This phrase called ' Golden age of India' has been first described by the great Indologist, Vincent Smith in his book ' Oxford History of India, volume one
The Gupta empire is the fourth largest empire of India covering an area of 3.5 million sq km, after Maurya's, British, Mughal empires, in that order
1) Trade: Even before Gupta empire, India was the richest country in the world ( a position she maintained till around 18th century). Its trade mainly comprises of two routes
Zero, decimal, system, value of pi were invented and calculated in this era

yet to be repeated in anyOther country
Hence, it can be said that Gupta Era was the ' Golden age of India
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They successfully established the “MARATHA EMPIRE”, Which is credited for ending the Mughal rule in India.
Instead of marrying their daughters to Mughals these Maratha warriors have shed their blood and sacrificed their lives to protect ‘Sanatan Dharma’
1)Chhatrapati Shivaji
He led a resistance to free the Hindus from the Sultanate of Bijapur 1645 and establish“Hindavi Swarajya”He created an independent Maratha Kingdom with Raigad as its capital&successfully fought against the Mughals to defend his kingdom
when Aurengzeb had embarked on the 'Islamisation' of India. It is the Marathas, inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji, who fought Aurengzeb and saved India from following the fate of ‘Persia’
......God-fearing king and verily a manifestation of all the virtues of a born leader of men described in our ancient scriptures. He also embodied the deathless spirit of our land and stood as the light of hope for our future

2)Chhatrapati Sambhaji
He was a true Dharmaveer(‘Protector of Dharma’), who just like his father Chhatrapati Shivaji, did not bow before Aurangzeb. He single handedly fought with the massive army of Aurangzeb for 9 years.... Continue
Year1689, Aurangzeb captured Sambhaji.Ordered to bow before Aurangzeb and convert to Islam. It was his refusal to do so,Aurangzeb brutallytortured Sambhaji for more tn 40 days.Tattered and bleedinghe was brought before the Emperor and repeated his refusal
Sambhaji told Aurangzeb that He will Live Thousand Times, He will Die Thousand Times, But He will Never leave ‘Hindu Dharma’—

His tongue was torn&again the question was put. He called for writing material and wrote 'Not even if the emperor bribed me with his daughter!' So then he was put to death by torture. By doing so he earned the title of Dharmaveer ("Protector of dharma")
3)Bajirao Peshwa
Bajirao is credited with expanding the Maratha Empire in India which contributed to its reaching a zenith during his son's reign 20after his death.He fought over 41 battles before his death in April1740 and is reputed to have never lost one

According to the British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, Bajirao was possibly ‘the finest cavalry general’ ever produced by India

Bajirao was a tall and well-built man who in spite of his young age possessed great military skills. From the very beginning he set his eyes upon extending the Maratha Empire. .... Continue
He embarked on his first major campaign in 1723 and conquered Malwa followed by Gujarat. Then he went on to annex most of central India and even dared to attack the imperial Delhi