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#VITAL | Dr. Luis Del Águila, Sub Gerente de Bienestar de Pacífico Salud EPS, explica los tipos de diabetes que existen y cómo se detectan.
#VITAL | Dr. Luis Del Águila, Sub Gerente de Bienestar de Pacífico Salud EPS: "La prediabetes no es una enfermedad. Es una condición de riesgo".
#VITAL | Dr. Luis Del Águila, Sub Gerente de Bienestar de Pacífico Salud EPS: "La diabetes genera que a largo plazo una persona padezca un infarto".
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Monsieur le ministre de la @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun la #prévention en #santépublique va bien au-delà de la pratique du sport. ⤵️
François Braun : "La France n'est pas le meilleur élève en termes de prévention" via @fblorrainenord…
Surtout que si peu que ça fasse et grâce au si mauvais #vivreavec le #sarscov2 le nombre de personnes invalidées par la #covid19 (et donc pour lesquelles le sport reste un bon souvenir, des photographies qu'on regarde avec nostalgie) va poursuivre sa croissance.
Entendons-nous bien, je suis pour le renforcement de la prévention et les mesures de #santépublique. Mais a fortiori si elles sont exhaustives. Je me permets donc de poser de nouveau quelques pistes à votre attention (👋 @MartinotPauline @olivierveran - #quisait mais aussi
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1) How I cured my #LongCovid in 3mos after suffering for almost a year. This was my last hope. I researched what #Covid does to the body, came up with a list of "clinically studied" supplements and...
2) took them all. Firstly, I am not a MD. In March 2021 I caught Covid while working as a #frontline #healthcare worker. My symptoms of #brainfog, #fatigue, #jointpain, #muscleweakness, morning #stiffness happened after my recovery. At the time, this #postcovid #syndrome was...
3) was just starting to be discussed online. The the term #Longhauler was coined. Those in the #ME, #CFS, #Lyme #MCAS #community starting speaking out about the similarity of #symptoms with #LC. #Covidclinics started to sprout up, include one at the....
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Congratulations to @neumanmd and the team for conception, completion and publication of the #REGAIN RCT of general (inhalational) vs spinal (with or without sedation) for people with #HipFracture. A huge achievement👏… Some thoughts... 1/ 🧵
...Anaesthetists seem to have been debating whether mode of anaesthesia for #HipFracture makes a difference for this group of often older, frailer people for decades now. Lots of strong opinions and a mixed bag of observational studies. So good grounds for the #REGAIN study 2/
...equally a lot of debate about whether one hour (or so) of anaesthesia will make a difference to a *patient-centred* outcome in the midst of a pathway involving ED, surgery, nursing, (ortho)geriatrics, pharmacy, physiotherapy, community care...3/
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This @HHSGov memo posted by @politico gives the lab industry adminsitrative legal cover to deflect FDA premarket review. But once lab tests enter the market, the memo discusses a legal path @US_FDA can use to remove bad actors.… @davidalim
Look, even in its statement in August, @HHSGov said @US_FDA will not require premarket review of lab tests. It didn't say anything about all other levers the agency can use to rein in bad actors...including post-market actions.…
The few times FDA has taken actions against LDTs it has been against lab tests already being marketed (so technically not a premarket action).…
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Early-career demographers! Excellent paid + mentored opportunities in vital statistics + demography to advance #CRVS + #genderequality. Int'l posts in #NYC, Panama + Guinea. Apply today! These posts are part of the ConVERGE Initiative @UNFPA #poptwitter
ConVERGE Initiative = Connecting Vital Events Registration and Gender Equality. Jointly convened by @UNFPA + @IDRC_CRDI See for the work that we are advancing... Great opportunity to get experience with a @UN Agency on #vital #statistics Apply by Aug 14!
Full announcement for @UNFPA Population Data Fellowships on #CRVS available here:… . Huge thank you to @CanadaDev + @IDRC_CRDI for the support! @benoitkalasa @Atayeshe @MontasserK @ArjanDevDebate #LeaveNoOneBehind #EverybodyCounts #SDG16.9
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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1/عدم درمان وفقدان واکسن،مقالات غیرقابل اعتماد/تجاری سیاسی،تنها راه مبارزه/درمان #کرونا تقویت #سیستم_ایمنی ست حتی باوجود #دارو،تقویت سیستم دفاعی درالویت
#براندازم #تهران #شیراز #یزد
#حصر #کرمان #اهواز #قم #البرز
#دانشجو #دانشگاه
#زاهدان #کردستان
2/لزوم۱.درمان بادوز بالای ویتامین C #وریدی+مایعات فراوان+محیط گرم+CoQ10
۲.لغو #روزه خرافه #رمضان ادامه روزانه۳وعده غذایی #بیمارستان،باز بودن اغذیه فروشیها/کاهش مایعات وقند خون سبب ضعیف ایمنی وافزایش مرگ میر پیر #جوان
@saeednamaki @VBehdasht @Alirabiei_ir @Rouhani_ir
#لرستان #رشت
3/NO vaccine,NO treatment,NOT enough substantiate evidence/study..all proves that the only way to win is to boost #ImmuneSystem, even if w/a confirmed anti #COVID19 therapy, body MUST be strong to defend& destroy enemy. @NIH @cdc
@POTUS @VP @seanhannity @marklevinshow @NikkiHaley
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