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Jun 20th 2023
As we begin to wrap up for another academic year @edinburghcoll , we are delighted to share our Annual Impact Report 2022-23.

Read the full report at or continue on this 🧵for our Top Ten from the year that was!
Our Breakfast Club has helped serve almost 20,000 breakfasts to students across the 4 campuses, operating 8.30am to 9.30am, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
2/12🧵 Image
We had 226 nominations submitted for 109 individual staff members in our Big Student Thank You Awards, recognising the incredible work of teaching and support staff across the College…
3/12🧵 Image
Read 12 tweets
May 20th 2023
Hey there everyone 👋, I've got some golden nuggets to share with you today about harnessing the power of #ai for optimal results. But wait for the end, I've got a real stunner there you won't want to miss. Let's jump right in. 👇
1. First off, let's get clear on what AI really is - it's not a sci-fi movie character, it's just a smart way for our devices to learn and improve over time. It’s the tech that powers your Spotify recommendations, Google searches, and Siri's helpful (or not so helpful) advice.
2. So, how can you make AI work for you? Tip 1: Know your goal. 🎯 Just like in life, you've got to know where you're headed. Are you looking to increase sales, improve customer service, or maybe streamline operations? Clarity is key! #goalsetting
Read 10 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
🚀 Boostez la productivité de votre équipe avec le #MindMapping ! Libérez les #talents, osez la collaboration et facilitez la gestion de projets complexes. Êtes-vous prêt à changer de regard sur votre flux de travail ? 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #Innovation
🧠💡 Pourquoi s'en tenir à des notes linéaires quand on peut créer un camp de base plus visuel ? Une #MindMap respecte le fonctionnement du cerveau. Aide à repérer des connexions cachées et stimule des idées novatrices. #BrainPower #CreativityUnleashed
🤝 La collaboration est la clé ! Grâce au #mindmapping, votre équipe peut partager des points de vue, des connaissances et des idées. Même des controverses. Bâtir un esprit de corps plus fort avec ce puissant outil visuel. #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #Collaboration
Read 5 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
1/ 🌟 Leaping emergent effects are fascinating phenomena that occur when the collective behavior of a system is fundamentally different from the behavior of its individual components

Let's dive into 10 amazing examples of such effects in our world today! 🧵👇
2/ 🦢 Flocking behavior in birds: Witness the mesmerizing patterns created by birds in flight!

Each bird follows simple rules, like maintaining distance & avoiding collisions, yet the complex flocking patterns that emerge are nothing short of breathtaking #NatureIsAmazing
3/ 🚗 Traffic jams: Ever been stuck in a traffic jam without any visible cause?

This emergent effect arises from the complex interactions among individual drivers, who follow basic rules like maintaining distance & adjusting speed #TrafficMysteries
Read 11 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
#DFTB22 @OfficialBlueyTV

Joe Brumm: The idea of Bluey is “talking dogs”. It only took afternoon to come up with that idea.

But there’s more to it than that. If episodes aren’t beautifully written, a cynicism permeates the animation studio.
Shout out to the director and crew from Charlie and Lola, for fostering the supportive creative environment.
Making a pilot in his spare time. Pitched it and got funded. $6m for 52 episodes. “A very focussing moment.”
Read 10 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
@ShahinaBraganza speaking on surviving moral injury #DFTB22 @WRAPEMtweet

Are we invulnerable superheroes…? Image
“Capably navigating acuity and uncertainly together.” @purdy_eve

But the reality feels harder: “Barely managing increasing...
Burnout triad: exhaustion, cynicism, inefficiency. Suggests a personal failing?

Moral injury: recognises it’s a systemic issue. Individually we are resilient AF. We don’t need workplace individual wellbeing programs.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
@eddinsmed is presenting now! #BIIAtTheBedside
He is presenting his recent work "Pathogenic neutrophilic drives acute respirator distress syndrome in severe COVID-19 patients" - check out the preprint here!…
On his second slide, he stressed that this whole work was part of a team #teamworkmakesthedreamwork He additionally is grateful to all of the patients and their families who donated samples for the study
Read 4 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
I'm excited to share with you our recent @biorxivpreprint where we demonstrate that @vaxart mucosal Ad5 #SARSCoV2 vaccines not only protected against disease but also reduced transmission after post-#vaccination #SARSCoV2 infection in a hamster model.… A🧵/
If you follow me, you are well aware of my obsession w/ #mucosalimmunity.😂Protection generated at mucosal surfaces is at the crux of one of the biggest questions we need to answer during this unique phase of the #pandemic - How do we decrease #SARSCoV2 #transmission to others.
Considering most of the world is unimmunized (including most kids <12), the possibility that a vaccinated individual with a post-vaccination infection (aka #breakthrough) can spread #SARSCoV2 is a public health risk. We need #transmissionblocking strategies.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
🙂👋Hello #30days30waysUK. Today we move from #FloodAware to #FloodRepair and #FloodRecovery on day 13 September is Preparedness Month 2020. Yes - it's all about teamwork to #BuildBackBetter after #flooding...
⬇️🧵 thread
💰💸 Accessing funds is key to help you over the worst.

