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Dec 5th 2022
"Elections are decided by women." So true.

Esp. the 2020 US presidential election, and others where right wing governments were (and will soon be) punished for anti- public health and safety, anti-science, ignorant approaches to pandemic response.

We manage household health!
Do politicians and their advisers get this yet? In most households, it is one or more women who take basic health and safety seriously, & who develop a superior knowledge base due to our more complex biology, higher rates of illness, & greater need for infection control measures.
Of course there are many men with the same health knowledge and risk management priorities as women, but we are talking about "in general" here, and how that applies to elections.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
When BACKPAGE.COM Went Down 4 Child Trafficking under "YRS of TUTELAGE" by JOHN WALSH's Nat. Cntr. 4 Missing/Exploited Children;

Google/FB/Apple/Microsoft/Amazon lobbied to Protect BP's "Criminal Sex Ads" claiming 1st Amendment violation...
Isn't it odd that ALL of those Big Tech Companies just happen to be HUGE $$ Corp. Sponsors for JOHN WALSH's NCMEC??

Take a look. (Fyi: Amazon has been "quietly" owned by Alphabet Inc, [GOOG] for some time now. Does NCMEC Really Protect Kids???

@MeghanWalsh_ 3) HOLY SH*T AGAIN!

Where Else Have you seen HUGE $$ "Donated by" GOOGLE, FB, Microsoft, Amazon & Apple?? Oh Yeah! They Donated 91% to Creepy Joe's 2020 DNC Stolen Election. 9% to Rinos. @MeghanWalsh_

PS: Is this Hunter Pic from the 2016 NCMEC Sexual Deviant Awards?
Read 12 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
Thread: Margaret Atwood's comments on the rising threat of American Theocracy

We who are now #XGOP and #NeverTrump have a relatively unique take on issues like these. I feel I can add value to the debate, having spent years on the left and the right, and now being indy.
I had already seen the movie of The Handmaid's Tale when I saw resistors appearing in costume at political events.

I thought it was ridiculous and self-defeating for them, and maybe it was, at that time. In 2020 resistors ended up having the last word, thankfully. #YoureFired
As you know, there's still people who think even the recent absurdities expressed by TFG (& his henchmen like Bannon, Flynn, & Meadows) are no big deal & that he's adequately trustworthy, patriotic, & a true defender of the US Constitution.

Such people view me as a traitor.
Read 21 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
10. Bill Barr ... remember, resign is often code for 'You're fired!'

Steve Bannon said the same ... #BillBarr was fired.
Another one bites the dust. Hey, hey!

11. Jeff Jensen (US Atty, DOJ)
Read 5 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
@Eric_Schmitt Experts say that Trump’s lawsuit is doomed; nonetheless, Eric Schmitt has festooned highest hopes on that suit, despite arguments moot. His mistakes in these rhymes are lampooned.

#MoAG 👀 @BrianSimsPA @KathyBoockvar @JoshShapiroPA

@Eric_Schmitt @BrianSimsPA @KathyBoockvar @JoshShapiroPA Parson’s right — officeholders’ poor spelling an unsettling trend is foretelling. “Principals” 🤔 are at stake. Perhaps they all should take review courses — inside of their dwelling?

#MoAG 👀
@Eric_Schmitt @BrianSimsPA @KathyBoockvar @JoshShapiroPA “Big important ‘principals’ 🤔 are at stake” unless AG Eric Schmitt’s claims are fake. Latter option’s my bet. Like this vet soaking wet, Donald’s bull #sh¡t no more will we take — !

🇺🇸 #HappyVeteransDay
🙏🏼 #ThankYouForYourService

Read 40 tweets
Nov 10th 2020
You are watching a movie. It's just not the movie you think it is.

And, it just so happens to be one of my favorites.
A peek behind the curtain. Power, Wealth, Influence, Skin color.

They have a plan. Finally going to #cornerthemarket (our country) and consolidate power.

Everything they've built has led to this. Image
Randolph and Mortimer Duke are brothers, but certainly not equals.

Randolph is the leader (CCP, Mullahs, Foreign Lobby). Calm, thoughtful, in control. Sees the long game.

Mortimer immature in thought and emotion. Anger, arrogance, and contempt (Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Image
Read 29 tweets
Oct 6th 2020
“The danger he poses is related to past dangerousness he has shown in terms of verbal aggression, boasting about assaults, paranoid reactions… This is a national security threat and the White House has a credibility crisis.” @pttrn_ntgrty #The25thFor45

“It cannot be that here and now in 2020 we allow the government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish on this earth. No, it cannot and it must not… WE WILL VOTE.” @JoeBiden in Gettysburg

“The FBI says white nationalism is a real problem, and the FBI wants to do something about it, but President* Trump doesn’t want to talk about that. He doesn’t keep the country safe.” @GenMhayden @RVAT2020

Read 99 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Typical income taxes:

Teachers paid $7239
Firefighters paid $5283
Nurses paid $10,216

...and Donald Trump paid $750.

That is unfair by any measure.

