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Spent this morning visiting a shelter for Ukrainian refugees in Tijuana.

Spent the afternoon at a shelter @ImmDef visits regularly to provide legal services to mostly Haitian & Central American families.

The differences between the two are stark and soul-shattering. đŸ§”
While the Ukrainian refugees at the Tijuana shelter are in extremely challenging circumstances, the shelter itself is secure, clean & well organized. There is safe transport to the border, plenty of food & clothing.

And most importantly: OPTIONS for those sheltered there.
Meanwhile, at shelter where we provide legal services to brown & Black migrants trapped in MX for months/yrs, conditions are incredibly challenging. Even more disturbing the men, women & children sheltered there have essentially no options to seek protection. #EndMPP #EndTitle42
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Last week ImmDef's Directing Attorney of our Cross-Border Initiative in San Diego, @CargioliM, was in court on the first day of resumed MPP 2.0 hearings to observe. This thread details what she witnessed. #EndMPP #RestoreAsylumNow #WelcomeWithDignity #AccessToJustice
Asylum seekers in MPP only have from 10 to 12 to potentially meet w/ lawyers on their day in court. That is if they can find a lawyer willing to represent them while being forced to remain in Tijuana, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. #DueProcess #AccessToCounsel
On the first day of MPP court in San Diego since the Biden administration decided to resume the deadly program, there are two judges hearing 7 cases. In the days and weeks ahead these numbers will sadly increase as more and more human beings are placed into MPP.
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Today, we, along with @ImmDef @TransLawCenter @JFSSD + @sdACLU filed a complaint asking @DHSOIG to investigate @CBP’s failure to expeditiously process urgent humanitarian parole applications. Right now humanitarian parole is practically the only path to safety in the U.S.
In recent months, dozens of applications for urgent humanitarian parole filed by all of us have gone unanswered for weeks, if not months or denied with no explanation
Some of the pending applications include:

- A family with a 3yr old child who has urgent medical needs due to suffering from epilepsy + the frequent seizures caused by the condition.

- A family with a baby who has intracranial hypertension, epilepsy + fluid in the brain.
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For two years, the Remain in Mexico policy, aka the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), has trapped 70,000+ people, including tens of thousands of children, in dangerous conditions. Here are the stories of some of the many children harmed by this policy.

After surviving rape and courageously raising her voice, Ana sought safety at our border only to be denied a fair chance to tell her story and get deported to the same threats she had fled, under the Remain in Mexico policy. CW: Rape and violence. #EndMPP

Oscar was only six when a border official arbitrarily separated him and his father from his mother and brother and forced them to wait in a refugee camp in Mexico for their court hearing. The family is still torn apart. We must #EndMPP now.

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1/On #InaugurationDay  we are here to demand profound changes to the racist, xenophobic, evil immigration system.

We will except nothing less.


