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Mar 1st 2021
Stunning new allegations further connect #Trump to Russian mobsters and oligarchs | New Lawsuit #FelixSater

Stolen money amounting to $440 million was invested in America and run through trust funds maintained by Moses & Singer.

The documents alleging #FelixSater's illicit conduct are listed in the lawsuit brought by the city of Almaty, the capital of #Kazakhstan, and the looted #BTABank in that city.

Some of the $440 million was intended to finance a #TrumpTowerMoscow, court papers show.

The Almaty plaintiffs describe a farflung scheme to hide much of the stolen money in America using Sater, a violent felon and stock swindler, and #RobertWolf, a Moses & Singer partner

Wolf asked DCReport to delay the publication of this article so that he could prepare responses
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Nov 12th 2019
Here's the video where Pavel Fuks / Fuchs states that he feels Rudy Giuliani is the lobbyist for Kharkiv & Ukraine - this is stated in the contract."

Pavel Fuchs being another person who was trying to get a #TrumpTowerMoscow deal going with Trump.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 27th 2019
Trump’s flagrant denial of Russia’s attacking on our election sys. is nothing less than aiding/abetting Putin’s to destroy the US.
Donald’s using psychological projection by using the word “COUP”, marching the US towards a revolution in order to save him from Justice! #AMJoy
Why else do you think he keeps talking about “ Overthrew, Coup, Witchhunt, The press is the enemy of the people and his fondness for Robert E. Lee”.
Fondness for traders dictators and autocrats! Just like Robert Mueller, Donald Trump is giving you a roadmap to who he is! #AMJoy
With Donald Trump’s flagrant flouting of the rule of law can anybody guarantee he would not attempt a coup in order to stay in power? Why else would he be stacking the courts and massaging our generals? Donald’s whole demeanor is I am the Boss/Dictator and you’re the peon! #AMJoy
Read 10 tweets
Apr 12th 2019
@JenniferJJacobs Disingenuous. Mueller's mandate was very broad. In Rosenstein's own words:
@JenniferJJacobs In Comey's words: "ANY links" so eg #TrumpTowerMoscow or any other business dealings Trump may have had/been pursuing. And in Rosenstein's words (above), "ANY matters that arose...from the investigation". BROAD mandate. #Rosenstein & #Barr are trying to box this up way too neatly
@JenniferJJacobs We need to know if anyone in high office, especially those with top security clearance was being played by is compromised by the Russians/any other foreign entity. This is a national security matter. We need to know what Mueller's findings revealed.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2019

Full text:

My colleagues might think it’s okay that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign.

You might think that’s okay.

[I don’t]

My colleagues might think it’s okay that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the president’s son did not call the FBI, he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help —...

No, instead that son said he would ‘love’ the help with the Russians.

You might think it was okay that he took that meeting. [I don’t.]

You might think it’s okay that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, ...
Read 22 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
Felix Sater tells Michael Cohen he got Ivanka a seat in Putin's chair. A private island. Getting Trump elected. All with help from Putin's govt. Smells like collusion to me. #TrumpRussia #ImpeachTrump
@TrickFreee @SusanSolomon @jentaub @ECMcLaughlin @roganslist @WillBenton1
Thread 2/16) This is a *backgrounder* thread on Felix Sater. Let's review some of the biggest stories about Felix Sater, a man I consider the most colorful character in the #TrumpRussia mess. @TrickFreee @SusanSolomon @jentaub @ECMcLaughlin @roganslist @WillBenton1
3) 298 thoughts on “Trump Tower’s “Stealth Russian Data Machine””
April 3, 2017 #Sater #TrumpRussia #TrumpTowerMoscow #Cohen
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Jan 19th 2019
THREAD: Trying to make sense of the breaking news on #MuellerProbe: @BuzzFeedNews report broke significant news implicating #Trump directly in possible crimes: "statements" from sources fall into 2 categories: 1) lying to Congress; 2) knowledge of Cohen work on #TrumpTowerMoscow
#MuellerTeam, in an highly unusual move, put out a statement saying "specific statements" in the @BuzzFeedNews story were "On perjury:directed #MichaelCohen to lie to Senate; On trip to #Russia during election,not accurate"
The "statements" in @BuzzFeedNews story on #TrumpTowerMoscow: On #Trump told Cohen to "make it happen"; had 10 face-2-face mtgs abt it w Trump; Cohen gave detailed updates to Ivanka & Don Jr, who said they weren't really involved; Lawyers close to admin helped Cohen w testimony
Read 9 tweets
Jan 18th 2019
.@KenDilanianNBC makes a great point; How can Mueller justify sitting on this #TrumpTowerMoscow information & Trump telling Cohen to lie to Congress?? To me, it shows total disregard for the people's right to know & Congress' duty to protect our country from this #RussianAsset.
Is Republican Rod Rosenstein @TheJusticeDept delaying this until Barr can be approved & he can then water down the Mueller evidence so the GOP potentates like McConnell & Graham have protection?? Is Russia funding some sort of protection scheme??
I think too many people have watched too many Marvel hero movies. Put a Captain America suit on Mueller. Mueller is only as powerful as the Special Counsel Regs. They give the AG virtually unfettered power & he probably wants to protect powerful Republicans like McConnell.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2018
So all of us in the #resistance are giving ourselves a big pat on the back for the #BlueWave. After all, we took 40 seats and soon @TeamPelosi will be House Speaker

Great job! We think. After two long years we can finally take it easy.


Yes, it was wonderful to see those Democratic candidates win. And nice to see our effort rewarded.

With control of the House, we now have a Constitutional check on the president PLUS we control more governorships and state legislatures

But there’s still a TON of work to do.
As the past few days have shown, we still have a corrupt president: compromised by Russia, beholden to Saudi Arabia, unwilling to acknowledge basic facts about climate change and seemingly unconcerned about the sanctity of human life.

#TrumpTowerMoscow #Khashoggi
Read 8 tweets

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