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May 11th 2023
As Israel continues its massacres in Gaza, killing another 14 indigenous Palestinians, including 4 more children, a pattern emerges pointing to @ElbitSystemsLtd's complicity.
🪡 #ShutElbitDown THREAD👇

But first, let's say the names of the victims:
1- Tareq Ezzeddin, 49
2- Ali Ezzeddin, 9
3- Mayar Ezzeddin, 11
4- Khalil Bahtini, 45
5- Hajar Bahtini, 5
6- Laila Bahtini, 44
7- Yousef Khaswan, 20
8- Dr. Jamal Khaswan, 53
9- Mervat Khaswan, 45
10- Dania Adas, 19
11- Eman Adas, 14
12- Jihad Ghannam, 62
13- Wafa’s Ghannam, 50
14- Yazan Elian, 16
15- Rami Hamdan, 16
16- Lian Medookh, 10
17- Ala’ Baraka, 27
18- Alam Abdul-Aziz, 27
19- Ayman Saidam, 26
20- Tamim Daud, 5
21- Ahmad Shabaki, 51
22- Mohammad T’eima, 25
Read 21 tweets
May 10th 2023
The ratio of dead children-to-grown men in Israel's latest massacre in Gaza created "difficult pictures to explain". So Israel fixed it in the only way it knows how: It executed another 4 grown men.…

🪡 THREAD👇 Indigenous Palestinian prot...Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael ...Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael ...
Saed Ferwana (28) and Wael Agha (34) were executed with a missile to their car in Gaza, while indigenous Palestinian protectors, Ahmad Assaf (19) and Rani Qatanat (24) were killed resisting the Israeli military invasion into Qabatiya.…
That's 17 indigenous Palestinians that Israel killed in the last 24 hours. At least 131 indigenous Palestinians have been killed by Israel's armed forces and armed colonists in 2023. 25 of them children.
Read 32 tweets
May 9th 2023
Not content with a daily execution in the West Bank, Israel goes to its own personal killing field,Gaza, where it can bomb indigenous Palestinians in a concentration camp like fish in a barrel, obliterate families, and call it "self defense".…

🪡 THREAD👇 13 indigenous Palestinians,...
You'll probably hear about how Israel killed Palestinian militants,but you won't hear about their children&wives that it exterminated along with them.Because Israel doesn't kill indigenous guerillas on the battlefield. It assassinates them with bombs in their homes as they sleep.
Here are their names:
1- Tareq Ibarhim Ezzeddin, 49
2- Ali Tareq Ibrahim Ezzeddin, 9
3- Mayar Tareq Ibarhim Ezzeddin, 11
Read 32 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
In this🧵, we tell the events of Jenin refugee camp raid carried out by Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) on Thursday 26 January 2023, resulting in the killing of 10 Palestinians, the injury of 20 according to ministry of health, few of which are in critical conditions. 1/14
Early morning 26 Jan 2023, the IOF; special units driving civilian vehicles, including a Palestinian truck of dairy products, raided Jouret al-Dahab neighbourhood in the middle of Jenin Refugee Camp & sieged a residential building belonging to the Al-Sabbagh family 2/14
Several IOF raided residential buildings near the Al-Sabbagh home, deploying fully armed occupying soldiers, including snipers, into the houses, which were then used as sniper concealment points, terrorizing the civilian residents of these houses & endangering their lives 3/14
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Jan 10th 2023
Nothing terrifies the colony more than evidence of the existence of the indigenous people it's attempting to erase.… #RaisethePalestinianFlag

So terrifying are the indigenous flags to the most heavily armed and technologically advanced colony in the Middle East, that Israel's Minister of National Security calls them "terrorism" and "incitement to terrorism".
Because for Israel, anything Palestinian- from pieces of cloth on a stick to human rights organizations- is terrorism.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
📢 It's been 45 years since the UN established #PalestineDay - and Israeli authorities provide daily reminders of why we still need it. For how much longer will the world tolerate Israel's cruel #apartheid system?
Today and every day, we at Amnesty International stand with #Palestinians as they demand their rights in the face of Israel’s relentless attacks.

