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Dec 23rd 2021
📣#Preprint #COVID19 #ConvalescentPlasma
📌RCT (N=1.2K)
📌Outpatients age 18+
📌High-titer CCP (>1:320) vs placebo plasma w/in 9d of symptoms
📌Primary endpt: Hosp/death by d28
📌CCP 🏆: 54% ⬇️, driven by non-ICU hospitalizations (NNT=29); HR 0.46, p<.01…
2/ A few important points about this #COVID19 #convalescentplasma trial
📌High-titer CCP was much higher than that used in some other studies (median titer of >1:14,580 & 95% had >1:4820)
📌Median days to plasma: 6d
📌53 of 54 hospitalizations were in unvaxxed (#GetVaccinated!)
3/ 📌 Only 3 deaths in post-hosp period, all in controls
📌 Few #COVID19nCancer or #immunocompromised
📌 Study used #convalescent plasma mostly from Apr-Dec 2020 (ie pre-#vaccine availability)
📌Would *predict* CCP from #vaccinated to perform well vs #Omicron & #covidvariants
Read 9 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
Missed #COVID19nCancer plenary in #AACR20 @AACR?
Here’s a thread to catch up on all the fascinating global research presented by:
@AACR @AACRPres #AntoniRibas #LiZhang @marinagarassino @barlesi #CarlosGomez #LouisVoigt #HongbingCai cc:@OncoAlert @COVID19nCCC @ASCO @ASH_hematology
#1: Chinese Experience by #LiZhang and #HongbingCai

More evidence of increased prevalence of #Cancer among #COVID19, ~2% similar to what we found in our #metanalysis @ASCO_pubs #JCOGO here:…
#LiZhang described 35.7% required mechanical ventilation and significant risk factors for severe outcomes on #multivariate analysis was recent #cancertreatment and #consolidation on CT
Read 12 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
🗂️THREAD: U.S./global #COVID19 clinical/research patient/healthcare worker registries seen on #medtwitter

Many specialty-society/focused registries launched in last few weeks, attempt to collect them here

List 👇🏽

2/n: @SCCM's VIRUS: Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study @covid19registry

Inclusion criteria 👇🏽…

Find out if your site is already enrolled:…

#Pulmonology #Pulm #CriticalCare #PCCM
3/n: International #COVID19 Dermatology Registry led by @DrEstherFreeman @AADskin

Looking for:
1. #COVID19 pts who develop #skin findings
2. #dermatology pts who develop #COVID19

h/t @DrStevenTChen #dermtwitter
Read 11 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
She was sleeping when I walked in her room, pushing the curtain aside with my elbow while cleaning my hands with Purell. She looked peaceful. Outside her window, night was falling. 1/8
"Mrs. M***," I lightly shook her left arm, which was folding across her chest. I almost never wake patients up in the hospital because their sleep is often more important than my visit. But this was my last chance. 2/8
She opened her eyes and blinked a few times. With my blue scrubs, white coat, and face mask, I was not easily recognizable. I told her my name. "I'm your oncologist," my smile was hidden by the mask. 3/8
Read 9 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
(1/5) This is perhaps not urgent but it is important. Clinical cancer research will almost certainly take a hit over the next few months. There will likely be a decrease in trial accruals and the pace of progress will slow. Our society can't afford this. @ASCO @BladderCancerUS
(2/5) However, the impact will be magnified, perhaps exponentially, by the protocol deviations and violations for missed and delayed visits leading to countless queries, EDC revisions, monitor interactions, etc.
(3/5) The burden on our research teams will increase markedly and precious time and resources will be devoted to these tasks rather than trying to accelerate clinical investigation to make up for lost time.
Read 8 tweets

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