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"Make Canada Work for People Who've Done the Work" @PierrePoilievre who voted against #CERB shares a press release amending the budget that reflects zero compassion for low income earners and the #disabled
A re-elected Liberal government will:
Continue to ensure that secondary earnersā€”mostly womenā€”can exclude up to $14,000 of their working income when income-testing the #CanadaWorkersBenefit, so that families can receive up to $2,400.ā€¦
1/2 You can read abut the Liberal Party Policies for disabled people atā€¦ #CanadaDisabilityBenefitAct was unanimously adopted Febeuary 2, 2023 as a federal income supplement for working-age persons with disabilities.
Read 43 tweets
1/2 A growing number of folks realize that California is where they get their produce from & it's been slammed by forest fires, floods, etc. so they are going to grow their own veggies this year and escape the high prices in the grocery chain stores.
2/2 An estimated two-thirds of all produce consumed in Canada is imported from the U.S. accounting for approximately 37% of Canada's fresh fruit imports in 2021. California exported $4.8 Billion to Canada, including: $1.7B in fruits and nuts & $203M in vegetables and roots.
I live on a Gulf Island where the best weather conditions found in Canada are found so I purchase FRESH produce from organic farmers at farm gates and at Farmer's Markets twice weekly. Hubby also grows some of our veggies.
Are you now or will you be growing your own produce?
Read 24 tweets

This is a heinous lie I continue seeing #LiberalTwitter tell, as some argument about #NDP obstructing the LPC, as an excuse for this election, let's unpack it.



#DisabilityDebate #Elxn44 #CERB
No, the NDP did not, "vote against the disabled". They initially refused to support the Covid-19 spending bill in June, which contained a $600 payment for disabled Canadians. And for good reason.

The Liberals wanted to fine/jail CERB recipients! (2/9)
Which was pretty unfair, and necessary to stop, because LIBERAL MPs like Wayne Easter and Adam Vaughan who told people to apply for CERB whether they knew they qualified or not! Can we say, entrapment? I'm no lawyer but, unfair to say the least. (3/9)
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Two words youā€™ll never read in Blacklockā€™s Reporter: ā€œsources sayā€. Canadaā€™s only media outlet focussed on document journalism. Tuesday, August 24, 2021ā€¦ 1/4
ā€¢ ACCESS TO INFORMATION #cdnfoi: Justice Department spends $15K/week fighting Residential School claim
ā€¢ EMAILS: Digital Services Minister questioned feds' reliance on #China contractors for 90% of Covid supplies when #Taiwan one of worldā€™s largest producers of #PPE
ā€¢ STATISTICS CANADA: Canadians used #CERB cheques to pay off $16.6 billion in credit card debt
ā€¢ COMMISSIONER OF ELECTIONS: Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland faces #CPC complaint over misleading social media post tagged by Twitter
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To the businesses complaining they cannot find employees because of #CERB .......A thread.

My husband has been off of work since March 2020, the beginning of the pandemic. He checks the employment sites daily, networks, sends out countless resumes. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 1/x
He has 26 years of experience in his business, the optical lab industry. He is not opposed to finding a new career, in fact, it has been on his mind for awhile. Because of this, he does not limit himself to the types of jobs he applies for. 2/x
He has submitted resumes to all sorts of businesses from the optical world, service industry, the food industry, warehouses, other lab industries, retail, production work, and as many as he can with the qualifications he has. 3/x
Read 8 tweets
Dear @cafreeland, let me save you four years, at least a thousand lives and $12,000,000 in 6 tweets or less.

Your going to commit $12,000,000 for discussions on how to include the most people possible and what to provide in a #Canada #disability benefit. It REALLY is #simple 1/6
In fact, it's SO simple that I'm using up extra words in my promised six tweets or less to highlight JUST how easy it is.

YOU'RE going to ask around, maybe get.. 200 or 300 opinions.. 80% will be from organizations. 70% of those will kiss your ass. half of the individuals 2/6
you ask will ask an opinion from, will ask for so much because they've had so little (for SO LONG) you'll discount them anyways. Here is what you need to do and how to do it. The next three tweets are simple. it's "How to do it" and "What to give" 3/6 #PWD #ODSP #SAID #AISH #CPPD
Read 6 tweets
If I read #federalbudget of #Canada Correctly
@cafreeland committed $12M over THREE YEARS to TALKING about how to implement a disability benefit some point in the future (maybe)
(But $13M to ensure MAID happens)

So no #inclusion & #inclusive recovery for #ODSP #CPPD #SAID #AISH
At this rate, with what the provinces are doing to #PWD @JustinTrudeau @cafreeland You won't have to worry about #MAID or a #Disabilities Benefit cause the problem is going to "Solve itself"
They Can't Afford to live NOW Damn it !
3 weeks to invent #CERB
4 YEARS to maybe help PWD
How many more times are they supposed to say
"Maybe next year, people will care"
How many more decades ?
How many more wasted PWD lives because
Canada won't put the well being disabled people equal to those who are "Able" ?