#VOTE @JoeBiden #TrumpTaxReturns
“Who do you owe the money to? Do you owe debt to ANY foreign nation? Do you owe anybody money who is impacted by any decision you make as president* of the United States? WE NEED TO KNOW THAT.” @KamalaHarris

Read 99 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
“President* Trump’s actions and language are in fact racist. Those words gave permission to white supremacists to think what they were doing was permissible… We are less safe today because of his leadership.” @NeuSummits @RVAT2020

Read 133 tweets
May 26th 2020
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik In #deathtotals this impostor leads.
At 100000 our nation bleeds.
As before: THERE’S NO PLAN.
Just this #ElCrappyTan
whose ineptness no one supersedes.

#CadetBoneSpurs 🏌🏻
@ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik @ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi #Iceland’s strategy?
Try using SCIENCE.
Trump’s malfeasance?
It’s his failed appliance.
Donald flubbed the #pandemic. Response was anemic!
Upon Trump there exists no reliance.

@megtirrell @jonatlib @RUVfrettir
@KariStefans 👏🏻 @katrinjak 👏🏻 @VidirReynisson
Read 36 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
We've reported that #StephenMiller's bigoted views on immigration have informed some of the #Trump administration's most inhumane policies.

Now, @KamalaHarris, @JoaquinCastrotx and other lawmakers are calling for his removal.
.@Hatewatch reporter @MichaelEHayden reviewed 900+ leaked emails in which #StephenMiller recommended white nationalist websites and writers and the racist novel “The Camp of the Saints.”…
In a number of these emails, #StephenMiller admired the Immigration Act of 1924 — a eugenics-based law signed by Pres. Calvin Coolidge, who is lionized by white nationalists for his views on race.

It’s a law Adolf Hitler praised, too.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 23rd 2019
(1) Thread: Why Americans should care about the firing of Prince Andrew in the UK.

I know, y'all don't think much of monarchy, especially the one your ancestors bled and died to overthrow.

But I make the case for why this event is so relevant for you at this time.

(2) Ordinarily, when a minor or major European royal does something stupid, even criminal, they get fired & people eventually move on. Example: The abdication of Juan Carlos of Spain in 2014. His son and replacement King Felipe VI is a good guy, IMO:
(3) If you read some history of Spain over the past century, you'll learn a bit about why the modern form of monarchy is not such a bad thing, & can even contribute to security in the face of tyranny or the threat of it.

Spain is in a bad way, but at least they have Felipe.
Read 33 tweets
Nov 20th 2019
(1) Thread: Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor, #YoureFired.

#EDKH #JusticeIsComing #DrainTheSwamp
(2) First, let's remember that this man's campaign for justice is the reason that Epstein was re-arrested in 2019 at all, opening this can of worms across the Atlantic in London.

His DOJ has seen thousands of innocent young people rescued so far.

#Hero #ToughOnCrime
(3) But but Trump went to the same parties as Epstein and Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and... wait, what?

Two words: Flight logs.

Andrew didn't just fly to Epstein's Island... he took his family there too. Ill-judged, indeed.
Read 26 tweets
Sep 10th 2019
So ... @AmbJohnBolton can forget about his pardon for all the crimes he committed for this fascist regime... #YoureFired
2013 Bolton speaks on a video to Maria Butina and her Russian colleagues....
Read 3 tweets
May 1st 2019
@justthinkit @RikPik2 @debibug @bigredwavenow @Jordan_Sather_ @StormIsUponUs @Cordicon @GenFlynn @zulutym @intheMatrixxx @prayingmedic @DefenseIntel When ⭐️⭐️⭐️ gets caught lying or provides misleading statements, a level of eroding trust occurs. #YoureFired But hey, let's just keep lying for the sake of consistency. Did ⭐️⭐️⭐️really believe, at the advice of his own corrupt counsel, that his FARA filing was going to fly?
@justthinkit @RikPik2 @debibug @bigredwavenow @Jordan_Sather_ @StormIsUponUs @Cordicon @GenFlynn @zulutym @intheMatrixxx @prayingmedic @DefenseIntel With what we have learned about 9/11, I have a serious issue with ⭐️⭐️⭐️allowing his name to be attached to this Op Ed, originally written by FIG client Ekim Alpketin on behalf of the Turkish Govt. Was the $530,000 worth it, ⭐️⭐️⭐️? 🤬#SellOut 👉…
Read 28 tweets
Mar 29th 2018
(1) Disgraced Obama holdover David Shulkin has now attacked POTUS publicly. What an idiot.

Privatization is a wonderful thing. Most importantly, #WeThePeople elected Trump in order to get the BEST & safest care for Veterans. I support VA privatization even more now!
(2) As Shulkin and other poor performing, luxury-traveling, bureaucratic former employees are finding out, YOU SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT. Period.

Great people like Kellyanne Conway, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton have this doctrine firmly embedded in their minds.
(3) Going to the media to back stab the President that we overwhelmingly elected and support is a slap in the face of the people, who make sacrifices and pay taxes for the benefit of our Veterans who have been so badly treated by an extremely dysfunctional bureaucracy.
Read 17 tweets

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