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May 8th 2021
A #thread on the Jyotirlingas renovated by Marathas

#Jyotirlingas #MarathaEmpire #Hindutva #HarHarMahadevॐ #HarHarMahadev Image
The Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga temple at Ujjain

Ramchandra Sukhtankar, Peshwa's Diwan, br0ke down the mosque built at the same place, and built the present Mahakaleshwar Temple between 1734-45.

#Ujjain #jyotirlinga ImageImageImageImage
1777 CE: Ahilyabai Holkar built the present temple of Kashi Vishwanath (with golden pinnacles) at Varanasi.

#KashiVishwanath ImageImage
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Jan 1st 2021
#Thread: Battle of #BhimaKoregaon.

The slant history writing of Marxist historians have defiled Indian History.

The Battle of Koregaon is still used by Leftists to spread their vicious propaganda.

It is of utmost importance that the lies associated with this are busted.

Myth 1: Battle of #BhimaKoregaon was fought between 500 Mahars and 28000 Peshwas.

First of all, there was only ‘1’ Peshwa.

Second, this battle was fought between the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company.

No.of troops:

British: 824 + Artillery
Marathas: 1800

Myth 2: The British won this war.

Battle of Bhima Koregaon was a Maratha Victory.

Mountstuart Elphinstone, a famous Scottish Historian, who visited the battlefield immediately after the battle, himself said this.

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Aug 18th 2020
🚩#Thread: Shrimant Thorle Bajirao: The Expansionist Peshwa🚩

I pay my humble tributes to one of India’s greatest cavalry generals, a man who fought 41 battles and is reputed to have lost none, on his 320th Birth Anniversary.


The death of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj’s first #Peshwa & Bajirao’s father, Balaji Vishwanath left the #Chhatrapati in doubt. Several of his advisors advised him not to handover the premiership to Bajirao.

From a very young age, #Bajirao used to accompany...

...his father on expeditions & diplomatic missions. Hence, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj was convinced that Bajirao was the right person to overthrow the Nizam.

On 17th April, 1720, a 19-year-old Bajirao became the Peshwa of the #MarathaEmpire.

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Jul 21st 2020
After the #AgrimaJoshua incident, most of my #NorthIndian friends (some are left-leaning) mocked me for criticising her & asked me what’s the big deal in addressing him as ‘Shivaji’.

This #Thread is for all of them who don’t know much about #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj.

Around 230 BCE, #Maharashtra came under the rule of the #Satvahana dynasty for 400 years.

It was also ruled by the Western Satraps, the #Guptas, Gurjaras-Pratiharas, Vatakas, Kadambas, Chalukyas, #Rashtrakutas and the Western #Chalukyas before finally, the #Yadava Rule.

In short, #Maharashtra was ruled by #Hindu Kings.

Unfortunately, in the early 14th century, the Yadava Dynasty was overthrown by the Islamic Invader #AlauddinKhilji, who was then, the Sultan of #Delhi. This marked the beginning of #Islamic Rule in Maharashtra.

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May 21st 2020
तलवारींचे प्रकार!!! एकूण तलवारींचे प्रकार किती आहेत असे पेजवरील एका मित्राने मेसेज पाठवला आहे. तर, तलवारींचे प्रकार हा पुन्हा विवादास्पद विषय असून वेगवेगलर तज्ञ, अभ्यासक आणि संग्रहालय संकलक यांच्यात मतांतरे आहेत.

#मराठी #मराठा #इतिहासमहाराष्ट्राचा #इतिहास #History #india
आपापल्या परीने तलवारींचे प्रकार, उपप्रकार आणि देश-परिस्थिती-घडण या प्रमाणे त्यात कमी-अधिक संख्या दिसून येते. मुळात, तलवारींचे प्रकार किती अशी वर्गवारी करणे यापेक्षा तलवारींची कार्यशैली काय यावरून मुख्य प्रकार ठरवून,
मग त्यातील वेगवेगळ्या घडण याप्रमाणे उपप्रकार किंवा variant ठरवावेत असे आमचे मत आहे. जगातील प्रमुख तज्ञ किंवा संकलक हे ही अशीच वर्गवारी करतात. नाहीतर, या विषयाला निश्चित स्वरूप आणि पूर्णत्व यावयाचे नाही. विषय मोठा आहे, तरी आपण आज तलवारींचे कार्यशैली बध्द मुख्य प्रकार पाहू:
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Jan 11th 2020
Thread on #TanajiTheUnsungWarrior

Why should we watch #Tanhaji
#GuerillaWarfare #MarathasStrategicWarfare

The #MarathaEmpire was founded by the Maratha warrior #ChhatrapatiShivaji, in response to the chaos and misrule that prevailed in the Deccans in the late 17th century,
which occurred as the Mughal Empire expanded into southern India. Hindu nationalists revere the Maratha Empire, which has its origins amongst Hindu warrior people of the western Deccan peninsula.
Hindu nationalists revere these spirited warriors who are not just supremely brave, but also are backed by absolutely brilliant warfare strategy and wisdom, because they reversed centuries of steadily increasing Muslim political control/dominance & misrule over the subcontinent.
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Nov 17th 2018
Why We called Gupta Dynasty "The Golden Age of India "

This phrase called ' Golden age of India' has been first described by the great Indologist, Vincent Smith in his book ' Oxford History of India, volume one

The same Vincent Smith has for the first time called Samudragupta , the ' napoleon of india'.

The Gupta empire is the fourth largest empire of India covering an area of 3.5 million sq km, after Maurya's, British, Mughal empires, in that order

The main reasons why it was called golden age is because if advancement in various fields of human development like trade, science and technology, military, social and economic order, religion, art and architecture, etc

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