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May 1st 2023
BC desperately needs this story to be picked up by the press. Long Covid sufferers have been abandoned, uninformed by our PHO, BCPH, our government. The scandal is how long they all knew & did not warn the public. Every day more BCers are becoming infected w/Covid, not 1/ BCPoli
…fully understanding the risks of long Covid. Many will become long Covid sufferers, including children.
#BCMedia please cover this story. Please investigate. #BCPoli #DoNoHarm 2/
Long Covid is going to affect BCers for decades. Those already suffering need diagnosis, treatment, the BC Long Covid clinics have been shuttered.
More cases must be prevented
3/ #BCPoli
Read 13 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
🧵 1/ It’s become quite apparent re: complete lack of media coverage that likely only these 4 (& those they chose to share it with) were privy to this 2nd letter dated Apr12/22 from HRC Govender: Dr. Henry herself w/CCs to @adriandix & 2 DPHOs. #bcpoli…
2/ What happened? Well, on the newly updated HRC “Key Issues: Covid-19” Sec, it incl this link to “Discrimination Media Release” page that was last updated on Mar28/22. Which was the media release date of the Mar16/22 letter & comes before the 2nd letter.…
3/ So, I took a trip down memory lane to rehash the cascade of attention that this 1st HRC letter received after Henry’s Mar10/22 mask repeal.…
Read 16 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
🧵 1/ 🙏 @humanrights4BC for updating your Covid19 sec w/ @KasariGovender’s Mar16/22 letter to #DrHenry. Also, for incl this imp 2nd letter dated Apr12/22 that challenges BCPH narrative, Henry’s response & continues to advocate for masks. #bcpoli #bced…
2/ As per your Apr12/22 reply to #DrHenry, you state: “Although I understand reasoning…for ending temp mask mandate, I wish to offer some responses to points raised in you Mar31/22 letter.” Con’t…
3/ “While it’s encouraging pop-level threat of serous outcomes from Covid is reduced, it’s not the proportion of people at risk but the rights of marginalized that are relevant to HR...”
Read 26 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Huge scandal which should be covered by #BCmedia…Dr. Bonnie Henry & Dr. Reka Gustafson received knowledge about #LongCovid from PHAC yet they NEVER INFORMED THE PUBLIC of risks, even *removing protections & characterizing COVID as a simple respiratory illness instead. Even now.
How do I know that Dr. Henry & Dr. Gustafson received the PHAC PowerPoint on Long COVID in July 2020?

Open up the list in the tweet below, you’ll see their names listed among the other provincial health officers from across the country.

And before @CDCofBC says, “Oh, but with vaccines, we are in a different situation now”, I’d respond w/ the fact that I know of teachers & students *who were fully vaccinated*, caught 🦠 at school, & developed #LongCovid during the #Omicron era (supposed to be “mild”?!?). #bced 😢
Read 3 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
Let's look at the rights of children. In BC I don't see how we are protecting them or following the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child when it comes to their health and safety. 1/11🧵

The special set of rights for children and young people (18 and younger) is called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). On November 20th, 1989 the UNCRC was unanimously adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Almost every country of the world eagerly ratified it throughout the next decade and it has become the most widely ratified human rights document in the world.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
Ahead of #DrHenry & @adriandix's Fall "respiratory viruses" pressor, pls note @GovCanHealth CITF-funded nation-wide studies conclude:

1) "Omicron is mild" is dangerous myth; 10s of 1000s of Cdns hosp in serious cond & 1000s died, as many as in 2 preceding waves. #bcpoli 1/🧵
2) Omicron wave caused unprecedented rise in Cdn infection-acquired seroprevalence

3) Re: @stats_canada <45 experienced high excess mortality.

4) In data derived largely from blood donors, highest levels of seropositivity due to infection were in young adults (17-24) 2/
5) Although kids aren't incl in most Cdn serosurveys, residual sera surveys from Man, Que & BC reported high infection rates. #bced

6) Young people at-risk b/c:
- Participation in group settings/school/university
- Front-line service jobs
- Close living situations #bcpoli 3/
Read 8 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Short 🧵:

Science-following #bced activists are right more than @CDCofBC, many times.

We predicted:
✅delta wave during BC’s “Hug Day” summer
✅removing mask protections during BA.2/5 would result in massive infection
✅schools are community hubs & need protections

Unlike ⬇️
2/ Now @CDCofBC claims mass infection is good for you because it gives “robust hybrid immunity”. Not proven.

They conveniently ignore #LongCovid, ⬆️heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, seizures.

And reinfections. @CDCofBC minimizing is ❌

Thread on reinfection risks, with links:
3/ @CDCofBC is also ignoring new variants on the horizon (they’ve done this EVERY time!).⬇️

Mass infection allows the virus the opportunity to mutate, & mutate it has. That fact has NEVER been explained to the BC public. One reason lowering transmission should be top priority.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
1/ @JM_Whiteside @adriandix pls explain why you're not using every tool in the toolbox to protect #bced students/staff/fam & public when even your own govt branches-@CDCofBC @PHSAofBC-are chalk full of online resources re: risks & devastating effects of #LongCovid #LongCovidKids
2/ Specifically, as per the @CDCofBC "COVID-19 Illness in Children" page (updated Jan/22)
"If your child still feels sick weeks or months after having COVID-19, it’s called Post-COVID-19 condition or “long COVID”. It may affect both children & adults."…
3/ Also, re: above is @PHAC info, a "Welcome to #LongCovid" lntro video & harsh dose of reality look behind BCPH "back to normalcy" PR curtain w/@PHSAofBC link including real risks of life altering effects that can occur even after "mild" acute illness:…
Read 12 tweets
May 10th 2022
"Dr Henry - there have been numerous research reports lately flagging very serious outcomes from COVID infection in children & pregnant people. Can you comment on the following studies?"
Read 10 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
Two years ago I started this stacked little thread as way to document the strange, unsettling, gaslighting groupthink that has unfolded within #bced, #bcpoli leadership & most #bcmedia.

BC started pandemic in 2020 being NYT lauded & has currently plummeted to backwater status.
Like many teachers, I started Sept 2020 fully aware I could not keep students safe in school & that anyone who thought we could was either ignorant of way schools function or they prioritized economy over student & #bced staff health, willing to ridicule legitimate concerns.
What I didn’t expect was resistance to science to come from intelligent voices at every level.

In fact, few #bced, #bcpoli, union leaders have been willing to have courage to speak up & say some simple words that would have undoubtedly prevented infection & #LongCovid in many.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
When journalists avoid challenging govt because they fear losing access to key politicians for interviews, that's called "access journalism." Related: when govts block a reporter from interviewing a politician in retaliation for a tough story, that's called "source chill" #bcpoli
..Or at least we called it "source chill" when I studied media.

In any case "access journalism" is considered a degraded form of media. Yet it's rampant in BC. Many of the highest-profile journalists in #bcmedia engage in it & for obvious reasons don't like you to point it out..
Many journalists are rightly very sensitive about being accused of access journalism. Rob Shaw finally blocked @frozen on Twitter, despite Tom Jackman having long been critical of Shaw's govt-friendly reporting, right after Tom replied to him with the hashtag #teamaccess.
Read 16 tweets

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