2/Save Pro Se.
3/Right to council.
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Towards end of the Obama admin I took my kids to protest his deportation policies. My (now) 11 y/o has asked me since why we went since Trump is much worse. I tell her we went b/c even if you like some things about a friend you still hold them accountable when they are wrong.
I know many friends, particularly immigration lawyers, are worried that if Biden wins the election, he will repeat many of Obama’s mistakes on immigration. I share this worry, but I am holding onto hope b/c I think that so much has changed. We are not the same country we were.
Elected officials who in 2004 I sat in mtgs where they said ‘asylum-seeking kids need to stop coming to the border b/c they are sabotaging chances for imm reform,’ now publicly commit to #EndMPP immediately, stop endless ICE cruelty, & lead with frame that #FamiliesBelongTogether
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Gustavo is 1/2000 children expelled from the country w/o due process nor asylum protections. Gustavo's father spoke w/@Reuters, "Look how they sent him to me, they deported him as if he were grown-up, as if he were a criminal, and he is a child.”
Without @L_Toczylowski stepping in, Gustavo's family would not have known he was expelled. After fleeing death threats and extreme physical attacks on Gustavo who is disabled, they then faced a kidnapping attempt while waiting for a chance to apply for asylum in Ciudad Juarez.
Gustavo and Elida's story highlights the continuation of family separation in the middle of a pandemic. The administration says this is to protect our "health." Family separation, trauma, and kidnappings don't cure COVID-19. #EndMPP #ParoleThemAll
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#FreeThemAll Our client Josie is free after 6 mo in Otay Mesa thanks to the hard work of our legal team & partners
At 22 Josie fled political persecution from Haiti and is now free! 1/3 Image
Josie's asylum officer made a negative finding. We were able to get the IJ to review & vacate it
Meanwhile Josie became one of over 5k ppl who have contracted CV19 while in ICE prison. Luckily she recovered and is on her way home #SafeAndTogether w/her sponsor. Welcome home! 2/3
Though we are ecstatic to see this smile, it shouldn't take 7 organizations, a case of COVID, and 6 months of her life she can't get back to find freedom and safety in the U.S. We must fix this system #RestoreAsylumNow #EndMPP #AbolishICE 3/3
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After 10 hrs waiting at POE yesterday, our family of 5 clients had no choice but to leave and try again today. They returned to POE and are going on 2+ hrs waiting. @CBP is STILL REFUSING THEM A NRI TO SAVE THEIR SON FROM ABDUCTION. Help us demand they #LetThemIn (THREAD) Image
Without your help they will be forced to return and face a looming threat of family separation. All they want is safety. Tell @CBP to let this family in so they can report these abduction threats and save their son's life. The Mexican police ignored their reports. Will @CBP too? Image
UPDATE: Our clients presented themselves at the border on Friday and Saturday and were refused a NRI both days after more hours in the sun. Sadly there are thousands more like them. Watch our Live chat on Understanding Asylum in 2020: We must #EndMPP
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HAPPENING NOW: Our family of 5 clients have been waiting since 8 am @ POE for a non-refoulement interview. Just yesterday other clients were processed. Their child has been threatened w/kidnapping & @CBP refuses to process them. Traveling to save one’s life is essential. (THREAD) Image
CBP says they will not process them b/c of Title 42. Title 42 has an exception for “essential travel”. Saving this child from abduction is essential. Our team gave notice to @CBP a week ago and continued to follow up w/no response. Meanwhile the family bakes in the sun waiting..
It shouldn't take waiting for hours @ POE, a legal team repeatedly giving notice, media reports, tweeting @CBP, or calling Congress for this child and their family be processed for a NRI. While thousands of people cross POE, a family in danger is ignored. #LetThemIn #EndMPP
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As the nation is glued to rising pandemic numbers, attention has diverted away from the injustices #MPP clients are still facing at the border. We must not forget them. Many spend hours @ POE for updated hearing notices stuck in the rain, only to be told to come back the next day
Some fear leaving shelters due to quarantine protocols. Others who can leave, like our clients in the video above, attempt to only have one family member retrieve the notice to reduce the risks of #Covid19, but they are told all family members must be present. Image
The family spent 6 hours in the rain on their second attempt that week being shuffled around several POE. Finally, after speaking with the Mexican consulate who spoke with authorities, Chaparral allowed people to proceed 3 at a time. #RestoreAsylumNow #EndMPP Image
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Thousands of lives are at risk right now. We cannot abandon our sisters & brothers during these troubling times.

Here are 5 things we can do to 🧊 FREEZE 🧊 the spread of #COVID19 in the immigrant community & keep families #SafeAndTogether. Image
Immigrants in detention centers across the country are being held in substandard conditions & in times of crisis this just tends to worsen.

Quarantines of these places are of no use when people cannot socially distance.

@ICEgov must #FreeThemAll. Image
Families continue to be separated thanks to ICE raids, which have NOT stopped, contrary to what the agency has said.

