
Początki były... niezłe, choć kto miał wiedzieć ten wiedział, że drobne zgrzyty się zdarzały. Jest to jednak rzecz normalna i można to potraktować jako ciekawostkę, generalnie problemów z realizacją licencyjnego programu nie było, takich, które by uniemożliwiły realizację. 3/X
Read 20 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Attenzione, da Buckingham Palace: "A seguito di un'ulteriore valutazione questa mattina, i medici della Regina sono preoccupati per la salute di Sua MaestĂ  e le hanno raccomandato di rimanere sotto controllo medico. La regina resta a suo agio e a Balmoral".

Situazione seria.
#Truss: "Tutto il Paese sarĂ  profondamente preoccupato per le notizie provenienti da Buckingham Palace a quest'ora. I miei pensieri - e quelli di tutti i cittadini del Regno Unito - sono rivolti a Sua MaestĂ  la Regina e alla sua famiglia in questo momento".
Altro elemento che sembra segnalare la gravitĂ  della situazione: il principe #Carlo e Camilla sono arrivati a #Balmoral dalla tenuta della vicina Birkhall. In viaggio verso il castello scozzese anche il Duca di Cambridge, #William.

Read 55 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
🇨🇦 Excellent report by @Breanna_KS about the Edmonton Police Service's "secret" surveillance plane, but it leaves a lot of questions unanswered, like, how didn't I notice that one before?

Let's go over (granted, with hindsight) all the details.

👮 🛩️ 👋
Let's look up the obvious, planes with an owner of "Edmonton"

There are 4 plane owners with that word in their name:
‣ Edmonton Soaring Club ❌
‣ Edmonton Flying Club ❌
‣ City Of Edmonton ✅
‣ Edmonton Regional Helicopters Inc. ❌
Re-do the search using the correct owner:

The City of Edmonton own four Canadian-registered aircraft:

‣ C-FEPS Eurocopter EC120B
‣ C-FEPU Aerospatiale AS350 B3
‣ C-GEPS Aerospatiale AS350 B3
‣ C-GMXM Cessna 182Q ✅…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
Finally out today! after 4 years of struggle here it is... we found that signals derived from chloroplasts control alternative splicing of several genes in roots! ...a thread... (1/9)…
We wondered how... what is the nature of the signals that reach the roots and affect nuclear decisions in root cells... (2/9)
as some of you might already imagine, this is a sweet story! sugars derived from photosynthesis travel through the plant and reach the roots... yes! we know, but that's just the beginning, you'll see... (3/9)
Read 13 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
60 journalists from 25 media outlets coordinated by @FbdnStories picked back up the investigation into the murder of #Regina MartĂ­nez, killed in 2012. Her death was a major shift in the targeting of journalists in Mexico. #CartelProject
#Regina Martínez was the most-read journalist in Veracruz. “Everything that the local press didn’t dare to publish was published via Regina Martínez,” said Jorge Carrasco, director of @proceso, the news outlet Martínez worked for. #CartelProject
“Never in my career had I seen such an altered crime scene,” the federal prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Laura Borbolla, said eight years after the murder of #Regina Martínez. #CartelProject
Read 11 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
Grosse journée en #education francophone en milieu minoritaire aujourd’hui.

On s’attend à plus de détails sur la construction de la nouvelle école francophone à #Regina en début d’après-midi. Cela fait des années que la communauté réclame une nouvelle école à #yqr #frcan
Le gouvernement saskatchewanais versera 21 millions de dollars dans la construction d'une nouvelle école élémentaire francophone à Regina. Elle sera complétée en 2023 et va accueillir 325 élèves fransaskois. #frcan #education
Un protocole d’entente a été signé le 19 mars 2019 entre le Conseil scolaire fransaskois et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan, dans lequel la province s’était engagée à construire trois nouvelles écoles francophones d’ici 2025, soit à Regina, Saskatoon et Prince Albert. #frcan
Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
Day 2 since the Saskatchewan government announced K-12 students and staff won’t be required to wear masks when schools resume in September. Anger, anxiety, and shock are still palpable among many parents and teachers. #skpoli

Expect tweets about #education on my feed today.
A petition demanding a "better back-to-school plan" has been signed by 8000 people in the last 24 hours. And counting.

"The government of Saskatchewan’s plan does not offer an effective way for staff and students to avoid infection," the petition says. #skpoli
The petition is asking the Saskatchewan government to implement six measures, including smaller class sizes. 👇🏾 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
I just spoke to Tristen Durocher. He is on Day 4 of his hunger strike in Wascana Park on #Regina until meaningful legislation is passed on suicide prevention.

Yesterday, Regina police ordered the protest camp to take down the teepee and leave.

#skpoli #canpoli ImageImage
"Living on tea and odds and ends," Durocher said when we spoke, quoting @BuffySteMarie.

He walked 635 km from Air Ronge to Regina in response to the Saskatchewan government denying a suicide prevention bill earlier this month before starting his hunger strike. #skpoli #canpoli
Durocher says mental health services are urgently needed in Northern Sask.

"Suicide is the leading cause of death in Northern Saskatchewan among people aged 10 to 46," he added.

He anticipates he will strike until end of August and vows to stay in the park. #skpoli #canpoli
Read 3 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
#DarkNetflix Es la serie que conecta el pasado, presente y futuro en un circulo sin principio ni final.

No importando ¿Dónde? sino ¿Cuándo?

Las preguntas que se originen seran contestada a lo largo de este hilo

[HiLo] Image
La historia se desarrolla en un pueblo llamado #Winden, donde funciona una planta nuclear.

Muy cerca a la planta existe una cueva que contiene un agujero de gusano que conecta el pasado con el presente. ImageImageImage
En el pueblo habitan 4 familias

Los #Nielsen.
Los #Kahnwald.
Los #Tiedemann.
Los #Doppler. ImageImageImageImage
Read 269 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
Für alle, die sich Fragen, wie der Arbeitsalltag eines #Freiberuflers so aussieht: Ich hatte heute um halb zwölf einen Skype-Termin. Mit meiner Mutter.
Warum? Weil die gute Frau A) eine völlig falsche Vorstellung vom Arbeitsalltag eines Freiberuflers hat und B) vierzehn Monate vor dem wirklich lange ersehnten Ruhestand noch eine digitale #DSGVO-Weiterbildung machen muss.
Offiziell ĂĽbrigens allein.
Offiziell ohne UnterstĂĽtzung.
Offiziell während ihrer Arbeitszeit.
Aber wir alle wissen, was das heiĂźt.
Read 41 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
▶️ Aktionskarte (A3) für die morgigen Proteste & Blockaden gegen den Nazi-"Trauermarsch" in #Magdeburg:…. Wir werden genügend Aktionskarten an verschiedenen Punkten in der Innenstadt verteilen #md1901 #blockmd
đź•š Start der zentralen Gegendemonstration Hauptsache Zusammen - Nazis Wegputzen von #REGINA um 11 Uhr (pĂĽnktlich) an der Kreuzung Otto-von-Guericke-StraĂźe / Ernst-Reuter-Allee vor MAGADO (H9/10) #md1901 #blockmd (1)
đź’© Auftakt des Nazi-"Trauermarschs" soll um 12 Uhr sein. Bisher wurde zum Willy-Brandt-Platz bzw. Hauptbahnhof (G10) mobilisiert. Informationen ĂĽber die genaue Route sind noch nicht bekannt #md1901 #blockmd (2)
Read 12 tweets
Jan 29th 2018
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets

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