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Mar 1st 2020
The last 4 days have been busier than normal for us at @NCDCgov

We‘ve been responding to our 1st #COVID19 case, & associated panic. One thing we’re grateful for, is that the structures we built in the last 4 years have enabled our response in last 4 days

Within 12 hours of the case presenting at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, we carried out laboratory tests, confirmed #COVID19 and issued a press release. Within 24 hours, we updated our advisory for the general public and other response activities
The 4 labs with the capacity to test for #COVID19 in #Nigeria are the NCDC Reference Lab & 3 other labs within our network of molecular labs

When #COVID19 started in China, we were able to set up testing in Nigeria in weeks, because we already had labs with required equipment
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2019
This year, I have enjoyed sharing our experience at @NCDCgov through the #NCDCSundayReflections.

Each week provided an opportunity to share our progress or challenges or plans.

Today, I will share reasons we are grateful for the year 2019 Image
I am grateful for the progress we made this year, some of which I shared in my latest opinion piece
I am deeply grateful to the #NCDCTeam who go over and beyond in the delivery of our mandate to protect the health of Nigerians.

An incredible honour to lead such a great Team Image
Read 7 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
This week was about celebrating the excellent work done by the #NCDCTeam across our three campuses in Lagos and Abuja, in 2019.

It has been another long but greatly fulfilling year and I’m proud of our work

#NCDCSundayReflections ImageImageImageImage
At the end of year townhall, our Departments shared the progress they have made in the implementation of our agency’s strategy plan.

Our Administrative Department spoke about the various organisational improvement initiatives that have been implemented this year Image
Our Laboratory Department spoke about the progress they have made this year, in establishing a new research lab and carrying out research on various pathogens, developing molecular diagnostic and sequencing capacity, improving the coordination of the network of labs and others ImageImage
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Dec 1st 2019
Last week, we hosted the #NCDCPartners Day.

Over the last three years, we have built and strengthened partnerships with national, regional and global organisations. Several institutions work closely with us in protecting the health of #Nigerians

#NCDCSundayReflections Image
Building partnerships requires a lot of investment.

At @NCDCgov, we have spent some of the last 3 years building our internal capacity to work with partners, manage funds, implement activities, develop and maintain trust. ImageImageImageImage
More importantly, the development of the NCDC Strategy Plan & the National Action Plan for Health Security means that we are able to clearly outline our priorities and define expected outputs.

This is a critical aspect of country ownership. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Oct 20th 2019
Today makes it five years since @WHO declared Nigeria #Ebola free.

The events of 5 years ago is a constant reminder on why we MUST build a resilient health security structure for #Nigeria.

#NCDCSundayReflections Image
Across the world, we increasingly recognise that the capacity to prevent, detect and respond to infectious diseases is best developed and sustained in national public health institutes.

This is why we continue to build a resilient workforce at @NCDCgov ImageImage
About 3 years ago, we developed the NCDC strategy plan, articulating our vision to build a strong agency that can protect the health of all Nigerians

Since then, the #NCDCTeam has worked hard towards this. We’ve made rapid progress in some areas & continue to work towards others ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 13th 2019
For the last two months, the #NCDCTeam has been working with colleagues at @NphcdaNG & in states, to respond to an outbreak of #yellowfever in #Bauchi and four other states.

Outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases provide a setback for health security

#NCDCSundayReflections ImageImage
#Yellowfever is a disease that has a vaccine that provides life-long immunity once taken.

This means that people who have the disease in Nigeria either:

1. Missed the vaccine given at routine childhood immunisation
2. Traveled to Nigeria without getting the vaccine Image
While we at @NCDCgov continue to respond to these outbreaks, it is important for Nigerians to take better responsibility for their health.

Ensure you, your family members, friends, colleagues and workers are vaccinated against #yellowfever Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
Honoured to be re-appointed to serve our country, as Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control @NCDCgov. Also happy to continue to share this journey with you all, through #NCDCSundayReflections Image
The last 3 years have been fulfilling. Working with an excellent and dedicated #NCDCTeam, the leadership of @Fmohnigeria and our supportive partners, we have made important progress for health security in #Nigeria. However, we are not where we want to be....yet ImageImageImageImage
One of my biggest sources of pride is the growth of our #NCDCTeam. Not just in size, but also leadership opportunities, increased responsibilities, improved capacities, publications in major science journals, North-South collaboration & several more. No institution without people ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28th 2019
Ahead of Workers Day on Wednesday this week, I would love to share about the amazing Team of people working to ensure health security in #Nigeria
This tweet by my brother & colleague @chukslassacare has several RTs! Grateful that people are learning more about the extraordinary efforts done by health workers in managing infectious diseases in #Nigeria. The growth of #FMCOwo is an amazing one to tell
Nearly every week, we have colleagues deployed as NCDC Rapid Response Team members, away from their families and 'comfort zones', working in states to support outbreak response, with no extra benefits but the personal fulfillment each person feels
Read 8 tweets
Mar 31st 2019
One of our biggest but admittedly most interesting challenge has been responding to a lot of #fakenews. Headlines and stories that do not reflect the true story at @NCDCgov despite our #opendata

I'm grateful that journalists and organisations are doing more to ensure better reporting of health data. Two weeks ago, the #NCDCTeam supported the facilitation of a health journalism masterclass. We do this to show our willingness to be held accountable by the public
Over the weekend, we saw a publication stating @NCDCgov has relied solely on funding from @CDCgov since its establishment. This is not true as the Government of Nigeria funds NCDC as a government agency and partners like the US-CDC support
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2018
This has been one of the most exciting weeks for all of us at
@NCDCgov. The signing of the #NCDCBill has been a seven-year dream for many people. Finally, we have a legal mandate to continue protecting the health of Nigerians
Monday November 12- Long flight from #IMED2018 panel in Vienna, to @AFENETAfrica Ministerial meeting/conference in Maputo. While reflecting on the engagements and what it meant for @NCDCgov, the good news came- Mr President had announced the signing of the #NCDCBill
The #NCDCAct means a lot to us and for the country. It means our national public health institute has improved access to required specialised resources to protect the health of Nigerians. One we recognise with a high sense of responsibility
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