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Today, we take a look back at the third of Cardano’s roadmap phases: Goguen.

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The Goguen phase

The Mary upgrade allowed Cardano users to mint tokens, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), without smart contracts.

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The Alonzo upgrade introduced smart contracts, adding the ability to build #DApps on #Cardano.

Alonzo also introduced the world to #Plutus, a purpose-built #smartcontract dev language and execution platform.

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Read 8 tweets
A look into @SundaeSwap published #Tokenomics vs. #OnChain reality 🔍

A thread 🧵

#Cardano #ADA #SundaeSwap #Transparency #Accountability #NFT #eUTXO #DEX Image
1) It seems like Sundaeswap originally placed tokens into #eUTXOs with respect to the posted #tokenomics, looking at the early eUTXOs. However, it also seems that this intentional separation did not work out.
2) Additionally, looking at the published tokenomics and the on-chain reality captured by the #token distribution over wallets, it becomes hard to identify which portion of the tokens are indented for the advertised use case. Image
Read 10 tweets
@MELD_labs #Tokenomics: Someone asked in our previous @nmkr_io thread if we generally have observed smart contract-based vesting: We think so, but we have yet to confirm our observation officially. (@flubdubster)

A thread 🧵

#ADA #MELD #transparency #accountability #NFT #eUTXO Image
1) Upon initial research, it seems that #MELD is seemingly using a smart contract to operate its various vesting schedules.
2) We kindly ask the @MELD_labs team for more information about this smart contract and its uses, is it meant for vesting schedules as theorized?

👇 See link 👇…
Read 9 tweets
#Cardano in 2022 Thread👇🧵1/12

✔️#ADA is a Launchpad Token 💫
✔️ISPO "Airdrops" are a game changer
✔️Our protocols will be an eUTxO rebirth for crypto
✔️Community is everything
✔️We are stronger together. #Cardano is a people.

Hope you enjoy!
So let's do it!

Cardano's staking turns $ADA into a launchpad token. Simply stake and get "airdropped" tokens to projects with insane potential🤯

Check out @lss_cardanopool rewards:
- Lifetime 4.127% APY on ADA
- @ArdanaProject $DANA
- @Indigo_protocol $INDY

uh... SIGN ME UP🤘
Here's a shoutout to @InglesAlbert who helps run LSS. Your thoughts caught my eye for their insightfulness & quality content.

Your community involvement is how I found LSS and I'm thrilled to redelegate a fat stack of my ADA to y'alls pool for them JUICY rewards

Thank you!
Read 12 tweets
مدل دفتر کل مبتنی بر حساب اتریوم در حال حاضر بر فضای DeFi تسلط دارد.

اما DeFi در #کاردانو در حال افزایش است.

در اینجا دلایلی وجود دارد که چرا معماری E-UTxO ledger #Cardano نسبت به مدل مبتنی بر حساب #Ethereum برتری دارد.

همراه باشید تا ببینیم کت تن کیه..😉👇
خب برای اینکه بهتر درک کنیم این نوشتار رو باید یکی دو تا مطلب رو اول کار بگم..!
دوستان اصطلاحات این صنعت هنوز کاملا جدیده..!
در نتیجه خیلی از مواقع وقتی اون کلمه رو به فارسی برش میگردونی معنی دقیق رو نمیده پیشاپیش بخاطر ترجمه نکردن بعضی از کلمات پوزش میطلبم🙏👇
برای درک بهتر اول باید مدل های مختلف حسابداری رو بشناسیم:
مدل حسابداری #بیتکوین (پادشاه فعلی مارکت) که با UTXO یا همون تراکنش های خرج نشده-مدل لجر شناخته میشه

چرا ساتوشی #بیتکوین رو اختراع کرد..؟
تا پول اینترنتی بدون مجوز باشد
Read 23 tweets
1. In the next 6-12 months, people will slowly understand Cardano's true and original vision, as well as its power. Our current L1 alone, is not the complete #Cardano Protocol, here is why and where it is headed, a massive thread on everything Cardano: @IOHK_Charles @IOHKMedia
2. While our scalable and low-cost #L1 is spectacular, with a novel #eUTXO ledger, brand new dApps with Plutus, predictable fees, fast transactions and the best security both in dApps and in the protocol itself, Cardano aims to be the best of all worlds, this includes #EVM.
3. #Mamba will bring sidechains with EVM and other capabilities, such as use-case specific side-chains like Catalyst or other on-chain voting systems, ensuring transparency and security while being fast and low cost. EVM on side-chains will be Ethereum but fast, cheap and secure.
Read 20 tweets

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