People are already in fear of the virus. @ICEgov must stop torturing the immigrant community and halt all raids. Image
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Apart from the utter cruelty, #MPP hearings continuing is illogical FROM A CONSERVATIVE POINT OF VIEW. It means forcing ppl living in unsanitary conditions to enter US *repeatedly*-CBP agents, ICE lawyers & contractors, & court Judges/staff all risk exposure to #coronavirus 1/
No social distancing in a CBP holding cell. Small cells of cinderblock & metal. The cold temperatures *may* reduce contagion (CBP justification) BUT they also weaken asylum-seekers immune systems & make them more susceptible to the virus, making them better vectors. Exposed. 2/
Asylum-seekers are then transported to court in packed vans by ICE contractors. They’re unionized here in El Paso, & it’s a well-paying, steady job. Means many of the contractors are older & have been on the job for years. Many senior citizens. Many military veterans. Exposed. 3/
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Today, the Supreme Court has allowed the Trump Admin to proceed with its Migrant Protection Protocols.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the judiciary has failed us. They’ve given into funding transfers, the public charge rule, the asylum transit ban and now MPP.
The Supreme Court decision fails to hold the US government accountable for the various human rights abuses that have proliferated under the current administration, including under MPP.
We recognize the humanity of all people, including migrants and we denounce the Supreme Court’s decision, which further upholds the Trump Administration’s racist and shortsighted perception of migration. #EndMPP
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Our Cross-Border Initiative team is back in courtđŸ’ȘFollow this thread to hear what's happening today in San Diego w/IJ O'Connor's #MPP courtroom w/@CargioliM. Out of 32 respondents there is only one attorney present. #RestoreAsylumNow (THREAD)
The room is full of families today. One family has a 2, 4, and 6 yr old. Another woman w/1.5 yr old. He tells the mom that as long as she attends her son definitely does not need to attend the hearing. Young children are exhausted and fell asleep in the courtroom.
One couple w/a child.
O'Connor: How old is your daughter Ma'am?
Father: 1 yr and 8 mo.
O'Connor: Do you answer to Ma'am?
The father apologizes to the judge. The judge repeats the question.
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Yesterday we represented a mom & her toddler during an intrvw where she begged a @USCIS officer not to send her back to MX. During the 4 hr phone intvw, our client recounted two recent kidnapping attempts and said she lives in constant fear for their lives. #RestoreAsylumNOW
Throughout the interview you could hear her toddler, at times crying and sometimes talking, trying to get his mom’s attention. Our client bravely did her best to console, comfort, and entertain her baby while also carefully answering the officer’s adversarial questions.
At one point during the 4 hr phone interview, the child’s crying got louder and it was hard to hear mom’s responses to the officer’s questions. The Officer asked her to please quiet the child, and she said, “it’s really difficult to comfort him because I’m handcuffed.”
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UPDATE: Day 2 attempting to present non-refoulement interviewees at the border. After staying at POE until 8pm+, our attorneys are heading back now. We are presenting 11 clients, 1/2 of which are children at SD/TJ border. @CargioliM #RestoreAsylumNow (THREAD) Image
Our Attorney @CargioliM just landed at POE & will be taking over the account to report.
The young children are patiently awaiting for the U.S. government to recognize their right to a non-refoulement interview. #MPP #SaveAsylum Image
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Director of Legal Services, Joyce Noche gave a powerful speech during MPP press conference. She shared a story of one of her clients, an 18-year-old named Yolanda who had been separated from her pregnant sister when the pair arrived at the border to ask for asylum.⁠
“She was immediately targeted upon return [to Mex], stalked and harassed by people who saw her for what she was — a vulnerable girl with no one to protect her who had been thrown into the streets
 I have never worried as much about my client’s safety as I do about Yolanda.”"
People are dying because of MPP. Help us fight back. Support ImmDef at or click the link in our bio.⁠ ⁠ #EndMPP #RESTOREASYLUMNOW #immdef #immigrantdefenderslawcenter #keepfamiliestogether ⁠ Image
