This #Thread is for all of them who don’t know much about #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj.

It was also ruled by the Western Satraps, the #Guptas, Gurjaras-Pratiharas, Vatakas, Kadambas, Chalukyas, #Rashtrakutas and the Western #Chalukyas before finally, the #Yadava Rule.
Unfortunately, in the early 14th century, the Yadava Dynasty was overthrown by the Islamic Invader #AlauddinKhilji, who was then, the Sultan of #Delhi. This marked the beginning of #Islamic Rule in Maharashtra.
These were eventually absorbed by the #MughalEmpire.
Finally, a ray of hope appeared in the form of Chhatrapati #ShivajiMaharaj.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s mother and Guru...

Influenced by this, #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj founded the #MarathaEmpire to establish the ‘#HindaviSwarajya’.

Even though this is a hypothetical question, it terrifies me to even imagine its horrors.
1. First of all, the #MarathaEmpire would not have come into existence...

4. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration but India would’ve still been under the #MughalRule.
Not just did Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj save us from all these horrors, he also taught us several values like religious tolerance, equality, justice, etc.

He was the first to understand the importance of a Naval Force. #ChhatrapatiShivajiMaharaj is known as the ‘Father of #IndianNavy’.

So, the next time you think of making a derogatory remark against him, think about all this. I am sure, your self-conscience will stop you.
🚩#JaiShivajiJaiBhavani 🚩