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Most recents (21)

📸 Another #Stargate vote just opened on @SnapshotLabs


As a reminder, these votes can be very important to be eligible for LayerZero #airdrop 🪂

#snapshot #airdrops $STG Image
You must have stake $STG tokens before the Snapshot to be able to vote.

If you don't know how it works, it's explained in my thread here :

🚨 At every snap I see the same comments, so if you see a message :

'Failed to check voting power' or something like that, this is just a RPC issue as usual, try to refresh, If it doesn't work, try again later 😉
Read 4 tweets
#LayerZero 🧶⤵️

What about the VCs?

Over $170 million has been raised, funds include:

Binance Labs, Sequoia Capital, a16z, Coinbase Ventures, FTX, Uniswap, PayPal Ventures, Sino Global Capital and others.

And there are a lot of activities here 😎

1/23 Image
Lets start with discord, go to the link (, pass the captcha, turn off notifications except channel for announcements.

Since, as I said, there are a lot of activities and need to test them all, I will divide them into two categories, Bridges and DeFi


1. #Stargate @StargateFinance (
This is a BASE, use it as often as possible, not just because they have the same team, but because it's really a quality platform

3/23 Image
Read 23 tweets

@RDNTCapital 做为全链借贷和 #DeFi 创新者,其TVL已超1.35亿美元,在 #Arbitrum 排名第三(只在 #GMX#Uniswap 之后),价格也持续攀升,但这还都只是基于V1和单链就已做到,V2才是 $RDNT 的真正腾飞
🧵 ImageImage
#Radiant V2和 #AAVE 等基础借贷协议的几个重要区别:
1/基于 #LAYERZERO 支持全链借贷,这意味着可以实现:在 #Arbitrum 质押 $USDC ,在 #BSC 上借出 $BNB , 彻底摆脱当前在同一公链上借出资产 -> 寻找安全低成本的跨链桥 -> 长时间等待的困惑,全链借贷是聚合被众多公链割裂流动性的基础入口
#AAVE V3 的跨链解决方案对比,基于 #LAYERZERO 意味着 #Radiant 全链借贷能快速支持更多L1/L2公链及其资产、更快速、低成本和安全,在安全事故频发的跨链桥领域,建构在 #LAYERZERO 之上的 #Stargate 跨链桥到目前为止尚未发生过任何重大安全事故。
Read 9 tweets
Follow-up tweet to show how to exit at a better price

$STG +44% YDAY then -8% today

Supply 50% on #CEX & 50% on #DEX, analyze:
- #DEX Net Buy Value
- Net #CEX Outflow

to find the exit point $0.70…

#Insider trading leaked👇…

$STG climbed up to $0.71. The #CEX bearish #signal occurs at $0.70.

At $0,70, Candlestick tracked over $408K+ #CEX deposit.

After this #signal occurred, the price went up further to $0.71 and then dropped all the way down to $0.6138.


At the same price $0.70, $STG DEX Net Buy Value is positive.

$348K #DEX Net Buy vs $409K #CEX deposit

The followed-up Negative DEX Net Buy Value pull the $STG price down further

To conclude, $0.70 is an exit point

Live buy&sell power on #DEX 👇…
Read 4 tweets
Ngoài $GMX thì 1 dex perp mình quan tâm tiếp theo là #ragetrade khá hứa hẹn khi sắp ra mắt token trên #arbitrum hiện tại đã có product
1/ Rage trade được build chính trên #arbitrum, cho phép người dùng giao dịch #ETH với đòn bẩy x10, điều đặc biệt so với các perp khác là rage sửa dụng "thanh khoản tái chế".
2/ #ragetrade sử dụng lại các thanh khoản trong các giao thức khác các Lp như curve Tri-Crypto(#usdc #eth #ethw) , GLP (Lq của GMX), Lq của Sushi...
đều này mang đến tính thanh khoản sâu cho giao thức cho phép các big whales trade trên rage
Read 9 tweets
Read 156 tweets

撸毛是最内卷的,交互教程满天飞,但当你跟着教程刷完大批钱包后,却发现一次次被反撸,从 $OP $ZZ $SAFE .. 的失望中应该体会到了吧,可以确定地说,绝大多数撸毛党都将成为项目方的撸毛韭菜,贡献了燃油费手续费最后一个子也收不到。


