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Jan 24th 2022
NEW: Pentagon taking steps to heighten readiness over #Ukraine - inclu for @NATO response force if activated,
per @PentagonPresSec

US "keenly focused" on #Russia's military build-up along #Ukraine & in #Belarus
MORE: @SecDef has placed "a range of units on a heightened readiness to deploy" - about 8,500 personnel - per @PentagonPresSec
"As of now the decision has been made to pace these units on heightened alerts & heightened alert only" per @PentagonPresSec

Some units been told to be ready to deploy in as little as 5 days, he says

"No final decision has been made to deploy them"
Read 16 tweets
May 6th 2020
#BREAKING: While President #Trump has vetoed congressional measure limiting his war powers in #Iran, #USAF has No longer any assets for deep strike & standoff attack at #Iran in #MiddleEast! All 6 B-52Hs in #DiegoGarcia & 12 F-35As in #AlDhafra,#UAE are redeployed back to #US! Image
As a replacement for the F-35As, #USAF is going to deploy 12 F-15Cs which will enhance air defense capability! So, it means, #Pentagon doesn't see a war coming with #IRGC and they are going to have just 12 F-15Cs & 12 F-15Es in #AlDhafra & Muwaffaq Al-Salti Air Bases respectively Image
It is now public. On order of #US President #Trump, 2 squadrons of #USAF fighter jets as well as 4 Patriot PAC-3 batteries are being evacuated from #SaudiArabia making it vulnerable to #Iran's strikes. This is for putting pressure on Prince #BinSalman to reduce oil production. Image
Read 3 tweets

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