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On train home to LA from SD, I am thinking about all I saw & heard today as we commemorated the 1 year anniversary of the #MigrantPersecutionProtocols by demanding our govt #RestoreAsylumNOW. And I can’t stop thinking about the last case I watched, a mom w/ her 3 kids. (thread)
I wasn’t able to live tweet case b/c IJ Simpson randomly told me I wasn’t allowed to have a phone in court, which isn’t true, but I was too tired to argue. If you read thread @ImmDef today, this was the mom w/ the kids who had to leave & come back at end b/c toddler was crying.
Mom was exhausted and overwhelmed when the court heard her case at 4:30pm. She told the IJ that she was desperate. She begged him to help her, explaining that her kids have asthma and they are sick all the time and getting worse. Her loud, deep sobs made IJ Simpson uncomfortable.
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Thank you @sdACLU for suing the govt to ensure access to counsel during fear of return to Mexico interviews. Now that we are allowed to participate, we see how terrifying, cursory and inadequate this system is. All the more reason to keep fighting to #RestoreAslyumNOW. (THREAD)
From @ImmDef Legal Services Director Joyce Noche: I was on the phone tonight while my client sat in a hielera at the border, pleading with an asylum officer in LA, with an interpreter who accidentally disconnected 3 times during the call.
My client described being kidnapped for 3 months in southern MX with her 5-year old son, she described being held in a house, unable to leave b/c her captors were demanding $6,000. She described how her son lived in fear in captivity, and they often threatened not to feed him.
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@FlySwiftAir you must be so proud. Do you think your children and grandchildren will be proud of you when they find out how you oarticipated in this genocide? Can’t help wondering if the corp execs will be proud when your name is mentioned in future history booksđŸ€”1/15
From a post by Janice Rosenberg to Witness Tornillo Target MPP-Here's an update on the Honduran woman with the two sick children who was deported Tuesday to Guatemala City. They've been located by Every.Last.One and are being given support there:
On 12/30/19, a young mother & her 2 daughters (ages 1 & 6) entered U.S. after fleeing death threats in Honduras. A gang was demanding protection money which they could not pay. Threats were not idle, as this gang had already killed neighbors of theirs, including children.3/15
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Back in #MigrantPersecutionProtocols court for the afternoon in San Diego, now switching to Judge Clemente’s courtroom. ImmDef Director @L_Toczylowski will be breaking down what is happening for everyone who can’t come witness this mockery of justice in person. #RestoreAslyumNOW
This courtroom is packed. There are a few lawyers here, including @CargioliM (ImmDef’s managing atty in San Diego), who is representing a family that includes 3 little girls, all with glittery bows in their hair and the two youngest girls (age 2 and 3) are wearing pink tutus.
With the help of @JFSSD, @ImmDef teamed up w/ @ThinkLawLab to do a quick KYR presentation for the many unrepresented families here. Like all of the triage lawyering we do for #MPP, this is woefully inadequate given that they are about to appear b4 a judge and lives are at stake.
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Although it made 1 DHS agent pretty angry, 3 of us were there to watch as 5 buses, likely full of deportees, got onto a @FlySwiftAir jet at Brownsville Airport, and likely were transported to somewhere in Central America.1/5
This is the promised ramp up of the PACR (Prompt Asylum Claim Review) program, designed to send asylum seekers as far away as possible without giving them time or the means to make their case.
We are watching to see if this is the beginning of the end for MPP, or just supplementary cruelty to handle the new caravans, or poor people’s marches, as I like to think of them, coming up from the ravaged countries south of Mexico. 3/5
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One year later, Remain in Mexico has proven every bit as cruel and catastrophic as we feared. đŸ§”

#RestoreAsylumNow #EndMPP #SaveAsylum
Since January 2019, nearly 60,000 people have been forcibly returned to Mexico under the program, including thousands of families and young children.

#RestoreAsylumNow #EndMPP #SaveAsylum
There have been 816 documented cases of murder, sexual assault, extortion, kidnapping, and other serious violence perpetrated against people entered in the program.

#RestoreAsylumNow #EndMPP #SaveAsylum
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