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Apr 4th 2023
Local Business Consulting Services Catalytic Consulting Inc…
More #about "#Local Business #ConsultingServices Catalytic Consulting Inc:

Brian Plain | Catalytic Consulting Inc
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D116 Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 203-1776… #MA #Local #Business #Consulting #Services #Catalytic #Consulting #Inc"
Find additional information #about our independent company #providing business consulting services, in Massachusetts, online today, at "Catalytic Consulting":…
#CatalyticConsulting #MA
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Oct 2nd 2022
Find “Marlborough Insurance Agents” At Lunova Insurance: Find Marlborough Insurance Agents At Lunova Insurance “Auto, home, and business owners’ insurance agents in Marlborough MA 01752 at Lunova Insurance” Lunova Insurance Offers (HOME...…
"Find local, #trusted, and #independentMA auto, home, or business owners' insurance agents (#near you in Massachusetts online & local) at #LunovaInsurance:
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #MassachusettsInsuranceAgents"
Read 8 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
BREAKING: Major Damage Reported In #Andover #Kansas As A Strong #Tornado Has Damaged & Destroyed Buildings & Homes. Footage Captured By Meteorologist #ReedTimmer
CONTD: One Of The Buildings With Major #Tornado Damage In #Andover #Kansas Is The @ymca
CONTD: Major #Tornado Damage To Homes In #Andover #Kansas
Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Yesterday, I declared a state of emergency that allowed @EversourceMA to take control over a plan to restore utilities in the affected areas. They quickly mobilized a leadership team, set up a centrally located command center + organized the deployment of hundreds of gas workers.
Local, State and Federal officials have been working around the clock. While we all know that there is a lot of work left to do, we are starting to make some progress.

The work to recover from this incident is being broken down into three phases.
The first phase is all about getting people back into their homes safely and restoring electricity. Technicians and fire personnel are deployed to work designated areas one at a time. They are shutting off gas meters and inspecting buildings to make sure it is safe to re-enter.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Once again, tonight I want to thank our first responders and firefighters from communities across the Commonwealth that have responded to the situation in #Lawrence, #Andover and #NorthAndover. #MVGasFire
Our priority remains getting electricity to the affected households as quickly as possible, while ensuring the safety of residents.
This afternoon, I declared a State of Emergency, which authorized DPU to allow @EversourceMA to take over utility restoration efforts. We took this step after it became clear to us that Columbia Gas was inadequately prepared to take the steps needed.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
I know it's late, and there are immediate needs families are dealing with, but coverage of the #AndoverMAFires #LawrenceFires is already atrocious, so I wanted to share a few general thoughts and observations, some of which may explain what you're about to see unfold. #mapoli
We're hearing about @ColumbiaGasMA over and over. And yes, they're the contractor. But let's remember that Columbia is a subsidiary of the much larger @NiSourceInc:… #mapoli #LawrenceFires #AndoverMAFires #Lawrence #Andover
In fact, here's a press release from 9.13.2018 about the work they're doing via Columbia in #Lawrence and #Andover (among other places). Link (and screenshot just in case).… "Enhanced safety features, Reliability of service for years to come..." #mapoli
Read 14 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
(1) Thread: Merrimack Valley gas line explosions and fires.

There's a lot of panic and misinformation being reported. I'm getting my info from @MassStatePolice & the state fire marshal.

NBC Boston live coverage:…
(2) From the above story. Authorities are not asking residents to turn off their home's gas supply, they are just saying get out of the building asap.

Importantly, using a cell phone can ignite gas if it's built up in the room.
Read 39 tweets

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