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Nov 11th 2022
¿Mal performance en tu #webapp o #paginaweb?

13 tips rápidos, fáciles y accionables para mejorar el #webperf

❤️ RT para repartir amor!

🧵 HILO Image
📊 Lo que no se mide no lo puedes arreglar.

Tienes que medir la performance de tu website.

Mis tools favoritas:

@pingdom Speed Test

Usa las recomendaciones en los resultados para mejorar.
🌄 Imágenes 1

Usa el tamaño correcto, si tienes que mostrar la imagen en 300px de width no metas una imagen de 5000px que pesa 5mb te afecta la performance.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Using a font that is not built into operating systems can cause layout shifts and significantly decrease user experience.

Luckily - it's something rather easy to fix!

🧵 Let's break this problem down and see how to solve it!

#webperf #javascript
When you use a font that is not available in the operating system the browser has to download it.

This leads to one of two ways how it's handling the time between the page load and the font load:

- Flash of Invisible Text (FOIC)
- Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUC)
Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT)

As the name suggests, FOIT happens when the browser waits for the desired font to be downloaded until displaying any text.

This method significantly decreases user experience when the network is slow and generally should be avoided. Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
Today, HTTP 103 Early Hints ships with Chrome 103!

Why is this important for #webperf? How did @Shopify help make all merchant sites faster? (LCP over 500ms faster at p50!) 🧵

Hint: A little collaboration w/ @Cloudflare & @googlechrome Image
Speed matters for entrepreneurs. If a buyer experiences a first page load that is 10% faster, on average there is an increase of 7% in conversion. #Unite2021 #LCP #shopify Image
Page loading is more than just TTFB. Every page requires js/css/webfonts/images to create the experience and the order really matters.

(simulated slow network for illustration!)
Read 12 tweets
May 24th 2022
¿Mal performance en tu #webapp o #paginaweb?

13 tips rápidos, fáciles y accionables para mejorar el #webperf

❤️ RT para repartir amor!

📊 Lo que no se mide no lo puedes arreglar.

Tienes que medir la performance de tu website.

Mis tools favoritas:

@pingdom Speed Test

Usa las recomendaciones en los resultados para mejorar.
@____lighthouse @gtmetrix @pingdom 🌄 Imágenes 1

Usa el tamaño correcto, si tienes que mostrar la imagen en 300px de width no metas una imagen de 5000px que pesa 5mb te afecta la performance.
Read 18 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
Site speed monitoring, 7 pitfalls to avoid

#webperf #perfmatters
- Synthetic tools only
- Trust Lighthouse Score
- Improper metrics
- Mobile (or Desktop) only
- Confound domain and page-level data
- Slow outcomes validation
- Measure all your internal pages
- ...
Synthetic tools only

They are useful during debug/dev but never represent your real users' experiences.

You should primarily monitor with RUM (Real User Monitoring) tool and combine it with a synthetic one.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
Bonne nouvelle 1: nous avons réduit de 21% l’empreinte carbone du site @lemondefr ♻️
Bonne nouvelle 2: Ça nous a demandé quelques efforts, mais ce que nous avons fait est accessible à tous. Tout le monde peut réduire l’impact carbone d’un site web assez facilement. Vous trouverez tous les détails de nos travaux ici…
Bonne nouvelle 3: nous avions fait de la webperf un sujet inévitable, nous l’accompagnerons désormais d’une pratique supplémentaire, celle de l’optimisation de la conso énergétique de nos produits numériques.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Es todo un honor para mí ser el MC de este evento en @CodemoMadrid enfocado a hablar de Web Performance ⚡️

"La Web Performance no es una moda"…

Regístrate!, es gratis, conoceremos a grandes cracks y aprenderemos muchas cosas 😊

#WebPerf #PerfCrafters 🧵
Mastering web performance metrics

📅 3 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @carlesnunez

#WebPerf #Performance #Metrics Image
SEO y Web Performance

📅 10 Marzo
🕑 11:00 am CET
🎙 @guaca

#WebPerf #Performance #SEO #WPO Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
En el temario del Taller de Web Performance de marzo, uno de los puntos es "Conceptos avanzados".

Te explico lo que veremos 🧵


#WebPerf #Performance #PerfCrafters #WPO #JS #JavaScript #WebAssembly Image
1️⃣ Web Workers

Con un soporte de casi el 100% de los navegadores (desde IE10 😜), los Web Workers nos ofrecen la posibilidad de ejecutar procesos fuera del hilo principal, mejorando así el rendimiento y la UX ImageImage
2️⃣ Service Workers

Con los Service Workers podremos tener un alto control en la gestión de la caché, o tener navegación offline, mejorando así la experiencia de nuestro producto tanto en las navegaciones recurrentes Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
Under-the-hood working of the streaming SSR server with the new React 14's suspense.

