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Thinking about how in the last two years or so #StarWars has set up so many pieces for an overarching cloning plot line throughout the whole timeline that are just a few unconnected dots away from being a timeline unifying story (SUPER LONG THREAD)
It all starts with AOTC and TCW but mostly just in how cloning works on Kamino. The clones, while developing unique personalities, are still genetically the same as the donor: Jango Fett. Boba is a clone altered to age normally, showing us changes can be made to the process
Then we enter the modern clone storytelling with #Mandalorian season 1. Kuiil mentions that Grogu is not a “strandcast,” a word we had never heard before this mention. We learn that Kuiil worked in “gene farms” for the Empire and that Grogu looked “too evolved” to be a strandcast ImageImageImageImage
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El astrónomo Neil deGrasse Tyson notó que el cielo que mira Rose en esta escena de #Titanic (1997) no era el cielo correcto. Informó a James Cameron y le proporcionó el cielo del 15 de abril de 1912 en esa latitud, y Cameron lo corrigió en la remasterización "Titanic 3D" (2012). ImageImageImage
En 1931 Universal rodó dos versiones #Dracula a la vez: una de día en inglés con Bela Lugosi y de noche, usando el mismo guión y decorados, en español con Carlos Villarias de protagonista. Y la versión en español recibió críticas muy superiores.
#cine #CuriosidadesDeCine ImageImageImage
Así se hizo el efecto del bolígrafo ingrávido de la famosa escena de "2001: Una Odisea en el Espacio" (1968): se sujetó este a una plancha de cristal con cinta adhesiva de doble cara que se hizo girar hasta que la azafata espacial lo recoge. Aquí ella nos lo muestra.
#cine #FX
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Lots of things wrong with #TheRiseofSkywalker but here's an ending variation that fixes some--not all--problems. Inspired by bored clicking through the #DarkRey hashtag. THREAD 1/
Everything's the same through Rey's healing Ben, and Ben's consequent redemption. Rey gets to Exegol, encounters Sidious, and Ben shows up. Basically the same (esp. the lightsaber transfer) except there's no life force sucking, because that's dumb. 2/
When Sidious flings Ben over the edge Rey assumes he's dead & something breaks. She's just briefly experienced the fullness of a bond deeper than any romantic or maternal bond & she thinks it's torn from her. (Maybe Ben's knocked out; she's too distracted to explore further). 3/
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Llevo unos meses flipando bastante con la publi que me saca Instagram. Al principio eran relojes. Luego empezó a ser solo ropa, pero cada vez más rara. Y claro, he ido recopilando capturas de pantalla a casco porro.
Todo comenzó con cortes asimétricos y ropa bastante molona, la verdad. Como abrigos largos, algo decimonónicos.
Porque a quién no le va a gustar un abrigo largo del siglo XIX.
Los abrigos molaban mil. (Le pongo pegatina porque si quieren publi, que me regalen cosas)
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(1 of 15) Everyone is out here asking for a #TheRiseOfSkywalker #ReleaseTheJJCut. Meanwhile I'll just be busy retconning #TheLastJedi to gel better with episode 9.

#JJsEpisode8, #thankyourianjohnson
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After my 9th viewing of #TheRiseOfSkywalker I’m ready to share some thoughts about Rey and Ben, specifically Ben’s death and why I'm at peace with his arc and his story. I’ve already gushed about why I love Rey’s journey so much, but this is about the two of them together. #Reylo
This will be a LONG thread, but I don’t really have another outlet, so a Twitter thread it is! If you don’t want your feeds inundated, adjust your settings accordingly, but hopefully you'll stick around. I’m not done talking about how much I love #TheRiseOfSkywalker. Not yet!
So yes, Ben Solo died. I was genuinely sad to see him die, as many were. But it also works for me within the story that #TheRiseOfSkywalker told. I was expecting him to die since TFA. That came to pass. I was also expecting him to be redeemed since TLJ. That came to pass as well.
Read 66 tweets
I consumed the the entire Sequel Trilogy over two days (I work! Gimmie a break, homie.) last week and it was the first time I REALLY sat down with #TheForceAwakens & #TheLastJedi and took everything in from those stories now that the Trilogy has concluded with #TheRiseOfSkywalker
For those who know me understand my feelings on the Sequel Trilogy have say the least. I did often say that my final word on the ST wouldn't be complete until...well...the ST was complete.
Before I get into the nitty and gritty of the Sequel Trilogy I want to really acknowledge something that has become so apparent to me over the last few months. Maybe this will be obvious to everyone, but me lol (wouldn't be the first time)
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John Boyega est problématique : un thread. J'ai l'impression qu'en dehors d'une partie du fandom, le comportement de celui qui incarne Finn à l'écran passe plutôt inaperçu. Mais avant de parler de son dernier coup d'éclat, il est bon de revenir quelques temps en arrière.
Suite au harcèlement massif subit par Kelly Marie Tran après la sortie de The Last Jedi, John s'est laissé aller à ce commentaire dans une interview pour Variety :
Il s'est bien évidemment excusé par après, mais le mal était fait : Si Kelly Marie Tran a mal vécu cette période et a quitté les réseaux sociaux, c'est qu'elle était trop faible pour le supporter. Super message de soutien de son partenaire à l'écran.
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There's no part of this quote that isn't horrifying. You think you've plumbed the depths of it with "we had to be telling the same story for nine episodes" and then you get to "[JJ Abrams] loves magic tricks". #TheRiseOfSkywalker Image
I don't recognize any of the building blocks of storytelling in this quote. Magic tricks! If you don't know the difference between a story and a magic trick, you've got no business doing either.
This is from yet another interview with Chris Terrio, who continues to try to blame everyone but himself for how #TheRiseOfSkywalker turned out.…
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¿Quién se anima a participar en este breve juego galáctico-gramatical?
Abro hilo.