1⃣ Insurance claims: policies differ so check with your insurer and property owner if renting
2⃣ no insurance: some funds via your local authority or charities

➡️ #FloodRecovery Guide @floodmary… Image
Flood cleanup is unpleasant and can be a serious health hazard. Guidance by @PHE_uk is a good place to start and look for top tips on #30days30waysUK today.
➡️… Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
At the start of the quarantine I was looking for things to do with the kids, so I ordered this @LEGO_Group set of @Disney’s Cinderella’s castle. Well it finally delivered this past weekend, so guess what we’re doing? #ThisThingIsHuge #GetYourBrickOn #BuildSomethingBeautiful Image
20+ bags and a 490 page instruction manual! Image
Finished with bag 1 (which was really several bags, but whatever). We have a solid foundation to build on! I built while the kids got the LEGOs ready. Image
Read 16 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
#StayAtHome hour one:

The six year old has had his fingers in his nose and/or mouth all morning.

He’s also wasting food frequently.

Six year olds suck at this. I need to make it a game somehow.
#StayTheFHome hour two:

6 yr old is preparing Leprechaun traps for tomorrow. There are diagrams first, then application, then trial and error. And let’s just say, he’s been inspired...
Mama Bear drew this yesterday. Now he wants to enact it. Smdh. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
😮🥳Wow! Day 30 and final day of our 5th anniversary edition #30days30waysUK has arrived. How did it all go so fast? Today we reflect+hopefully inspire what drives so much of community resilience & preparedness...

#BePreparedNotScared #MondayMotivation #MondayThoughts
Thanks to countless dedicated #volunteer professionals, #30days30waysUK now in its 5th year 🎂reaches wide audiences and raises awareness, inspiring action towards #preparedness and #resilience that continues year-round.
THANK YOU partners 🙏🚀

No one is ever alone in an emergency. Everyone can contribute to build capacity and capabilities from the ground up. Today we celebrate and inspire #GetInvolved #volunteer across the UK; e.g. @BritishRedCross reserves

#BePreparedNotScared #30days30waysUK
Read 7 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
😃👋 Welcome to #30days30waysUK 2019🇬🇧
🎀🎉 the 5th anniversary edition of the ‘September is #Preparedness Month’ games on social media:
1⃣ game rules:…
2⃣ follow #30days30waysUK, like-share-reply
3⃣ do the daily challenges

⬇️open & bookmark this thread
😃🙌👏first, #shoutouts to our international friends
🇺🇸 running #30days30ways USA
🇭🇷 running #30days30waysCR Croatia
@globalnetworkdr members who are looking at how to run #preparedness games in their communities.

#DRR #EMGtwitter #SMEM @UNDRR @PreventionWeb

⬇️ daily thread
Day 1 #30days30waysUK is about #WhatEmergency to #UnderstandRisk – your thread is at

🤔Games rules:…
🙂Email sign up:…
😎Participate: follow & post using #30days30waysUK
#SMEM #EMGtwitter
Read 35 tweets
May 30th 2019
Delighted to publish to partners our early release 2019 programme and guidance #30days30waysUK. Thanks to amazing support by so many this is much expanded as compared to last year. Find it on @RD_Gov or request via email. See below 👇😃… Image
...if you'd like a copy of the #30days30waysUK early release programme and guidance 2019 and can't access it via RD, simply email or DM. That especially applies for potential international partners👍😀
@RD_Gov A final version will be released first thing next week after the Bank Holiday Weekend. Lots of confirmations and content coming with simply amazing collaboration! 🙌🥳
Partners: keep your eyes on our @RD_Gov space or DM/email us.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 27th 2019
UP NEXT from the JUMP JUMP division: 1-seed TIGER versus 4-seed BHARAL #2019MMM
Our Bengal Tiger weighs in at 258kg/1173 stoats & the Himalayan Blue Sheep or Bharal weights 75kg/341 stoats #StoatsAsMeasurement #2019MMM
As noted by #TeamStoat, the male Bharal scared away its previous competitors (the stoat & rocky wallaby) in its native montane habitats of Nepal & India #2019MMM
Read 20 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
Next up: 6th-seeded Diana Monkey (Cercopithecus diana) & Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus badius) #SimianSquad vs. 11th-seeded Bornean Bat (Kerivoula hardwickii) & Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes hemsleyana) #TeamBatToilet. #2019MMM
(n.b. This is a colloboration between myself and @tinkeringprim8 #TagTeamTeamwork #2019MMM)
Our setting this afternoon is the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast. This tropical evergreen forest is home to almost a dozen different primate species, including both of these monkeys... #2019MMM
Read 18 tweets

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