We call on our supporters around the world to demonstrate their solidarity by speaking out, however they can, to demand an end to Israel’s apartheid.…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
"We, members of Palestinian civil society and the Palestinian people, don't respect Israeli military orders, will not abide by them, & we will continue with our struggle toward dignity, freedom & self-determination"
- @SJabaren, General Director @alhaq_org…
"[These raids, closures, and threats of imprisonment] are the result of the one year of inaction by the international community, which has not challenged Israel enough to rescind the designations."
- @SJabaren, General Director @alhaq_org
"For the Palestinian people, this international inaction is all too familiar after seven long decades of Israeli impunity and apartheid [..] With massive support, received from our partners and friends around the globe, we continue to operate, and we take pride in our work."
Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
❗️🇮🇱's military probe admits it is "highly probable" that an Israeli soldier shot to death journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, but won't take action against them. 🇨🇦 must demand an independent investigation to hold these murderers accountable! @melaniejoly @CanEmbIsrael @CanadaRepPA Haaretz article: title: Israeli Military Admits 'Highly Prob
@melaniejoly @CanEmbIsrael @CanadaRepPA Unfortunately, Israel's probe spreads misinformation by suggesting that Shireen may have been shot by 'accident', despite multiple independent probes which found no evidence of Palestinian militants in the area and said that the journalists were deliberately targeted by Israel.
@melaniejoly @CanEmbIsrael @CanadaRepPA From the start, multiple eyewitnesses, including several journalists, have insisted that Israeli forces were responsible for the attack, and that Abu Akleh had been deliberately targeted by Israel. These claims have been corroborated by multiple independent analyses.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 18th 2022
“It always seems impossible until it's done.” - Nelson Mandela

Apartheid ended in South Africa, & together we can end Israeli apartheid against Palestinians. On @NelsonMandela International Day we honour a life dedicated to the fight against racism & oppression.

Mandela recognised the similarities between apartheid South Africa & Israel's regime of oppression against Palestinians. He never forgot the pivotal role Israel played in supporting the apartheid regime in South Africa & undermining the global boycott against it.

As a leader of the South African liberation movement that used boycotts & sanctions to undermine the apartheid regime, Mandela helped to establish many of the principles that today guide & inspire the Palestinian-led, global #BDS movement for Palestinian rights.

Read 6 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
🚨 BREAKING: UN experts say Israel’s housing policies in occupied Palestinian territory, including in East Jerusalem, amount to racial segregation.

Similarly, on 30 March 2022, The Human Rights Committee expressed its deep concerns about Israel's discriminatory laws, policies & practices, including structural discrimination & racial segregation.

Also, on 21 March 2022, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT, Prof. @MichaelLynk5 concluded that Israel is committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid against the Palestinians.

Read 4 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
🚨 BREAKING: Apartheid and de facto annexation in practice

1. Israel changes its policy of entry and residence of foreigners into the West Bank to further complicates entry restrictions. Even among foreign nationality holders, Israel racially discriminates against Palestinians🧵
2. The new 97- page ordinance entitled: "Procedure for Entry and Residence for Foreigners in Judea and Samaria Area" replaces the current 4-page Ordinance No. 202, entitled: "Policy of Entry of Foreigners into the West Bank Territories", and will become effective on 22 May 2022.
3. The new, more expansive entry rules represent a clear attempt to restrict, track and trace the travel of foreign nationals to the occupied Palestinian territories, control Palestinian population growth & keep data on the land claims of Palestinians holding foreign nationality.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
🚨 BREAKING: The Human Rights Committee issues its concluding observation on Israel's 5th periodic report, expressing its deep concerns about Israel's discriminatory laws, policies & practices, including structural discrimination & racial segregation, i.e., APARTHIED.

THREAD 🧵 https://tbinternet.ohchr.or...
1. Although the Committee didn't explicitly mention Aparthied, everything in its report did. For example, it reiterated the 2020 recommendations of the Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination. I will provide some highlights here but make sure to read the 11-page doc. https://documents-dds-ny.un...
2. The Committee reaffirmed the applicability of the ICCPR on the OPT including in situations of occupation. It further called on Israel to interpret the ICCPR in "good faith" and to review its legal position of non-applicability. Image
Read 21 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
During the Global Rally Against Israeli Apartheid @yarahawari performed a reading from her debut novella "The Stone House."

Join the rally now:
.@4cdesai reflecting on @yarahawari's reading.

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Our co-host @rananazzalh highlighting that practices from the Nakba remain a daily reality for Palestinians.

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Read 8 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
How does "israel" practice #Apartheid in #Palestine? See short thread to know!

⚠️ Fragmentation into domains of control

‼️At the heart of the system is keeping Palestinians separated from each other into distinct territorial, legal and administrative domains

⚠️ Segregation and Control

‼️Laws and policies that keep Palestinians restricted to enclaves, segregated from israelis, and subject to several measures that control their lives

Read 4 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
What is "Apartheid" definition in international law? See short thread to know ⬇️ #EndIsraeliApartheid
#Apartheid is a prolonged & cruel system of segregation or discrimination on the grounds of race, by one racial group towards another. #EndIsraeliApartheid
Elements of the #Apartheid crime:

⚠️ An intent of a racial group to dominate another

⚠️ Systematic oppression by the dominant group over the marginalised group

⚠️ Inhumane acts

Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Today marks International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, observing the 1960 killing of dozens in South Africa who protested against apartheid laws.

However, apartheid isn't a relic of the past, it's a reality for millions of Palestinians. #EndIsraeliApartheid
Palestinians facing the brutality of Israel’s cruel system of discrimination have been calling on the international community to recognize and take action against Israel’s apartheid.