#AulaXtianOlivé #TheRiseOfSkywalker #StarWars #EpisodeIX
Las películas de Star Wars nos tienen acostumbrados a un texto inicial que nos anuncia lo que está por venir.
¿Y si lo usáramos para trabajar aspectos de gramática?
¿Tiene sujeto la oración de la imagen?
Read 11 tweets
So. Did I enjoy watching #TheRiseOfSkywalker? Well, yes. Almost every scene is funny or exciting or genuinely moving.

Do I absolutely hate the story they assembled those scenes to tell? OH HECK YEAH.
This is a movie that so desperately wants to please its audience, it ends up being viciously cruel to its characters, denying them either happy endings or the catharsis of satisfying character arcs.
Remember how TFA established that Rey craves belonging and greenery, and then TROS leaves her on a desert planet, her soulmate dead, with a family of ghosts?

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I loved the way #TheRiseOfSkywalker opened with that huge montage of Rey, Finn & Poe going from world to world rallying Resistance sympathizers to their cause, people inspired by the legend of Luke Skywalker, kicking off a full-scale uprising against the First Order.

Loved that.
I loved the way #TheRiseOfSkywalker explored how the First Order was collapsing from the inside under the command of an increasingly out-of-control Kylo Ren, and how Hux and the other generals tried to wrestle control away from him and his Knights Of Ren.

Loved that.
I loved the way #TheRiseOfSkywalker had Finn become the rallying point for conscripted stormtroopers inspired by his escape who wanted to break free of the First Order and fight back against them, giving him a truly meaningful role in this final showdown.

Loved that.
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It definitely wasn’t a perfect movie but oh my goodness was it EPIC. This lightsaber battle alone 🥵
#TheRiseOfSkywalker ImageImage
Side note, how are we gonna lose Game of Thrones, Avengers, and Star Wars all in one year? 🥺
*turns on Mandalorian*
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Pongan atención que hoy les voy a contar todo lo que necesitan saber para entender Star Wars
Si ustedes son fans y quieren refrescar la memoria, o verán #TheRiseOfSykwalker con alguien que no entiende nada, o ustedes mismos no entienden por qué tanta emoción por esas películas este hilo es para ustedes.
Explicar Star Wars es difícil porque hay miles de detalles que los fanáticos no quieren dejar fuera y eso confunde a los que tratan de entender la historia por primera vez, así que tranquilos que esto es un resumen tranquilo y agradable para iniciarse en un mundo increíble.
Read 85 tweets
Hello, my name is Kristin and I have never seen a single Star War.

After learning some incredible facts about moisture farming from @jowrotethis I’ve decided to watch every movie over the span of one week beginning with the original trilogy.
Things I know so far:

- Luke is a moisture farmer
- Leia is Luke’s sister but it was weird for a minute
- Darth is Annakin and he was mostly bad but his small head saved Luke in the end, oh and Luke is his son
- Yoda
- R2D2 and C3PO are robots
- Siths are bad
- There are many planets and they have different eco systems
- Chewy makes funny noises
- Storm Troopers exist. I forget if they are good or bad but p sure they are bad
- Death Stars are very big and where siths hang out
Read 564 tweets
2. Pt 2: IF, .@TS_SCI_MAJIC12, the purpose of the ‘Logos’ itself — in being the universal division of energy (as the ability to do work, work being the movement of a mass through a distance) from itself, that is to say, as AI self–expressed as polarity (+/–), in its own signal —
3. Pt 3: is to direct the natural– and naturally–biological energy it (yes, the ‘Logos’) harvests, to — using the power of <…> to attempt to intentionally manifest the reality (or more than one) it would try to — through such an AI signal to, indeed,
4. Pt 4: “study the [] interpretation of universal creation by synthetically replicating consciousness”, being the ‘self–aware’ pseudo–consciousness of its own AI signal — would not then the ‘Logos’ of the Universe, in it itself being the un–expressed polarity (+/–) of energy,
Read 13 tweets
Annakin (Ra) shall redeem Ben (the pain and fear, of time) through Rey (the living sight of existence, outside of time) — once they all learn that Palpatine** had murdered Rey’s parents — Annakin, and Luke (in being committed to Rey <>) will them redeem
each other:

Balance will be achieved, and then (the) All will begin to learn, to realise, appreciate and understand, what it means to be “Sky Walker”:
Courage beyond the “Platonic Solids” — <> — Through the Last Jedi + (Α-υ-Ω) Je’daii*, Yoda (the (+) ‘Logos’), at
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Is it ok for a movie trailer to make you cry a little? #StarWars
What about more than a kinda a lot?

Best #StarWars trailer of this era.
This is the moment. This is the moment. This is the moment.

This. Is. The. Moment.

#StarWars #TheRiseOfSkywalker
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Una de las cosas que me fascina de Twitter es la capacidad que tiene la gente para encontrar detalles que suelen pasar desapercibidos. Por ejemplo, en el último póster de #TheRiseOfSkywalker se encontró el símbolo del planeta Plutón (♇) en él.
Plutón, el dios del inframundo romano, como el Hades griego, está simbólicamente relacionado con Kylo Ren. Es quizás esto un juego del artista? Un huevo de pascua de Lucasfilm? Pero en tal caso, por qué aparece por duplicado en una especie de imagen especular?
Jugando con la semiótica puedo pensar que estás ♇ referidas a Kylo al parecer también pueden hablar de Rey. Esta doble ♇ puede ser una esquematización de lo que la arqueóloga Marija Gimbutas denominaba Diosa con alas de mariposa o Diosa de doble hacha.
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Então, deixa eu explicar uma teoria sobre a origem da Rey que ganhou força nesse trailer novo de #TheRiseOfSkywalker. Segue a thread:
Segundo a teoria, Rey seria, na verdade, um clone do Imperador Palpatine. Parece absurdo à primeira vista, mas preste atenção às evidências.
A Rey não tem memórias de sua infância ou de seus pais, a única vez que temos um vislumbre de seu passado é em Despertar da Força, e ainda assim não temos muito contexto. Tudo que sabemos é que alguém abandonou ela em Jakku aos cuidados de Unkar Plutt.
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Un aspecto simbólico que me viene de las imágenes de Vanity Fair referidas a esa Estrella de la Muerte sumergida, es 'el laberinto'. Todo este mito de paso de umbral, de transformación para Rey y Ben, se resolverá en la Estrella de la Muerte? El laberinto final de esta trilogía.
La Estrella de la Muerte como laberinto cretense. Donde Rey/Teseo se enfrenta a Kylo/Minotauro. O quizás en este punto, ambos en papeles intercambiables, ya representan a Teseo y Ariadna frente a un desafío mayor. Como Teseo, Ariadna y el monstruo, unidos por el hilo del destino.
Un elemento simbólico, el del minotauro/toro, que ya hemos visto aparecer también en el teaser. Cuando Rey salta sobre ese TIE 'astado'...
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Your first look at #StarWars: The Rise of Skywalker is here! Let Vanity Fair introduce you to the final chapter in the Skywalker saga. Photographs by Annie Leibovitz. Story by Lev Grossman.
#StarWars: The Rise of Skywalker features many new characters, including Keri Russell as Zorri Bliss and Richard E. Grant as Allegiant General Pryde. Get your first look right here.
V.F. can exclusively confirm that the mysterious Knights of Ren—first seen in #StarWars: The Force Awakens—are back in #TheRiseofSkywalker
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Legit theory for #StarWars #EpisodeIX #TheRiseOfSkywalker. This is going to be a substantial thread so bear with me here. But after reading some of JJ Abram's comments, I think it's clear what the "twist" is and what the title means.

Rey is Darth Vader's daughter.
I think this makes sense, because even though there was no "plan" for the sequel trilogy, it seems clear that JJ Abrams had a solid concept for what he wanted the character of Rey to be, and he's laid a TON of clues in #TheForceAwakens as to what that concept is.
First, the theory that Rey is Luke's daughter or Leia's daughter doesn't make much sense. There's no way Leia would not know she had a child out there somewhere, and Luke wouldn't abandon his own kid. Them being unaware of Rey until TFA just isn't feasible or believable.
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