Read 9 tweets
Today we will take apart the Stargate Finance ($STG) project!
Stargate Finance is a fully composable liquidity transport protocol built on LayerZero technology. If your unfamiliar with how this works read through Layer Zero Network. LayerZero aims to enable the transfer of funds between several blockchains.
Stargate has achieved over 1B in TVL (total value locked) in just 5 days since launch. Stargate is the first and only bridge that solves the bridging tilemma which I will cover in more detail below.
Read 33 tweets
Şubat 2021'de #Stargate güncellemesi ile #IBC yani zincirler arası iletişim protokolü devreye alındı o günden bugüne 1.5 yılı geride bıraktık. #Cosmos bu zaman zarfında çok boyutlu büyüyor ve çok zincirli #Cosmos vizyonu ile gelen bir çok handikap için yol haritası oluşturuldu. Image
An itibariyle IBC'ye entegre olmuş bağımsız 51 tane #Cosmos zinciri var. Şuan test aşamasında olan 2022'de devreye alınması planlanan 60 adet proje var. Bunlardan 3 tanesi başka ekosistemlerden geliyor.
Ayrıca @JunoNetwork @osmosiszone @ComdexOfficial @PersistenceOne @SecretNetwork ve yakın zamanda $UST depeg olmasıyla kendini patlatan @terra_money gibi akıllı kontrat özelliğine sahip zincirlerde 100'lerce bağımsız olamayan dAPP'ler geliştirildi. $Juno $Cmdx $Osmo $Xprt $Scrt
Read 6 tweets
A serious technical discussion: Buy and Sell cross-chain assets in one transaction.
#Stargate has implemented 2-3 transactions-in-one. How many transactions does an Omnichain Aggregator need to process at one time?
At least 4, possibly 20+, besides pay gas only once.
Bob is on ethereum, intends to buy ETH/BTC with 200,000 USDC, he just wants to settle this in one transaction. This is a common requirement.
What should Bob do?
Pancake on BNB and Spooky on Fantom can offer lower prices (disregarding the impact of slippage for now), which means that Bob can buy more ETH/BTC.
Does Bob have a better choice now? He is willing to pay fees as long as someone can help him.
Read 8 tweets
#Cipholio热点速递| 来聊聊 #Stargate

1/8. @StargateFinance 是建立在 #LayerZero 上的一个具有可组合性的原生资产桥,兼具 #DEX#跨链桥 的功能和属性。相比于其他 #DeFi 项目,#Stargate 在聚合流动性和即时保证的最终性(instant guaranteed finality)方面有独特优势。 Image
2/8. 目前,#Stargate 主要支持 #以太坊#Avalanche#BNBChain#Polygon#Arbitrum#Fantom#Optimism,在不同链上的TVL如下图所示(来源:@DefiLlama)。未来,Stargate还会支持 #Solana#Terra#Cosmos 等非EVM的公链。 Image
3/8. #Stargate 的底层公链 #LayerZero 是一个全链互操作性协议。LayerZero采用超轻节点(Ultra Light Node)的技术方案,通过预言机和中继向其支持的任何区块链的智能合约发送消息.
Read 8 tweets

What's the deeper meaning behind it all?

Follow the white rabbit through this maze connecting art, Jeffrey Epstein, the illuminati, possible dimensional portals and... escape rooms?
This rabbit hole actually leads to more topics than just this thread, a part 2 will be needed

After reading this thread keep your eyes peeled for these symbols and feel free to send me any connections you make on your own
It started when I saw a commercial for the movie Escape Room 2: Tournament of Champions

I noticed the white and black checkerboard floor and the black cube

The characters are in a bank called "Illuminus Bank"

The black cube image is also placed over lower Manhattan ImageImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
With the completion of the original @cosmos whitepaper (yes you read that right, a crypto project actually completed its whitepaper) a new roadmap for the Gaia (Cosmos Hub) is in process from @interchain_io under @shahankhatch in collaboration with core devs.

TL;DR Gaia is planning to pull in modules from other SDK chains as well as develop new ones.

AMM! Derivatives! CNS! BTC/ETH interop! Cross Chain Accounts and Staking! WOW! Strap in and let's take a ride through #ATOM2021, its going to be a great year! Lets take them one by one
An Automated Market Maker, built by @B__Harvest is coming to the Hub. Pools! Swaps! It will likely be ready for deployment in mid-Feb. Check out the demo below!
Read 12 tweets
Arkadaşlar istesemde size milyarlarca yıllık tarihi anlatamam ve yazamam
2016 dan beri sürekli yazdım zaten
#visitors #fringe #drwho
#childhoodsend kurtuluş günü ve ve ve.... sayısız kitap ve film sizlere ImageImageImageImage
Farklı zamanlarda ve farklı kültürlerde ve farklı coğrafyalarda ve farklı dinlerde farklı isimler verilmiş varlık gruplarını zaten açık açık anlattı
Eski hesaplarımda çok detaylı floodlar yaptım

Günümüz insanı uzaylı ve ufo der = islam cinler ve cinlerin binekleri der
= eskiler tanrılar ve tanrıların arabaları/kayıkları/gök sandalları ve ve.. der veya melekler der...