Palestinians need us to take action against decades of injustice.…
The dispossession and displacement of Palestinians from their homes is a crucial pillar of Israel’s apartheid system. Over 6 million Palestinians remain as refugees and at least 150,000 in Israel & the OPT are at risk of losing their homes.

Here are some of their stories ⬇
Read 8 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
1/4 Ein neuer @amnesty-Bericht beleuchtet das jahrzehntelange Leid der palästinensischen Bevölkerung. Das System der Unterdrückung und Herrschaft in #Israel und den besetzen palästinensischen Gebieten hat einen Namen: #Apartheid 👉 #EndIsraeliApartheid Image
2/4 Das System der #Apartheid wird aufrechterhalten durch: die Verweigerung grundlegender Rechte. ➡️ #EndIsraeliApartheid Image
3/4 Das System der #Apartheid wird aufrechterhalten durch: Zwangsumsiedlung und Landvergabe. ➡️ #EndIsraeliApartheid Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
With today’s landmark @amnesty report, Israeli apartheid is now a matter of wall-to-wall consensus. As more & more recognize reality for what it is, our challenge is to take action to change it & #EndIsraeliApartheid 1/10
Amnesty thoroughly exposes a “system which operates w varying levels of intensity & repression based on Palestinians’ status in the separate enclaves where [they] live.. but ultimately seeks to establish & maintain Jewish hegemony wherever Israel exercises effective control” 2/10
Amnesty’s findings echo those of leading Palestinian & Israeli rights orgs, @hrw & others: that Israeli govt committing the crime of apartheid against millions of Palestinians & that int’l community should end complicity & hold perpetrators to account 3/10
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Jun 9th 2021
We blocked ZIM Volans in #Oakland & now it's headed to Vancouver but our comrades are already in place blocking the Northern Julie! #EndIsraeliApartheid
For #BlockTheBoat #Vancouver text alerts on this action, text your name to (833) 590-1987.
And in case ZIM forgot, #BlockTheBoat Seattle & Tacoma are ready & waiting to mobilize for #Palestine. ZIM Volans may sail from port to port but there is no safe harbor for zionism out here on the west coast!
Subscribe to SeaTac text alerts by texting your name to: (833) 584-1948
Here is the map of ZIM Volans headed into Puget Sound but Vancouver BC knows ZIM isn't welcome anywhere!
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Jun 8th 2021
Guidelines and safety protocols for all those going to the #BlockTheBoat action in so called Vancouver!

#SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveSilwan #FreePalestine #EndIsraeliApartheid

(alt text will be added to the replies here and added to the original tweet by @palyouthmvmt)
Image ID:

The goal of this action is to ensure Zim knows their profiteering from Israeli settler colonialism is not welcome here, not to be arrested.

Block the Boat Guidelines
1. Do not talk to the police. There are police liaisons whose role is to do this. If police talk to you, direct them to the police liaison.

2. If you have a concern or need help during the action, talk to an organizer. Organizers are wearing brightly coloured armbands.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
Beautiful statement from PGFTU in Gaza congratulating #BlockTheBoat in #Oakland and calling on dockworkers around the world to act in solidarity as we continue our international week of action against the Israeli apartheid profiteers at #ZIM. #EndIsraeliApartheid
Elias Al-Jelda, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) in Gaza, June 6, 2021:

"It warms our hearts in the besieged occupied Gaza Strip & the rest of occupied Palestine that our comrades led by AROC [...]
and with the solidarity of our fellow workers in ILWU Local 10, achieved this great #BlockTheBoat victory against ZIM in Oakland. We call upon all dockworkers worldwide to intensify the boycott campaign against ZIM ships and all business profiting from apartheid Israel [...]
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Jun 4th 2021
Following our victory against the Israeli ZIM ship this morning, the Bay Area is gathering again at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in the Port of Oakland to keep the ship from unloading. As long as the ship is here, we will be as well! #BlockTheBoat #BDS #EndIsraeliApartheid Image
Plenty of time to come join us! Let ZIM know that their apartheid profiteering isn’t welcome in Oakland!

2777 Middle Harbor Rd, Oakland, CA 94607

#BlockTheBoat #BDS Image
Picketers are beginning to arrive to port entrances ahead of the 6PM work shift in Oakland. #BlockTheBoat #BDS #EndIsraeliApartheid
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Jun 4th 2021
The first picketers begin to arrive at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park at the Port of Oakland to #BlockTheBoat! Come join us!
#BDS #EndIsraeliApartheid ImageImageImageImage
No promises. #BlockTheBoat #BDS ImageImage
Picketers begin arriving at terminal entrances at the Port of Oakland. We will be here until the apartheid-profiting ZIM ship leaves for good! #BlockTheBoat #BDS ImageImage
Read 19 tweets

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