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Oct 18th 2021
Well, #EACTS2021 may be over...but I'm not done! 😆

One of the most important sessions was on Women In Cardiothoracic Surgery

I suppose I should clarify - not writing a đŸ§”on this for likes or 'virtue signalling' - my wife's journey through her training gave me some insights...
Opening talk on why @EACTS needs a womne's committee from @JolandaKluin - this was a great talk to set the tone for the session
Prof Kluin discussed the many challenges that can face women in medicine, in academic medicine, in surgery and in cardiac surgery
Read 25 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
President @VonDerLeyen has strong words about #SofaGate in a discussion at EU Parliament - while President Michel is sitting next to her (he has still not really apologised for remaining seated in Ankara).

"This just shows us why we need more women in positions of power" (1/4)
"I am the first woman to be president of the European Commission," says VDL.

"I am the president of the European Commission and this is how I expected to be treated when visiting Turkey two weeks ago - like a Commission president. But I was not." (2/4)
"I cannot find any justification for what I was treated in the European treaties," says VDL.

"So i have to conclude that it happened because I am a woman. Would this have happened if I had worn a suit and a tie?" (3/4)
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
First up in plenary, we hear from @eucopresident and @vonderleyen on the conclusions of the EU-#Turkey summit, and the deplorable episode of the #sofagate đŸȘ‘

🔮Watch live:

"Today I want to ask you to make a collective effort to make sure the grotesque image of the #sofagate won’t happen again.

The EU must demonstrate stronger commitment to gender equality!"

@IratxeGarper tells @eucopresident and @vonderleyen
The fact that @eucopresident did not notice the issue is exactly where the problem lies.

@IratxeGarper regrets that most EP political groups rejected our proposal for a full plenary debate on the #sofagate.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
[THREAD] C’est parti pour la plĂ©niĂšre d’avril.
À partir de 17h, nous parlerons, notamment, des relations entre l’Union europĂ©enne et la Turquie, d'innovation, de transport maritime et de la gestion du thon rouge. Pour suivre, c’est ici đŸ‘‰đŸ»
 1/ #eplenary
La teneur de la rĂ©union entre Charles Michel, @eucopresident, Ursula @vonderleyen et le prĂ©sident turc Erdoğan a Ă©tĂ© Ă©clipsĂ©e par le #sofagate. Le dĂ©bat en sĂ©ance plĂ©niĂšre sera l’occasion d’en savoir plus sur ce qui a Ă©tĂ© discutĂ© lors de cette rencontre. 2/
Les Ă©cologistes condamnent l’attitude de @eucopresident lors de cette rencontre. Comme l’ont rappelĂ© 12 eurodĂ©putĂ©es dans une tribune dans @leJDD, sa “non-rĂ©action” Ă©tait un affront aux femmes et aux institutions europĂ©ennes. 3/

Read 14 tweets
Apr 19th 2021
Pour bien dĂ©marrer la semaine, un fil pour mettre en perspective les idĂ©es avancĂ©es par Michel Barnier, pour « un nouvel Ă©lan Â» europĂ©en.

Pour rappel, sa réflexion se fait dans le cadre de la préparation de LR pour la présidentielle.
Concernant les consĂ©quences de la crise pour l’Europe de la santĂ©, c’est en cours au niveau europĂ©en. La Commission a dĂ©jĂ  fait qq. propositions et la ConfĂ©rence sur l’avenir de l’Europe (qui vient d’ĂȘtre lancĂ©e) doit fournir d’autres pistes de travail.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
#Pakistan PM #ImranKhan regrets increase in sexual attacks against women+children but links them to women's clothing & vaguely-defined "obscenity."

By this flawed standard, #Muslim-majortiy cities like #Istanbul #Dubai #KualaLumpur should see an outbreak.
Prime Minister #ImranKhan's controversial remarks linking #rape to women's dresses surprised even his ex @Jemima_Khan:

PM #ImranKhan's remarks on rape vs woman's dress resonated internationally, including in the Middle East. This #Egyptian celebrity asked the PM, "Do child victims of rape also wear objectionable clothes?"

Read 9 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
#Sofagate continues to escalate.

The Turkish foreign minister has lashed out at Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi after he earlier tonight lamented how VDL was treated and called Erdogan a “dictator”.
“I felt very sorry for the humiliation that European Commission President von der Leyen had to undergo,” Draghi said during a press conference earlier tonight.
“With these — let’s call them for what they are — dictators, which we however need to cooperate has to be frank in expressing a diversity of views, opinions, behaviors, visions of society,” the Italian prime minister said of the Turkish president.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
President Michel speaking to Belgium's @LesNews24 now about #SofaGate.

He starts by expressing regret at what took place - the closest we've yet come to an apology.
"I did not stand up because it would have created an even more serious diplomatic incident," says President Michel.

"The images are brutal but do not reflect the content of our meeting," he insists. He notes the meeting was sensitive, he's trying to rescue relations with Turkey
President Michel gives same description of the premises inspection given by the Council's protocol team a few hours earlier.

"It was not possible to enter the room in question" and so the Council didn't know about chair situation before he arrived.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
So now Turkey is saying the EU's protocol team signed off on the seating arrangements. The question is, which team?

The Commission said their protocol team didn't come because of Covid. That leaves the embassy (EEAS), or the Council.
#Sofagate has turned into a whodunnit with the Turks now claiming the seating arrangement was cleared by an EU protocol team.

The Commission says their team wasn't there. So was it Michel's team that orchestrated the two chairs, or the Turks? Was it intentional, or a mistake?
This all may seem like an inconsequential focus on musical chairs, but it's being seen as an indicator of 4 important things:

đŸ‡čđŸ‡· Turkey's treatment of women
😡 Erdogan's antagonism toward EU
đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș Possible conflict between EU's two presidents
đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž Why there are 2 EU presidents at all
Read 7 tweets

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