İşte bu varlıklar bizlerden inanılmaz çok uzun zaman önce yaratıldılar ve bizim çizgi filmlerde gördüğümüz ZAMAN-BOYUT-IŞINLAMA-GÖRÜNMEZLİK-CANLI CANSIZ NESNELERİ BÜYÜTME
Read 142 tweets
🎥 Hilo de películas/series que he visto 🎥
1. #OrigenesSecretos
👮 Está bien para pasar el rato.
👮 Hay una escena buenísima.
👮 El romance hetero sobraba. Gracias. Image
2. #Elrascacielos
🏢 Si os dan miedo las alturas, no la veáis.
🏢 La trama se basa en La Roca pegándose contra un edificio.
🏢 Tiene escenas preciosas. Image
Read 78 tweets
1/10 Today in @cosmos:
✅read how in order to detect failures, we are testing Stargate with software simulations 👉…
@interchain_io's latest bi-weekly update focuses on #IBC, #wasm, #Stargate and more. Recap here 👉…
2/10 Today in @cosmos:
@zmanian and @LewisTaariq were invited by @dogemos as guests in the last "Future of the Cosmos Hub" call to discuss the #ATOM2021 initiative and the plans on @unifidao. Catch up with the talk here 🎥
3/10 Today in @cosmos:
@confio_tech is launching a new chain within the @Cosmos ecosystem called Tardigrade, having their @CosmWasm smart contract engine at the center. Want to know more a/ what's coming? Here is the recap of their AMA w/ @StakingHub
Read 11 tweets

Gli #Stargate sono #Dispositivi, #Portali o #Strutture, ideate e create da #Civiltà / #Razze #Extraterrestri, che possono avere la capacità di connettere, in modo quasi istantaneo, due differenti #Punti o #Luoghi, tra loro distanti.. CONTINUA
dell'Universo. Un #DHD, ovvero un #Dispositivo di #Rientro o di #Ritorno (Dial-Home #Device), è un apparecchio per poter gestire o controllare tale #Porta delle #Stelle o #Stargate, oltre al dare #Energia a quest'ultimo all'accesso.

Questi #Congegni possono quindi.. CONTINUA Image
entrare in #Simbiosi con altre Porte #Astrali / #Spaziotemporali, gli #Stargate. #Strutture che principalmente possono #Traslare Esseri Viventi, #Astronavi od #Oggetti d'altro tipo, plasmando un #Tunnel di Natura #Artificiale in correlazione tra due #Stargate in.. CONTINUA
Read 14 tweets
Love #Stargate & science? You do not want to miss today’s panel on Exoplanets of Stargate.

Starting at 4pm Pacific (2hrs from now!), we’ll be heading through the gate to check out some of the many, many worlds explored during #SG1 #SGA & #SGU.
Our panel is pretty much a badass gate team:

SG writer/producer @BaronDestructo
SG science consultant (me!)
speculative science queen @GoAstroMo
planet formation researcher @sraymond
astrobiologist @DrFunkySpoon
Moderated by exomoon pro @alexteachey
CosmoQuest-A-Thon is fundraising for @cosmoquestX staff benefits (like healthcare during a pandemic, eek!)

That means you’re not just having fun & learning something new, but also doing your good deed to support the community science project. win-win!
Read 5 tweets
1/14 Today in @cosmos :
✅"Stargate" upgrade is coming!🚀
🌐Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC)
🔧Protobuf Migration
⚙️State Sync
⛓️Chain Upgrade Module
⚡️Full-Featured Light Clients
Watch @cwgoes present a high-level overview on this here✅
2/14 Today in @cosmos :
✅interested to know more a/ "Stargate" & stay up to date with what comes next?
✨see github's project board ⏩…
✨join the #stargate channel on discord ⏩
✨get up to speed @catdotfish
3/14 Today in @cosmos :
💻new Code with Us workshop w/ @alessiotreglia on 22nd June at 10am PDT / 7pm CEST.
Learn how to effectively debug Cosmos SDK apps.
You will get a general overview on debuggers & how to configure them to work with Go data types ⏩…
Read 15 tweets
I’m totally amused how #quartz is catering the pity vote. All of #MinCup was created to make it feel special, yet every year other minerals win. Poor quartz.

Meanwhile #calcite is both fun & a climate indicator.
#Calcite is a mineral with neat optical properties, fizzes with acid, flags your attention when you stumble on to an ancient sea floor in the mountains, was a critical plot point for the premiere of #Stargate #SGU, and tracks climate.

But I lost a bet.
Whoo #quartz. Screenshot of a Stargate team in a desert investigating geology
So. #Quartz.

It’s most of Earth’s crust. If you’re only learning one mineral, quartz is a good default guess.

I can’t help with ID more than”uh, it’s hard?” unless it happens to be a pointy crystal, but I’ve never found those in the wild. It’s the white bits of granite. Large quartz crystal with plastic dinosaur
Read 10 tweets
Thread - #Appeal: #Sindh Govt should impose Emergency & call PAK Army - #UrbanFlooding reports from several areas of #Karachi

1. Lath Dam overflow, water can effect, #Malir, Gadap Town, Northern Bypass & Super Highway.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks
2. #Malir Naddi overflowed, rainwater entered in surrounding residential areas.

3. Nala overflow at #KalaBoard, water entered in surrounding residential areas.

4. Nala overflowed at #Korangi 36 G.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #Karachi
5. Gujjar Nala overflowed at FC Area.

6. #StarGate area is unreachable.

7. #Gulbahar area is unreachable.

8. Nala overflowed in #Korangi Gulzar Mehmood Colony.

9. Urban Flooding at KDA Chowrangi.

10. Urban Flooding at #Hyderi.

#KHIAlerts #KarachiRain #KarachiSinks #Karachi
Read 27 tweets

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