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Mar 8th 2022
Currently the only way to get life-saving humanitarian supplies to #Tigray is by air. The Govt is not facilitating movement of humanitarian trucks by road. With @USAID support, @WFP_UNHAS added a 2nd plane to its operations in Tigray to transport more aid to those in need. (1/3)
The add’l plane increases cargo capacity from about 40 metric tons of aid per week to nearly 200! @WFP_UNHAS has now transported 210 MT of aid to #Mekele. Proud to support this improvement, but it’s not enough… (2/3)
200 metric tons is only about 5 truckloads of supplies & the humanitarian response in #Tigray needs 500+ trucks of supplies weekly. The Govt must facilitate unhindered access for aid trucks–it’s the only way to meet the scale of needs.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 24th 2021

🇪🇹 Ethiopian Air Force waited for rainy season (cloudy) to come to an end before conducting targeted air strikes.

Targets are military installations & weapon depots used to command the #TigrayRebels from #Mekele.
Tank repair units, weapon depots & military comms units destroyed in past week.

Civilian casualties avoided at all costs.
Reports emerging from Tigrayans in #Mekele that TPLF refuse to allow civilians to leave city.

TPLF are hiding military depots & installations in regional capital.

💬 ‘FREE ACTION’ authorised on anyone caught fleeing city. In other words, shoot-to-kill.
Read 11 tweets
May 11th 2021
#Ethiopia is committed to rebuilding #Tigray and ensuring that citizens are sufficiently provided for while #rebuilding efforts are being exerted. We welcome the #international community’s support in efforts to scale up #HumanitarianAssistance and close existing gaps. 1/11
Following actions have been taken in #Tigray: The second round of #HumanitarianAssistance has delivered food and other essential items to 2.7 million people; 2/11
Emergency #shelters and non-food item kits supplied to over 245,000 displaced persons in #Tigray; 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
- #Mekele & #Adigrat - densely populated regions
- 1992-2012 (Meles)📉Infant Mortality by 36.5%
- #Ethiopia has a youthful population (60% is <25years old)
- Morality rate of mother while giving birth is high
- 42% lacked access to water
- 72% struggled to maintain sanitation
2/8 - #TigrayGenocide - Tigray:
- Remains w/out food & water
- Lack of medicine (looted/destroyed) - concern for sanitization & health +COVID-19
- Women giving birth on-route while seeking Asylum
- Current death # >9K
- Education & livelihood jeopardized
Stats from Nov. 2020:
- >222K IDP
- Critical humanitarian aid needed
- Nov. 28-#Abiy claimed victory

Stats from end of 2020 (Ethnic profiling): #Tigrayans were
- Dismissed from their jobs
- Unable to leave #Ethiopia
- Detained| jailed - corruption of the justice system
Read 8 tweets
Nov 15th 2020

The War That Should Never Have Been Fought

I need to get these thoughts off my chest. We now find ourselves in a war that should have never happened. War is ugly. War puts innocent people in danger. War is distractive. Most people know that.
Nobody needs to be lectured on how bad war is, particularly Ethiopians. You know who said no to war? Kinijit/CUD and Hibret/UEDF in 2005 when facing #TPLF-led EPRDF for an election.
You know who said no to war? Peaceful protesters who were met by live bullets on their heads and backs, in the aftermath of the bloody 2005 elections, which TPLF-led EPRDF rigged. You know who said no to war?
Read 21 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
Hace solo unos meses paseaba por las calles de #Mekele en el Tigray. Hoy la región está en guerra. Uno de los países clave del cuerno de África se adentra en un conflicto civil de consecuencias imprevisibles. El porqué es complejo, os doy aquí unas pistas. Abro hilo
En los 80 regiones del Tigray etíope y la actual Eritrea se levantaron en armas contra el Gobierno de Mengistu (unidos a otras regiones). Lo derrocaron (91) y el TPLF (en una coalición de Gob: EPRDF) apostó por generar un estado basado en el etnofederalismo. Aquí la primera clave
El etnofederealismo es un sistema federal que configura el reparto territorial y de poder a las distintas etnias de Etiopía, dejando incluso la puerta abierta a la independencia de las mismas. La primera consecuencia, la separación de Eritrea. Pero habrá muchas otras.
Read 8 tweets

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