How many more GENERATIONS @JustinTrudeau ?
Read 6 tweets
@armstrongcbc Djenaba Dayle saidĀ the minimum wage needs to rise,Ā and thatĀ rent control is crucialĀ ā€”Ā and not just during a crisis.

#CERB #BAI #canlab #cdnpoli #CFIB #Shecessionā€¦
Listening to @FoodProfessor on w. @jordimorgan, re. flight from Cdn. cities during this pandemic.

When he references folks who can work from anywhere, heā€™s talking about the top branch of the ā€˜Kā€™ recovery, who are doing fine.

What about the #LowWage workers on bottom branch?
Read 4 tweets
A story I wrote Friday on #CERB eligibility / repayment has sparked considerable debate about the program & CRA efforts to reclaim some benefits.
I just wanted to share some links / info to expand on what's in the story in terms of govt messaging around eligibility.../ #cdnpoli
This hinges on whether those with self-employment income were directed to calculate net income (instead of gross) to determine eligibility. CRA told us "To be clear, there has been no change to this position during the lifecycle of the CERB." .../
From CRA: "This requirement was publicized on since the beginning, specifically under the category ā€œSelf-Employed and Independent Workersā€ on the Question and Answers page." And they provided the following link.../ā€¦
Read 9 tweets
For each #Province and #Territory in #Canada, here is the help that was offered to those living with #disabilities. This will include the #Federal help offered as well as any hoops #PWDs may have needed to jump through to get it and whether CERB was clawed back or not.
This is based on my own research, and if anyone sees anything I missed or may have gotten wrong please let me know.
Let's start with #Yukon
According to several articles, eligible families on #disability supports we're to get up to $400 to help with costs until August. Unknown what eligibility was.
#CERB was exempt from clawbacks.
Read 19 tweets
1. This is a thread for my fellow #Longhaulers who are about to lose access to the #CERB on Saturday. I know some are quite worried about financial supports so this is a look at your options. As you'll see, it's quite a dog's breakfast. #COVID19 #LongCOVID #ApresJ180 #cdnpoli
2. The first stop is Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits. #EI eligibility was frozen in March, so if you were employed or self-employed but paying premiums and had accumulated enough hours for eligibility, you will now transition to EI sickness benefits.
3. It's not clear yet whether a medical note will be required if your illness is due to COVID-19. If it is, it can be signed by a doctor, psychologist, or chiropractor. You do not need a diagnosis to get a note (although you do need a sympathetic health care provider).
Read 17 tweets
Summarizing #BasicIncome @ $196B/yr
Avg cost $5,214 non-taxable

šŸ†˜20 Million Canadians
šŸ’° Min $18,329 floor
šŸ›‘Perm Job Losses
šŸš‘ Masks & Preventatives
šŸš‘Essential Workers
ā›‘ļøBI Helps #CEWS by šŸ“¢#CreatingJobs
ā™æļø#RaiseTheRates for #PWD

RT & #SpreadTheWord Image
How many Employers result in Permenant Job Layoffs because they can't commit to hours...

A #BasicIncome is also a means to protect these workers from loosing Weeks to Months of Income before they qualify for benefits. It's FASTER than EI. It's FASTER than Welfare.
How many mothers need to work 2 or 3 jobs just to pay the rent and bills? Sacrificing #FamilyQualityTime is not helping our society increase benefits of life by not having enough time for family outings, and experiences that can benefit creativity in the workplace.
Read 13 tweets
If anyone can help, we would be very grateful. We are seeing even more of an increase in requests due to CERB ending and transitioning over to EI. (Which many do not qualify for, yet we hope help in any form arrives soon)
If you are in need, please head over to our website: HarvestHillsCaresCalgary.Ca and click on the contact us now button.
If you can please consider donating we accept Etransfers and PayPal at the moment but will have more options in the near future.