A thread. 🧵👇

#reactjs #webperf #perfmatters
1/10, at 0ms.
The browser sends an HTTP GET request to the server and the request reaches the handler responsible for SSR and that invokes `react-dom/server`'s `renderToPipeableStream`.
2/10, at 50ms.
The react-dom/server then preps the app for rendering and does an initial rendering of the component tree.

At this point, react-dom/server would have identified the list of suspenses in the tree.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
🧵 Liste d’outils en ligne #webdev

Ce sont principalement des outils techniques, orientés #frontend, qui n’ont pas (ou peu) d’équivalent offline.
Je les utilise à chaque projet. 💕
1. regex101

N’ayez plus peur des expressions régulières et apprenez à les maî
2. Mail-tester

On envoie un mail à une adresse, l’outil nous indique quels sont les problèmes potentiels de déliverabilité (DKIM mal configurés, serveur blacklisté…)
Read 12 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
Data and thoughts after enabling HTTP/3 at @Wix for our user domains #webperf #http3 #quic

Positive impact from TTFB to later phases such as FCP and LCP

1. TTFB p75 for CDN hits is considerably faster (~2x), especially in countries with weak devices or connections Image
2. Browser Adoption - Chrome/Firefox currently support the latest h3, Edge/Opera support h3-29

60% - 70% of requests are using HTTP/3 in Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera), and 40% of Firefox requests
Only 2% of Safari (experimental, will it be the default in iOS 15?)
3. Session breakdown per protocol and browser for first page views tells a bit of a different story.
Only ~15%-20% of HTML requests are using HTTP/3

This can probably be explained by the connection upgrade behavior of the alt-svc header - first time visitors initially use h2 Image
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
Google's page experience update is now slowly rolling out. And It will be complete by the end of August 2021.

What's new in this Update?🤷

A thread 🧵👇

#pageexperience #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #Google #perfmatters #website #blogger #chrome
1️⃣ As previously announced, the page experience update will consider several page experience signals, including the three Core Web Vitals metrics: LCP, FID, and CLS.
2️⃣ Top Stories feature on Google Search will be updated to include all news content. This means that using the AMP format is no longer required & that any page, irrespective of its CWV score or page experience status, will be eligible to appear in the Top Stories.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
Page speed affects user experience, which can make or break your site. Faster Site makes for better UX & can increase page views, conversions & reduce bounce rate.

Benefits of improving page speed🧵👇

#pageexperience #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging
1. Improve User Experience by Increasing Website Speed 🕵️
2. Increase Page Views 📰
Read 5 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
Google announced the release of Lighthouse 8.0 with a mix of stricter
& easier scoring. Most sites are estimated to enjoy improved scores.

What Changes to Google Lighthouse Tool?👇

#Lighthouse #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #Google #perfmatters
1️⃣ Performance score has been re-weighted
2️⃣ Total Blocking Time (TBT) Scoring is Stricter
Read 5 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
How Website Speed Impacts Visitors and Sales 🏷️?

Real-world Examples:👇

#pageexperience #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #Google #sales #perfmatters #WebPerformance #bbc #Amazon #Tokopedia
1. @amazon: Every 100ms of Latency Cost them lose 1% of sales.
2. @Walmart: +2% conversion per 1 second load time improvement.
Read 6 tweets
May 28th 2021
Sales are dropping?

88% of online Buyers say they wouldn’t return to a Site after having a bad User Experience.

Poor Cumulative Layout Shift score can be the reason for bad UX.

#pageexperience #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #UX #perfmatters #Sales
What is Cumulative Layout Shift❓:

The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) represents the visual stability of a website. A shift in a layout can occur any time when a visible element changes its position from one rendered frame to the next.

Focus on these to improve CLS 🏆👇
1️⃣ Add Dimensions for Image and Video Elements:

Always include size attributes on images and video elements, or provide the necessary space with a CSS aspect ratio box.
Read 5 tweets
May 27th 2021
Out of million sites, 

52.01% has a Poor LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) Score that directly affects  their Ranking and UX.

Only 47.99% has a good LCP Score.

