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Aug 26th 2021
Today I learned I am being #racially #profiled by my university @etsu. they saw I am shipping boxes from California and without asking me assumed the #mexican must be shipping drugs. They are questioning all my students and opening an investigation. This is surreal. @ETSUnews
Thank you all for all your support. I never thought something like this could happen. This is a very difficult time for my family, my students and myself. Please RT if you feel like it. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.
I want to again thank everyone for all your support during this difficult time. While the univ @etsu leaders are still yet to acknowledge the pain that my students, family and myself went through, they closed the investigation. Of course they had no evidence. Thank you all.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 9th 2019
1 to 20. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world 🤨👇🏼…
21. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world 🤨👇🏼…
Read 148 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
Let’s talk about this City’s history with #exclusionary #land use and zoning laws. #Redlining

Thread 👇🏾
Across the country, including Seattle, #racially #restrictive housing covenants became common in the 1920s. Those covenants were challenged in the courts and in 1926 our U.S. Supreme Court put a stamp of approval on those racially restrictive covenants.
Layered on top of these covenants were financial lending policies that prevented the sale of a single-family home located in a racially restricted area from being sold to a non-white person. This is how #redlining came to be in #Seattle and across the Country.
Read 5 tweets

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