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May 23rd 2023
Please Advise #HelpNeeded
I have been working with woman who has been struggling with a number of #physicians & getting mixed messages re #prescribed #medication. She was pulled off a combo of meds that worked for her a few years ago. Since then has 1
struggled with accessing meds that worked & #stabilization of health conditions. In desperation to improve QoL reached out to #Clinic above. They prescribed w no issues. It was difficult for #patient to access at #Pharmacy. She then attempted to contact #physician re questions 2
& was told could not talk to #physician & then received this message last night. I am furious & looking for advice on how she should disengage & get back w regular #physicians, yet she is afraid they will terminate care based on her actions & she is fearful she did something 3 Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
Hard to disagree with @paulkrugman that the economic collapse after Gorbachev helped to set the stage for Putin. But on the details, I think we know a bit more than he suggests.

A short 🧵 on Russian economic reform. 1/…
As Krugman notes, output collapsed in Russia during the 1990s. It was bad everywhere in the former Soviet empire, but it was especially bad in Russia. Here, from a 2002 JEP paper by @Jan_Svejnar. 2/…
What caused the output collapse? Krugman suggests four possible explanations, each related in some way to #privatization, by far the most visible and controversial transition policy. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
The #G5Sahel summit had a revealing media echo in some major German news outlets that tell you quite a bit about the problems of #Germany's public discourse on the #Sahel and its #stabilization engagement in general. A thread. 1/14
First of all, there is little attention. Neither of the two major German public broadcasters ARD & ZDF mentioned the summit in their flagship programmes @tagesschau and @heutejournal.
(there was a good text by @dunjasadaqi on Tagesschau's website) 2/14…
The public radio station @DLF had a short news item. It noted French calls for "fairer burden-sharing" in the military mission and then noted: "Germany is also active there. But the Bundeswehr does not participate in military missions." 3/14…
Read 14 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
Over the last two week I have been in various meetings and conversations about about the effectiveness of @UNPeacekeeping, including most recently about #MINUSMA, and here are some ideas that I think are relevant for all UN #peaceoperations and #stabilization missions 🧵👇🏼
Note in this thread @UNPeacekeeping is a proxy for the full spectrum of UN peace operations, covering #SPMs & #peacekeeping operations #A4P #EPON 🧵👇🏼
1/17 In her book Power in Peacekeeping @HowardLise argues 14 peer-reviewed, quant studies find that, all else equal, peacekeeping save lives. She says it is one of the strongest findings in all of IR. Only the democratic peace enjoys such robust results
Read 22 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
[THREAD] Morning DC, as a 🇪🇺 newly arrived at the @Washinstitute, I’ve been surprised by several things in the current US discussion on #Syria and the fight against #ISIS. I have focused on two in this piece on @thehill: #endlesswars & #burdensharing… 1/
I have indeed heard a lot about the need to stop « #endlesswars » in the #MiddleEast. European can probably see good reasons for this from #Afghanistan to #Iraq, as many of them opposed the war in Iraq. However...2/
Seen from #Europe, #Syria is not one of US #endlesswars, but a low-cost, high-efficiency CT op. It has not been shaped by US intervention, rather by US reluctance to intervene. Europeans who opposed the US-led war in #Iraq consistently called for more U.S. leadership in Syria. 3/
Read 12 tweets

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