Here's How to Improve LCP 🚀

#pageexperience #Corewebvitals #webperf #pagespeed #wordpress #seo #blogging #perfmatters
1️⃣ Preload Important Assets:
If you think that a particular resource on a page should be prioritized, use <link rel=”preload”> to load it sooner.
2️⃣ Load CSS after HTML loading:
Load CSS Codes after HTML Loading. To optimize your website, it is also a good idea to remove unused CSS code.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 10th 2021
📊 We analyzed Core Web Vitals based on domain popularity.

Here're the findings:
• LCP is awesome – popular websites have better LCP
• FID is irrelevant – 99% of desktop sessions are good
• CLS is problematic – poor CLS is the reason sites don't pass CWV #webperf

Thread ⤵
When CrUX publishes the monthly state of Core Web Vitals, it's based on average and represents the origins of 1m+ websites.

Popular websites have resources, and they have better metrics, except CLS, more about it in the thread.

LCP is amazing ✨

After years of iterations: load event, DOMContentLoaded, speed index, first paint, first contentful paint. We have a metric that works and reflects a good loading experience.

Improving LCP will bring happier visitors to your site.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
Friendly reminder for everyone that network payload a.k.a. page size is *the* most impactful metric on your Lighthouse report.

Because of page size, a child in the U.S. – or anywhere – may have to choose between eating lunch or doing homework.

Here is why… 🧵 (thread)
The median website in 2020 weighs 2.4MB.

This translates into 20¢ per page load on a cheap U.S. pre-paid plan. Cheap – that’s a best case scenario.

Btw, does it surprise you that countries like U.S., Switzerland, Ireland, or Canada lead that cost graph? Graph of the cost of site v...
Switch to the ‘Cost as % of GNI’ tab and the graph almost literally flips over. Those 20¢ per page on a U.S. pre-paid plan equate to 0.13% of a person’s daily income. Check out the other countries, too.

0.13% may sound little, but back to that child and their homework… Relative cost of site visit...
Read 7 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
All fairly calm at the moment. 77% mobile already... 44622 user on GOV.UK at the...
As always happens the number of users drops as the announcement starts... Image
Then explodes in about 20 seconds.... wow! Thats a huge jump! Image
Read 12 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
🚨 Did you know the IMG tag was introduced 25 yrs ago TODAY on Nov 24th 🎂🎉, as part of the HTML 2.0 spec -or- RFC 1866. In celebration, I’d like to release the videos from IMAGE READY, a series of talks on modern images, recorded Oct 2. A thread ⬇ #imageReady IMAGE READY: THE VIDEOS. a ...
🎥 Improving the load experience by reducing layout shift by @jensimmons of the @webkit team. #imageReady…
🎥 @DasSurma discussed the details of the client side compression Squoosh! app #imageReady…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
In this thread.

"How I lowered the page load time of from 18 seconds to 2.75 seconds with no development work".

#pagespeed #webperf #techseo
Here is some more proof. Below you can see the before and after screenshots of my tests and times in the Chrome Network tab.

Caveat: the Finish time never stops on CSS due to external scripts constantly running. The screenshot was when it stabilised though. CNN BeforeCNN After
Post 3! The game is up! I didn’t really do this. :D

I’m going to show you how in DevTools you can measure the potential gains that can be had by removing bloated scripts. This method is great to get buy-in from other teams before going ahead deleting anything from the code.
Read 16 tweets
May 29th 2020
Great to see some fantastic #webperf work happening on GOV.UK at the moment. The team have been gradually removing the shard domain for critical assets, and it's made quite a difference! Images from Chrome on a 3G connection and S4 on 3G. 1/4 ImageImageImageImage
Considering where we were at the start of Feb: HTTP/1.1, SRI, shard domain, ~13 TCP connections. Now down to just 1 TCP connection in many cases. 2/4 ImageImage
And we can finally make the most the features H2 has to offer. Serving all assets off a single domain allows:
• all assets to use a connection that is up to speed (TCP slow start)
• prioritisation can happen across all assets
• no more h2 connection coalescing required

Read 4 tweets
May 27th 2020
18% of global Android Chrome users have Lite Mode enabled (aka Save-Data). Digging into the data, I now have more questions than answers. Is this a signal that users want #webperf? Or something else?
First impression: Save-Data gives users what they want, which is a different quality/performance tradeoff. And with @cloudinary’s q_auto it appears to yield a 10% greater consumption. Yay!
But then why is Lite Mode only at 5% in the Americas, while 30+% in Africa and Asia? Is it:
* intentional, users who want better web performance?
* enabled by default by android manufacturers?
* or just cargo-cult stories we tell, like 'enable dark mode to save battery’?
Read 23 tweets

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