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Feb 26th 2023
1/14 70th anniversary of #Germany's #DebtCancellation after #WWII! This laid the foundation for 🇩🇪’s economic "miracle". Here’s why a debt cancellation for the Global South is a necessary precondition to enable a #JustTransition & #ClimateJustice!
🧵👇 Projection by Koala Kollektiv
2/14 History taught us how intelligent debt policy works. February 27, 2023, marks the 70th anniversary of the cancellation of 🇩🇪’s debt. This contributed decisively to the reconstruction of a heavily war-torn country.… #DebtForClimate #LondonAgreement1953
3/14 Through the #LondonAgreement1953, signed on February 27, 1953, during the the age of bloc confrontation, the young 🇩🇪 nation was closely tied to the Western defense alliance. #DebtForClimate #CancelTheDebt
Read 14 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
We're getting started in just a few minutes.

Please join us as we talk about the draft #COP27 cover text and what's next for negotiations.

If you're at the #COP27 venue, we're in Luxor.

If you're online, join the live stream here:…
"Let me be clear: If this COP does not extend the commitment to phasing out fossil fuels beyond coal, to include oil and, critically, GAS, it’s a failure. Full Stop,"— CIEL's @NikkiReisch. Image
"We want to call out the hypocrisy of developed counties’ who are stalling to bring solutions for the #ClimateCrisis. What is lacking is political will & courage” @ninteretse, @350Africa.

#DontGasAfrica #COP27 Image
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Nov 15th 2022
NOW: At UK #COP27 pavilion, an update on #StopFundingFossils pledge promised last year by 39 countries & public banks to end all international public 💵 for fossils abroad and instead “fully prioritize” finance for clean & just energy transition by the end of 2022. Follow here 👇
Of the 16 major financing countries who signed onto the pledge, 6 have new policies that fully or almost fully #StopFundingFossils. More are expected in the coming days and weeks to meet 2022 deadline. Check for updates on our tracking briefing here ➡️…
If signatories follow through on their commitment, this will directly shift USD 28 billion a year out of fossil fuels and into clean energy, which would help shift even larger sums of public and private money.
Read 25 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
+++ Politicians chatting about a “just transition” in Europe +++

Dark Reality: fossil gas expansion in Africa
Just Solution: climate finance + local renewable energy systems


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@EU_Commission + 🇪🇺-countries need to stop their neocolonial grab for gas in Africa.

Instead, EU leaders must support a #JustTransition on the continent & accelerate a renewable based energy system globally @marietouss1#DontGasAfrica

Read more here:… Image
European governments, esp🇩🇪, proactively push for new gas infrastructure in Africa even though we have local renewable potential in Europe. 🇪🇺leaders: Keep your Glasgow promise + listen to the @Europarl_EN: end new support for fossil fuels! @EU_Commission @vonderleyen @OlafScholz
Read 6 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
🌍As #COP27 is about to begin, @Luisamneubauer @FoEint @CANEurope @Global_Witness @Germanwatch @ciel_tweets @amisdelaterre @AlbaGlezVilla & +100 signatories urge European govts to grasp this historic moment & act as true climate leaders.

New fossil #gas in Africa would:

🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿Destroy livelihoods, public health & biodiversity
💰 Undermine African development, saddling countries with more debt & stranded assets
☀️Prevent finance going to energy access & a transition to clean energy in Africa…
.@EU_Commission 🇪🇺 needs to stop jeopardizing Africa’s development & access to electricity. Instead, as @marietouss1 says, EU leaders must support a #JustTransition in the continent & accelerate a renewable based energy system globally.

Read 5 tweets

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