Etransfer: HarvestHillsCaresCalgary@Gmail.Com

PayPal.Me/HarvestHillsCaā€¦ Image
Read 5 tweets
*āš ļøThread Warning: Long Threadāš ļø*

Speaking bluntly here: We have seen an dramatic increase in requests for help/assistance due to:
1.) CERB ending and ā€œTransitioningā€ individuals over to EI. Only problem is many Albertans will not qualify.

With CERB ending and many of the 4million plus people not being able to qualify for EI, we will see a lot of problems happening for Albertans.
2.) With the recent changes to AISH and Alberta Works, many are left feeling bewildered and scared.

Many have had their peace of mind taken from them by having things like aides to daily living & medications that were once covered, but arenā€™t covered anymore just to name a few
Read 16 tweets
My name is Maryama Ahmed @m_abd_ahmd.

I'm a DFS organizer and a recent graduate of U of T.

I'm going to be using the #DontForgetStudents account to tell my story.

It's a story that shows how our government has completely failed Fall 2019 grads during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I called my @Liberal MP for support several times in April and May. I left desperate voicemails, but my pleas for help went unanswered.

I live in Toronto Centre.

My MP is @Bill_Morneau.

He may have ignored my phone calls, but I hope he reads this thread.
I donā€™t come from @BillMorneauā€™s world.

I am a Black, Muslim woman born to first-generation immigrants who fled civil war in Somalia in the early 90s.

I grew up in a low-income household.

I was the first person in my immediate family to be accepted to university in 2014.
Read 13 tweets
There has been lots of attention on the question of whether the #CERB should be ended because it prevents ppl from working. But letā€™s take a moment to ask what will happen to Cdns if the CERB is not extended and #EI is not reformed. 1/
(This is a long thread, but please bear with me because the details will matter for a lot of people come September.) 2/
So youā€™ve lost your job or your hours of work due to the pandemic or you canā€™t work because of caregiving responsibilities. (Weā€™ll leave aside the question of sickness benefits for the moment, because that takes us into the rabbitsā€™ warren of STD, LTD, & public disab. plans.) 3/
Read 23 tweets
A liberal government led by PM @JustinTrudeau & FM @Bill_Morneau have invested over $200 Billion to support Canadian families & businesses.

This has kept Canadians safe during this unprecedented #COVID19 pandemic.

More thanĀ 8.16 million peopleĀ have received support from theĀ Canada Emergency Response Benefit, providing $2,000 a month to Canadians who have lost their income due to #COVID19.

3 million employeesĀ have been supported by theĀ #CanadaEmergencyWageSubsidy, by helping them stay in the workforce or return to work.
Read 8 tweets

I bet the government never thought about these when debating about Basic Income... what if until June 2021 #UBI had happened:

#BasicIncome #Canada #WhatIf #WhyDidntWeThinkofThis #OnlyInCanada
Most families would be able to stay afloat without the cost of borrowing, and by immediate stability it relieved the stress. Domestic Violence can be directly related to Financial Insecurity which increases the risk of increased Health Care costs and Justice system implications
Most families that have jobs if they did qualify for #BasicIncome probably wouldn't qualify in year 2. Especially if it was taxable income. However, the investment in the individual in one year can be enough to secure employment or higher education.
Read 39 tweets
Taken from Facebook:

Canadian Election 202?
As their leader, Scheer still speaks for the CONs.
I'll remember this and will be reminding Canadians of this when the writ drops again. Image
Can you even imagine the destitution if the CONs were in charge right now?
When Canadians are going to the polls, past performances by each party and past statements by their leaders must be integral in choosing how to vote.
Any Canadian voting for the CONs will be voting for a party who does not believe in SHORT TERM relief for Canadians during a "Stay Home" pandemic.
That is NOT a party worthy of running Canada.
That would NOT be MY Canada.
We are a Village.
Let's keep it as one.
Read 5 tweets
Yet another City of Calgary update on the COVID-19 response is coming up in about ten minutes at the Emergency Operations Centre, however Mayor Nenshi is still working to wrap up a council session right now. May get delayed a bit here. Tweets in this thread. #yyc
Council meeting has wrapped. I now picture the mayor being whisked away and zoomed up to the EOC. Good thing there's no traffic.
We are now underway after a delay. Nenshi beginning with condolences about the Calgarians who died over the weekend. Repeating same message about reducing the spread
Read 27 tweets

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